72 research outputs found

    Studying the Photodegradation of Congo Red Dye from Aqueous Solutions Using Bimetallic Au–Pd/TiO2 Photocatalyst

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    في هذه البحث ، تم دراسة التحلل الضوئي لصبغة الكونغو الحمراء في محاليلها المائية باستخدام العامل المساعد ثنائي الفلز      (Au-Pd/TiO2). تم تحديد الكميات والظروف المثلى لاجراء التفاعل ومنها : تركيز الصبغة, كمية العامل المساعد، حامضية الوسط ودرجة الحرارة. ووجد ان افضل تركيز للصبغة لاجراء التفاعل الضوئي كان عند 28 جزء بالمليون، في حين ان افضل كمية للعامل المساعد كانت عند 0.09 غم/ 75 ملليتر من المحلول والتي عندها تم تسجيل اعلى نسبة مئوية لتحلل الصبغة  تقريباً  96% بعد وقت تشعيع لمدة 12 ساعة. اما كمية بيروكسيد الهيدروجين المثلى المستخدمة كعامل مؤكسد اضافي فكانت 7 مايكروليتر/ 75 ملليتر من المحلول حيث زادت النسبة المئوية للتحلل لتصبح تقريبا 97% بعد زمن تشعيع لمدة 10 ساعة. وقد اختبرت الدالة الحامضية للمحاليل لمدى (5-11) لنجد ان التفاعل يعطي نتائج تحلل عالية للصبغة في الوسط الحامضي عند الدالة الحامضية 5. وقد وجد ان التحلل الضوئي للصبغة يزداد مع زيادة درجة الحرارة عند اجراء التجارب في مدى حراري (25-55) درجة مئوية، حيث سجلت اعلى نسبة تفكك ضوئي للصبغة تقريبا 98% عند 55 درجة مئوية. تم تحديد طاقة التنشيط للتفاعل من تطبيق معادلة ارينيوس كما تم تحديد قيم التغير في الدوال الثرموداينميكية ( الانثالبي والطاقة الحرة لكبس والانتروبي) من تطبيق معادلات الدوال الثرموداينميكية.تم دراسة حركية التفاعل من قيم معدلات ثابت التفاعل و زمن التشعيع وقد وجد ان رتبة  التفاعل هي من المرتبة الاولى. In this study, the photodegradation of Congo red dye (CR) in aqueous solution was investigated using Au-Pd/TiO2 as photocatalyst. The concentration of dye, dosage of photocatalyst, amount of H2O2, pH of the medium and temperature were examined to find the optimum values of these parameters. It has been found that 28 ppm was the best dye concentration. The optimum amount of photocatalyst was 0.09 g/75 mL of dye solution when the degradation percent was ~ 96 % after irradiation time of 12 hours, while the best amount of hydrogen peroxide was 7μl/75 mL of dye solution at degradation percent ~97 % after irradiation time of 10 hours, whereas pH 5 was the best value to carry out the reaction at the highest degradation percent. In addition, temperature tested at range of (25-55) C˚, and it has been figured out which photodegradation percent of dye increase with raising temperature (degradation percent was ~ 98% after irradiation time of 4 hours at 55 C˚), and the activation energy of the reaction was calculated (34.8016 kJ/mole) from Arrhenius law. The thermodynamic functions ΔH#, ΔG#, and ΔS# were obtained, where ΔH# and ΔG# are positive value which means that the reaction is endothermic and non-spontaneous respectively, while ΔS# has a negative value, thus indicates that the reactants are more disordered than the excited intermediate formed. The kinetic of the reaction was studied, and it has been found that the photocatalytic reaction follows pseudo first order reaction

    Photocatalytic oxidation of butan-2-ol over multi walled carbon nanotubes/cobalt phthalocynanine composites

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    ABSTRACT. This study involves synthesis of new substituted of cobalt phthalocyanine derivatives (CoPc) from starting materials naphthalene-1,4,5, tetracarbonic acid dianhydride (NDI) and phthalic anhydride by dry process. Nano composites materials were prepared from multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), and MO (Cr2O3-NiO) to yield (MWCNTs/MO) nanocomposite and mixed with cobalt phthalocyanine to yield (MWCNTs/CoPc-MO). These materials were investigated using different analytical and spectrophotometric methods such as FTIR spectroscopy, X-rays diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Then the activity of these materials was investigated by conducting photocatalytic oxidation of butann-2-ol over a suspension of these composites under irradiation with UV light from middle pressure mercury lamp. The concentration of the produced 2-butanone was followed by spectrophotometric method using 2,4-dinitro phenyl hydrazone which was detected by measuring absorbance at 480 nm. Different reaction conditions and parameters were investigated such as effect of weight of the catalyst, temperature of reaction, reaction period and the effect of pH of reaction mixture.                 KEY WORDS: Cobalt phthalocynanine, Nanocomposite, Photocatalytic oxidation of alcohols Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2022, 36(1), 197-207.                                                             DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v36i1.16                                                      &nbsp

    Synthesis of Bimetallic Au–Pt / TiO2 Catalysts as an Efficient Catalyst for the Photodegradation of Crystal Violet Dye

