13 research outputs found

    The Impact of Pre-Marital Counseling and Psychological Variables on Marital Satisfaction Among Married Couples in Laterbiokoshie, Accra, Ghana

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    The study examined the effect of pre-marital counseling on marital satisfaction and the relationship of three psychological variables, intimacy, self-esteem and locus of control among married couples who received marital counseling and married couples who did not receive marital counseling. The study employed a cross-sectional survey. Standardized questionnaires were used to assess all variables of interest. Data entry, validation and analysis was done using the Statistical Product and Services Solution software (SPSS version 25). The total number of study participants were 720. The sample was predominantly female, 430 (60%) and Christian, 675 (94%). Study participants who were married by ordinance comprised 400 (56%) and most of them attended pre-marital counseling 470 (65%) for at least five months (Mean, S.D. = 5.543.44). The results showed that couples who attended pre-marital counseling before marriage were more significantly satisfied with their marriages than those who did not attend pre-marital counseling before marrying [t(718) = 2.050, p<.05]. Intimacy and self-esteem significantly influenced marital satisfaction among married couples who received pre-marital counseling, whereas only intimacy had a significant influence among couples who did not receive pre-marital counseling. Pre-marital counseling should be encouraged in all counseling centers and churches

    Assessment of knowledge and quality of essential newborn care practices in La Dade Kotopon Municipality, Ghana.

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    Majority of neonatal deaths in developing countries have been associated with inappropriate or poorly practiced newborn care, specifically safe cord care, optimal thermal care and early initiation and practice of exclusive breastfeeding. There is limited information about the quality of these essential newborn care practices in Accra, Ghana. The main objective of this study was to assess the knowledge about and quality of essential newborn care practices (ENC) and determine related factors in La Dade Kotopon Municipal Assembly, Accra, Ghana. A questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study was conducted among 423 mothers and caregivers in two hospitals to assess safe cord care, optimal thermal care and exclusive breastfeeding. Knowledge was assessed using eight statements regarding ENC and categorized as 'Adequate knowledge' and 'Inadequate knowledge' using a composite score. Practices were similarly categorized as 'Good' and 'Poor' ENC. Data were exported from Microsoft Excel into STATA version 15 for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were generated and inferential analysis was done using chi-square test and logistic regression to determine factors associated with good ENC at 95% confidence level. All respondents sampled participated in the study. A total of 263 (62%) respondents had adequate knowledge and 308 (73%) respondents practiced appropriate newborn care ('Good' ENC). The likelihood of appropriate newborn care practices was lower among mothers/caregivers who were unemployed (AOR = 0.13, 95% CI: 0.09-0.26), who had a home delivery (AOR = 0.17, 95% CI: 0.11-0.69) and made their first antenatal visit in the third trimester (AOR = 0.02, 95% CI: 0.01-0.35) compared to their counterparts. Knowledge of ENC was not associated with practice in this study. Appropriate newborn care practices were relatively high among the respondents. Improving sources of livelihood and targeted education to encourage early antenatal visits and facility-based births might improve newborn care where it is inadequate

    Correction to: Factors associated with late presentation of cervical cancer cases at a district hospital: a retrospective study

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    It has been highlighted, that the original article [1] contained errors in Fig. 1. On the 3rd level, the first box should read “Records with any required information = 157” and the second box should read “Records without any required information = 0”. Those were incorrectly captured as “Records with complete information = 157” and “Records without any required information = 157” respectively in the original article. This Correction article shows the correct Fig. 1

    Factors associated with late presentation of cervical cancer cases at a district hospital: a retrospective study

