154 research outputs found

    In the Change

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    Convenzione europea e progetto di paesaggio

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    Sul concetto di ‘accessibilità’: l’esperienza dell’Unità di ricerca FAL del DIDA-Unifi

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    Accessibility is a complex issue that also concerns the fruition of the public space of the city, but in Italy it is presented mainly as yet another aseptic technical-normative requisite to satisfy. The UdR FAL of DIDA born with the intention to widen this term and to spread a new cultural approach in which “accessibility habitat” is transformed into “a great resource for the collective human empowerment, to make it viable, safe and cohesive local communities, for the development of the architectural and landscape heritage”. Or rather “it indicates the ability of a habitat to ensure an independent life to every person, regardless of age, gender, cultural background and the physical, sensory and cognitive”

    Paesaggio e Agricolture. I Convegni nazionali AIAPP verso IFLA 2016

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    AIAPP - Italian Association of Landscape Architecture in recent years has planned a number of activities and initiatives at national level which path towards the 53 th World Congress of IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects). Theme of the World Congress to be held in Turin in April 2016, and that AIAPP as a member of Italian IFLA is called to organize, is the Landscape Tasting (http://www.ifla2016.com). These activities highlight the two national conferences on the subject Landscape and Agricultures (Landscape and Agricultures, November 28, 2014 in Lecce, Landscape and Agricultures 2.0, June 26, 2014 in Milan), which had the task of exploring how the landscape design can be placed with respect to different forms of agriculture which today concern the Italian territory. The variation in the plural of the word agriculture has in fact the precise purpose of indicating and integrate all the multiple areas, approaches and objectives that the landscape project can and must confront, transform and resolve, especially in light of the nowdays technical, socio-economic and cultural changes