231 research outputs found

    Some blunt instruments of dogmatic logic: Sextus Empiricus’s sceptical attack

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    Within a sort of conceptually homogeneous logical-epistemological arsenal that reflects a perspective marked by the dichotomy true/false, I would like to focus on one of the ‘logical’ sections of Sextus Empiricus's Outlines of Pyrrhonism, book II, namely: division, whole/parts, genus/species, accidents (PH II 213-228). These are unique in Sextus’ work and hence find no parallels in the more meticulous analysis provided in M VII and VIII. This uniqueness does not merely concern the dogmatic theories pertaining to the notions of syllogism, induction/definition and sophism, but extends to a range of points made with regard to logical-demonstrative argumentation, and which appear to play a leading role in the doctrines that Sextus seeks to refute

    Sesto Empirico: contro il corpo, contro l’anima. L’uomo non puĂČ essere criterio

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    Analisi di una passo dei 'Lineamenti pirroniani' di Sesto Empirico (II 29-33), in cui egli demolisce ogni pretesa dogmatica di costruire una forma di antropologia e psicologia fondata o sulla nozione/esistenza del corpo o sul concetto/esistenze dell'anima.Analysis of Sextus Empiricus's 'Outlines of Pyrrhonism', II 29-33, where he demolishes any dogmatic attempt at creating a form of anthropology and psychology founded either on the notion/existence of the body or on the concept/existence of the soul

    Die Rolle der Tyche: die kynische Provokation bei Hans Jonas

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    The global reconstruction of the Hellenistic Age offered by Hans Jonas in his Problems of Freedom and some more specific comments he advances there about ancient Cynics as well as about the privilege they gave to the ‘authentic’ life assured by the strong moral role of the self are the useful starting points for analyzing the polemical attitude assumed especially by Diogenes of Sinope against any power erroneosusly attributed to fortune.Dieser Beitrag hat schlicht und unmittelbar zum Ziel, die Rolle und Funktion der tyche (Schicksal und Zufall zusammen) im Kontext der philosophischen Reflexion der Kyniker zu untersuchen und dies vor dem Hintergrund der â€čberzeugung zu tun, dass kein Diskurs ÂžĂŒber die mehr oder weniger große Gunst oder Ungunst des "Zufalls" oder des "Schicksals" darum umhinkommt, sich mit dem weitreichenden und vielfĂ€ltigen Begriffsuniversum der Freiheitsthematik zu verknĂŒpfen

    On Using the Past in Sextus Empiricus: The Case of Democritus

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    If we draw the conclusions from a quick reconstruction of the presence of Democritean doxai in Sextus, we could underline that he seems to use them with the precise (and often explicit) intention of reaching at least two purposes, both functional to the attitude he constantly shows vis-à-vis philosophic past. These purposes are — it seems to me — the following: a. the first one, that of taking advantage of D.\u27s doctrines as an integrating part of the diaphoniai that he builds (or that he inherits from the Pyrrhonian tradition which preceded him), always presenting D. as a Dogmatist among other Dogmatists; b. the second one, immediately consequent to the first one, that of denying to D. any role as ancestor of true skepsis and therefore of stressing the purity of the Pyrrhonian philosophic pedigree. He defends it from any dangerous intrusion and offers a strongly \u27exclusive\u27 reading of the history of philosophy preceding him, quite different from the one provided by philosophic historiography fostered by Academic scepticism, which had sistematically sought forerunners, above all among the so-called Presocratics

    The Question of God and the Quest for God: Hans Jonas, Plato, and Beyond

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    In reconstructing the conceptual universe of Jonas’s philosophy, a privi­leged place can, or indeed must, be reserved for his relationship with the classical heritage. More specifically, a crucial role is played by Plato, especially because, as Jonas strongly underlines, “with Plato (...) you have to go back a much greater distance to make him applicable to the present. But of course Plato is the greater one, the one we have to study again and again from scratch, the one we must discover (...). With Plato, you’re never finished, that’s the great foundation for all of Western philosophy”. In the light of this premise, this article will focus on the highly original use made in Jonas’s Der Gottesbegriff nach Auschwitz of the Platonic heritage, associated with the mythical figure of the Demi­urge in the Timaeus