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    العامل المساعد ذهب- بلاتين/ ثاني اوكسيد التيتانيوم  تم تحضيره بطريقتين هما طريقة تراكم الجل وطريقة النقع .ان العوامل المساعدة المحضرة تم ترسيبها تحت درجة 400 درجة مئوية واختزلت تحت ظروف متشابهة وتم تشخيصها باستخدام عدد من التقنيات ومنها مطيافية الالكترون الانتقالية ومطيافية تشتت الطاقة. ان استخدام مواد البريكاسا العنقودية ثنائية المعدن ولدت عوامل مساعدة غير منتظمة الشكل وقطر الدقيقة المتكونة صغير جدا تصل الى 2.5 نانومتر. تم اختبار العوامل المساعدة المحضرة كعوامل مساعدة ضوئية في تفاعلات التحلل الضوئي لصبغة الكرستال البنفسجية وتم تحديد كمية العامل المساعد المثلى المستخدمة في تفاعلات التحلل الضوئي وكانت  0.05غم من العامل المساعد المحضر بطريقة التراكم الجل في حين كانت 0.07 غم من العامل المساعد المحضر بطريقة النقع. كما تم دراسة تاثير الدالة الحامضية على وسط التفاعل ووجد ان دالة الحامضية 10 هي افضل وسط لتفاعلات التحلل الضوئي لصبغة الكرستال البنفسجية. كما تم دراسة تاثير درجة الحرارة على عملية التجزئة الضوئية للصبغة ومناقشة النتائج المستحصلة ففي حالة زيادة درجة الحرارة وباستخدام معادلة ارينيوس تم الحصول على طاقة التنشيط للتفاعل وكانت قيمتها قليلة جدا (طاقة التنشيط = 22 كيلو جول / مول) مما يؤكد عدم اعتمادية التفاعل على درجة الحرارة. ومن قيم ثابت معدل السرعة وطاقة التنشيط المستحصلة من تطبيق معادلة ارينيوس تم حساب قيم الدوال الثرموداينميكية (الانثالبي ، الانتروبي والطاقة الحرة لكيبس) وقد بينت النتائج ان التفاعل ماص للحرارة حيث ان قيم الانثالبي كانت موجبة وان قيم الطاقة الحرة لكيبس الموجبة تشير الى ان التفاعل  غير تلقائي. الا ان الاستمرار في زيادة درجة الحرارة  يؤدي الى التقليل من التحلل الضوئي لصبغة الكرستال البنفسجية وهذا يعزو الى تاثير درجة الحرارة على عملية امتزاز الصبغة على سطح العامل المساعد حيث ان ارتفاع درجات الحرارة يحدد عملية الامتزاز .     Bimetallic Au –Pt catalysts supporting TiO2 were synthesised using two methods; sol immobilization and impregnation methods. The prepared catalyst underwent a thermal treatment process at 400◦ C, while the reduction reaction under the same condition was done and the obtained catalysts were identified with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). It has been found that the prepared catalysts have a dimension around 2.5 nm and the particles have uniform orders leading to high dispersion of platinum molecules .The prepared catalysts have been examined as efficient photocatalysts to degrade the Crystal violet dye under UV-light. The optimum values of Bimetallic Au –Pt catalysts supporting TiO2 have been found (0.05g of the catalyst prepared in sol immobilization method, 0.07 g of the synthesised in impregnation procedure. The impact of pH on the degradation reaction was tested; it has been found that pH 10 is the best media for the reaction. The effect of temperature has been discussed when various temperatures were used, and the heat of photoreaction Ea was estimated from the Arrhenius relationship, it has been concluded that the reaction is independent of temperature as the activation energy was very small (Ea= 22 kJ/ mole). The thermodynamic functions; entropy, enthalpy and the free energy have been figured out. It has been found that the positive values of enthalpy ∆H# refer to endothermic reaction, moreover, it has been demonstrated that the photoreaction is an endergonic one according to the calculated values of the free energy of activation. It has been noticed that when temperature increases, it promotes the production of free radicals, but it has been noticed that exceeding the temperature more than the used range causes reducing the percentage of degradation of crystal violet, the reason is due to the limitation conditions of adsorption process at higher temperature on the surface of the catalyst


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    Objective: To study the different indications of primary caesarean sections for women attending Karbala Maternity Teaching Hospital and Al-kafeel Super Specialty hospital. Methods: This was cross-sectional study, the sample was 330 women. Over the period from 1st January 2018 to [30]th June 2018. Questionnaire was filled by direct interviews. A pilot study was done; the subjects of the pilot including 20 women with previous PCS, and some modifications were occurred done accordingly. The sample of study was convenient sample including all women for whom PCS was done in the first time, it was 330 women. Then data was entered and analyzed by SPSS program version 22. Results: The commonest age group in this study was (25-29) year, which represent 32.1%. Majority of the study sample (49.7%) were primigravida. The percentage of indications of Caesarean section include fetal distress 22.1%, prolonged labor18.5%, malpresentation 17.3% and amniotic fluid leakage 16.4%. Emergency CS had 43.6%, and maternal request had 21.5%. Conclusion: Largest number of participant were primigravidarum which read big and serious problem for women life in future. Most women had taken regular antenatal care. Fetal distress and prolonged labor were the most common indications for caesarean section. Fetal outcome was good that reflect good antenatal care and perinatal care