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    Abstract Background Cervical cancer is the leading and most common female cancer among women in Ghana. Although there are screening methods to detect premalignant lesions for treatment, screening coverage in Ghana is 2.8% and late presentation of cases complicates treatment efforts. This study examined the sociodemographic, clinical and histological characteristics associated with late presentation of cervical cancer cases attending Gynecological Oncology care at Catholic Hospital, Battor. Methods One hundred and fifty-seven medical records of confirmed cases of cervical cancer reporting to the Outpatient Obstetrics and Gynecology Department between 2012 and 2016 were reviewed. Relevant data were retrieved using abstraction forms. Socio demographic variables investigated were level of education attained, marital status, National Health Insurance Scheme membership, employment status, place of residence and distance from hospital. Clinical variables included intermenstrual/postmenopausal bleeding, previous screening history, previous smoking history, age at menarche and number of children. Histological variables included subtypes of tumour and characteristics of tumour. Pearson’s chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were used to determine correlates of late stage at presentation with cervical cancer. Sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the effect of missing data. Results Approximately two-thirds (65.97%) of the cases presented in advanced stages of cervical cancer. Level of education, age at menarche and previous screening history were included in a regression model and adjusted for age. Age at menarche (n = 66) was eliminated from the model after sensitivity analysis. Among the remaining variables, only previous screening history was predictive of late stage at presentation of cervical cancer cases. Previously unscreened cases of cervical cancer were nearly four times more likely to present late, compared to those who had been screened previously (OR 3.91; 95% CI 1.43–10.69). No association was observed with sociodemographic and histological characteristics. Conclusion Lack of previous screening was associated with late presentation of cervical cancer at Catholic Hospital, Battor. Efforts to promote early cervical cancer screening should be intensified and future studies may explore an association with age at menarche

    Solid medical waste: a cross sectional study of household disposal practices and reported harm in Southern Ghana

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    Abstract Background Solid medical waste (SMW) in households is perceived to pose minimal risks to the public compared to SMW generated from healthcare facilities. While waste from healthcare facilities is subject to recommended safety measures to minimize risks to human health and the environment, similar waste in households is often untreated and co-mingled with household waste which ends up in landfills and open dumps in many African countries. In Ghana, the management of this potentially hazardous waste stream at household and community level has not been widely reported. The objective of this study was to investigate household disposal practices and harm resulting from SMW generated in households and the community. Methods A cross-sectional questionnaire survey of 600 households was undertaken in Ga South Municipal Assembly in Accra, Ghana from mid-April to June, 2014. Factors investigated included socio-demographic characteristics, medication related practices, the belief that one is at risk of diseases associated with SMW, SMW disposal practices and reported harm associated with SMW at home and in the community. Results Eighty percent and 89% of respondents discarded unwanted medicines and sharps in household refuse bins respectively. A corresponding 23% and 35% of respondents discarded these items without a container. Harm from SMW in the household and in the community was reported by 5% and 3% of respondents respectively. Persons who believed they were at risk of diseases associated with SMW were nearly three times more likely to report harm in the household (OR 2.75, 95%CI 1.15–6.54). Conclusion The belief that one can be harmed by diseases associated with SMW influenced reporting rates in the study area. Disposal practices suggest the presence of unwanted medicines and sharps in the household waste stream conferring on it hazardous properties. Given the low rates of harm reported, elimination of preventable harm might justify community intervention

    Identification et compréhension de la naissance avant terme dans l’Hôpital Municipal à Kintampo : Etude transversale qualitative