    Sextus Empiricus et l’ombre longue d’Aristote

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse en premier lieu Ă  quelques passages des Esquisses pyrrhoniennes de Sextus (I 1-3 ; 8-10 ; III 119-122). Ces « études de cas » permettent d’examiner la relation dialectique entre Sextus et Aristote. Le Stagirite y est reprĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la fois comme une sorte de primus inter dogmaticos pares, et par consĂ©quent comme une cible privilĂ©giĂ©e des attaques pyrrhoniennes contre les dogmatismes, et, de façon indirecte, comme une sorte d’« ombre » se profilant derriĂšre l’attitude critique de Sextus. ParallĂšlement, la stratĂ©gie de Sextus consiste Ă  utiliser le matĂ©riel aristotĂ©licien Ă  l’appui soit de l’attitude propre Ă  lâ€™áŒ€ÎłÏ‰ÎłÎź sceptique, soit de la construction d’une ÎŽÎčÎ±Ï†Ï‰ÎœÎŻÎ± spĂ©cifique. En second lieu, la section finale de l’article examine en outre un passage difficile du Contre les moralistes (XI 77‑78), proposant une correction qui permettrait, en Ă©liminant le nom d’Aristote, d’y voir une citation d’Ariston.Firstly, this article focuses on few passages in Sextus’ Outlines of Pyrrhonism (namely: I 1‑3; 8-10; III 119-122). They are ‘case-studies’, thanks to which it is possible to examine the dialectical relationship between Sextus himself and Aristotle. In particular, Aristotle is there represented both directly as a sort of primus inter dogmaticos pares, and therefore as a special target of the Pyrrhonian anti-dogmatic attack, and indirectly as a sort of ‘shadow’ behind Sextus’ critical attitude. Accordingly, the Sextan strategy uses Aristotelian material either in order to reinforce the peculiar attitude of the sceptical áŒ€ÎłÏ‰ÎłÎź or for supporting the construction of a specific ÎŽÎčÎ±Ï†Ï‰ÎœÎŻÎ±. Secondly, the final section of the paper also examines a difficult passage in Sextus’ Against the ethicists (XI 77‑78) and proposes a textual emendation, that maybe can justify the elimination of Aristotle’s name in favour of Ariston’s quotation

    Verso il XXV Congresso Mondiale di Filosofia

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    L'articolo sottolinea la rilevanza non solo filosofica, ma anche pubblica del XXV Congresso Mondiale di Filosofia, che intende creare uno spazio di riflessione sul futuro delle nostre societĂ , superando i confini culturali e disciplinari. Il Congresso coinvolgerĂ , infatti, studiosi provenienti dalle piĂč diverse aree geografiche ed esponenti del mondo delle scienze, dell’economia, dell’informazione, delle tecnologie, della sanitĂ  e delle istituzioni e affronterĂ  – con un approccio interdisciplinare e multidisciplinare – temi connessi alle relazioni interculturali, alle forme di organizzazione politica e alle disuguaglianze sociali, ai diritti e alle questioni di genere, alla bioetica e all’ambiente, allo sviluppo sostenibile

    Ancient Stoicism, "Robust Epistemology," and Moral Philosophy

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    Causation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Seventh Meeting of the Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh and Zentrum Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, UniversitÀt Konstanz, UniversitÀt Konstanz, May 26-2

    I lezione. Logos filosofico e dramma politico: linguaggio e politica da Platone a Giuseppe Rensi

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    Analisi della ricezione della Settima Letetra di Platone nel pensiero di Giuseppe Rensi, con un'attenzione particolare alla loro comuneu avversione verso ogni regime dispotico e/o dittatoriale