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    Up to 42% of nearly 10 million under five deaths occur in neonates with prematurity being a principal cause. This paper presents the outcome of a cross sectional qualitative study conducted among 14 hospital staff engaged in infant care in Kintampo, Ghana. Confidential interviews were used to evaluate their knowledge and practice of preterm care. Critical steps in caring for normal and preterm infants were ranked as adequate, satisfactory or inadequate if 75% or more, 50% to 74%, or less than 50% of the health workers completed them respectively. For term infants, adequate care was provided in terms of cleaning and wrapping, weighing, and initiating early feeds. Knowledge and practice were inadequate in relation to preterm care. Educational interventions emphasizing preterm care are recommended as an essential package for rural health workers. A newborn assessment tool was designed to address the gap in data collection identified during the study (Afr J Reprod Health 2011; 15[4]: 98-105).Plus de dix million enfants âgés de moins de cinq ans meurent chaque année. Jusqu’à 42% de ces décès-là sont des nouveau-nés et la cause principale du décès des nouveau-nés est la prématurité. Un million enfants nés avant terme meurent chaque année, ce qui est responsable de 27% des décès des nouveau-nés. L’étude avait comme objectif d’évaluer la connaissance du personnel de santé concernant la prématurité et de créer un simple instrument pour le recueil de données pour évaluer le nouveau-né à l’hôpital municipal à Kintampo, Région Brong Ahafo, Ghana. Nous avons mené une étude qualitative transversale au niveau d’une école secondaire dans un milieu rural. Il s’agissait des interviews confidentielles recueillies auprès de 14 membres du personnel soignant directement engagés dans le soin des enfants dans le centre gynécologique-obstétrique. Toutes les interviews ont été recueillies en anglais après avoir obtenu le consentement. Les démarches critiques concernant le soin des enfants normaux et les enfants nés avant terme ont été catégorisées comme adéquates, satisfaisantes ou inadéquates si 75% ou plus, 50% jusqu’à 74% ou moins de 50% du personnel de santé ont les ont rempli respectivement. Nous avons formulé une feuille d’évaluation pour les nouveau-nés afin de collecter des données pour chaque enfant. Pour les enfants nés à terme, on assure un soin adéquat en ce qui concerne le nettoyage et l’emballage, mesurant le poids et l’initiation à la nourriture précoce> Le soin était inadéquat dans toutes les catégories de soin avant terme. On a signalé un soin adéquat dans l’utilisation de l’étuve à incubation et une fréquence augmenté de la nourriture. Le manque de connaissance à l’égard de la prématurité a beaucoup engendré des soins inadéquats pour les enfants nés avant terme. Nous préconisons des interventions éducatives pour améliorer les soins des enfants dans les milieux ruraux, tout en mettant l’accent sur le soin avant terme(Afr J Reprod Health 2011; 15[4]:98-105)

    Le Diagnostic de la rupture de la grossesse ectopique demeure toujours un défi au Soudan de l’Est.

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    This was a cross sectional prospective study carried out in Kassala Maternity Hospital, Eastern Sudan (2008-2011) to investigate the incidence rate and factors associated with delayed presentation in ruptured ectopic pregnancy. The total number of deliveries during the study period was 9578. The total number of ectopic pregnancy was 199 yielding an incidence rate of (1 in 48 deliveries or 20.7 per 1000 deliveries). One hundred eighty six (93.5%) out of these were ruptured ectopic reflecting very low rate of diagnosis (6.5%) before rupture occurred. Maternal education≤ secondary, parity and history of subfertilty were associated with ruptured ectopic pregnancy (P =0.00, 0.003 and 0.00 respectively). The causes of delay reported by the patients include: 64.5 not aware of the pregnancy, 28% have been seen by health provider but reassure and 7.5% regarded the symptoms not serious enough to ask for care (Afr J Reprod Health 2011; 15[4]: 106-108).Il s’agit d’une étude prospective transversale qui a été menée dans la Maternité Kassala, au Soudan de l’Est (20008 -2011) afin d’étudier le taux d’incidence et les facteurs liés à la présentation retardée dans la rupture de la grossesse extra-utérine. Le nombre total des accouchements pendant la période était 199, ce qui a donné un taux d’incidence de 1 accouchement sur 48 soit 20,7 sur 1000 accouchements. 186 (93,5%) parmi eux étaient des ruptures extra-utérines qui reflètent un taux de diagnostic très bas (6,5%) avant la rupture. L’éducation maternelle ≤ secondaire, la parité et un passé de sous stérilité ont été liés à la rupture de la grossesse extra-utérine (P=0,00, 0,003 et 0,00 respectivement)Les causes du retard signalés par les patientes comprennent : 64,5% n’étaient pas conscientes de la grossesse, 28% se sont passer voir le dispensateur de soins et 7,5% n’ont pas considéré que les symptômes étaient assez sérieux pour rechercher le traitement (Afr J Reprod Health 2011; 15[4]: 106-108)

    Teenage pregnancy and experience of physical violence among women aged 15-19 years in five African countries: Analysis of complex survey data.

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    BackgroundPregnant teenage women are prime targets of violence against women perpetrated by intimate partners, family members, and miscreants in their neighborhoods. This study estimated the prevalence of Teenage pregnancy (TP) and Physical Violence (PV) and further assessed the relationship between TP and PV in five Low-and-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).MethodsThe study was conducted among five LIMCs (Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, and Tanzania) using data from the most recent Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in these countries. Modified Poisson with the robust standard error was used to quantify the association between TP and PV. All analyses adjusted for the complex survey design structure (clustering, weighting, and stratification).ResultsThe analysis involved a total of 26055 adolescent women aged 15-19 years across the five countries. The overall prevalence of TP was 25.4% (95%CI = 24.4-26.4) with the highest prevalence occurring among Malawians [29.0% (95%CI = 27.4-30.7)]. Meanwhile, the prevalence of TP among older adolescents (18-19 years) was approximately two-thirds significantly higher compared with young adolescents [aPR(95%CI) = 1.60[1.49-1.71)]. The prevalence of PV among teenagers across the five countries was 24.2% (95%CI = 22.3-26.2). The highest prevalence of PV was recorded among Nigerian adolescent women [31.8% (95%CI = 28.5-35.3)]. The prevalence of PV among adolescent women who were pregnant was approximately 5-folds significant compared to those who were not pregnant (adjusted prevalence ratio; aPR = 4.70; 95% CI: 3.86-5.73; pConclusionThere was a high prevalence of pregnancy among older teenagers aged 18-19 years. Close to a quarter of teenage women ever experienced physical violence. Pregnant teenage women ever experience of physical violence was very high compared to non-pregnant peers. Intervention should target PV and TP by adopting a gender-sensitive approach to eliminate physical violence, particularly among teenagers to prevent TP

    Contrasting Hygiene-Related Gastrointestinal Infections and Stress-Related Diseases at a Primary Health Care Facility within a Sub-Saharan African City: Before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, protocols such as social distancing and upscaling of hygiene practices were implemented to limit the spread of the disease. Meanwhile, along with COVID-19 came stress due to restrictions on movement, trade and transport, and closure of schools, among others. Aim: This study compared the prevalence of hygiene-related gastrointestinal infections and stress-related diseases before (March 2019&ndash;February 2020) and during (March 2020&ndash;February 2021) the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: This was a retrospective single-center review of deidentified patient data from the Korle Bu Polyclinic, Accra, Ghana. Results: Comparing the pre-COVID-19 era to the COVID-19 era, there was a statistically nonsignificant change in the number of cases and prevalence of gastroenteritis and enteric fever (p = 0.084 and 0.081, respectively), although for gastroenteritis, the prevalence was higher for the pre-COVID-19 era compared to during COVID-19 by 1.8 per 1000 cases, while that of enteric fever was higher during the COVID-19 era compared to the pre-COVID-19 era by 1.0 per 1000 cases. Of the stress-related diseases, statistically significant increases in the prevalence of anxiety disorders (p = 0.028), insomnia (p = 0.001), and headache (p = 0.010), were noted, with 2.3, 5.5, and 2.4 per 1000 cases, respectively. There were more female cases than male cases recorded for depression (p = 0.001), headache (p = 0.010), and hypertension (p = 0.001) during the pandemic, and these were statistically significant. Conclusion: During the pandemic, a significant increase in the prevalence of stress-related diseases was observed. However, a statistically nonsignificant change was recorded for gastrointestinal infections, with females reporting more of these disorders. Consequently, it is important to strengthen the capacity for managing stress-related conditions alongside diseases that cause pandemics when they arise