    CE-D/I SNP polymorphism in Iraqi patients with chronic renal failure in Thi-Qar province

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    Precise characterization of clinical phenotypes and revelation of genetic markers for the predisposing to have renal maladies or alter its course has been bothersome and exhausting. However, some genetic variants have been linked to kidney disorders. Methods: This study involved 120 subjects (70 Hemodialysis-treated patients with chronic renal failure and 50 healthy subjects as control). Serum biochemical parameters Creatinine, and Urea were detected as diagnostic markers to renal functions. Sixty subjects (44 patients & 16 control) were genotyped for polymorphism of the enzyme gene conversion of angiotensin. The distribution of genotype and allele frequencies for ACE-D / I SNP polymorphism has been evaluated in both groups. Results : The levels of Biochemical parameters Creatinine, and Urea in renal failure patients increased significantly when compared with healthy .The ACE genotypes distribution between subjects groups in Thi-Qar indicated that The percentage of DD genotype was found to be high in the group of patients 23 (52.3%), followed by ID 16 (36.3%) and II genotype 5 (11.4%). As, the genetic pattern in the control group showed that the genotype DD and ID patterns had the same percentage of 37.3%, followed by genotype II, 25% . Also, there is an increase of D-allele frequencies in the group of patients equivalent with healthy controls

    A Comparison between single-dose pregabalin and magnesium sulfate in induced hypotension during functional endoscopic sinus surgery: A prospective randomized double-blinded study

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    Background: Functional Endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a surgical intervention during which controlled hypotension can improve visibility. Magnesium sulfate is used for controlled hypotension. Pregabalin is also effective in hypotensive anesthesia. Objectives: This study aimed to detect the effect of single preoperative oral pregabalin versus intravenous magnesium sulfate to facilitate induced hypotension during functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Patients and methods: In a randomized, double-blind, prospective study, 60 patients of either sex were divided into 2 equal groups. Group P received an oral pregabalin capsule of 150 mg 30 minutes before general anesthesia. Group M received a single-dose 2 grams of magnesium sulfate 30 minutes before induction of anesthesia. The primary outcome was the total intraoperative consumption of nitroglycerin required to maintain the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) at the range of 55– 65 mmHg. The secondary outcomes were the quality of the surgical field assessed by the Fromm and Boezaart grading scale, surgeon satisfaction assessed by the five-point Likert scale, and the visual analog pain scores (VAS). Results: The pregabalin group P showed statistically significant lower nitroglycerine doses (1.3±1.2 mg) compared to group M (3.3±1.5 mg) with a P value of <0.001. The surgical field quality and the surgeon satisfaction scales showed statistically significant better scores in group P (1.7±0.6 and 5±0.6 respectively) than in group M (3.2±0.9 and 2.1±0.6 respectively) with P values of (0.023 and 0.001 respectively). The VAS showed statistically significant lower scores in group P (1.3±0.9) compared with group M (3.4±0.6) with a p value= 0.001. Conclusion: A single preoperative pregabalin dose was more effective than magnesium sulfate in reducing the total intraoperative consumption of nitroglycerin. It also provides a dryer surgical field that achieves better surgeon satisfaction and provides postoperative analgesia

    Environmental accounting as perspective for hotels of Aqaba special economic zone authority (ASEZA)

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    This study aims at pointing out and explaining the major factors that can help in implementing environmental accounting in the hotels of Aqaba Special Economic Zone, the study population is going to be the classified and rated hotels of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, which is 33 hotels in total. This study will basically focus on two tools for gathering the data and information required for achieving the objectives of the study, the financial reports published by the investment department of Aqaba and the questionnaire. The study shows that the hotels in Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority face difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of environmental accounting because of factors related to legislation, level of awareness about environmental accounting, factors related to the hotels and the qualification of human resource

    Combination of Human Amniotic Fluid Derived-Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Nano-hydroxyapatite Scaffold Enhances Bone Regeneration

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    BACKGROUND: Human amniotic fluid-derived stem cells (hAF-MSCs) have a high proliferative capacity and osteogenic differentiation potential in vitro. The combination of hAF-MSCs with three-dimensional (3D) scaffold has a promising therapeutic potential in bone tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Selection of an appropriate scaffold material has a crucial role in a cell supporting and osteoinductivity to induce new bone formation in vivo. AIM: This study aimed to investigate and evaluate the osteogenic potential of the 2nd-trimester hAF-MSCs in combination with the 3D scaffold, 30% Nano-hydroxyapatite chitosan, as a therapeutic application for bone healing in the induced tibia defect in the rabbit. SUBJECT AND METHODS: hAF-MSCs proliferation and culture expansion was done in vitro, and osteogenic differentiation characterisation was performed by Alizarin Red staining after 14 &amp; 28 days. Expression of the surface markers of hAF-MSCs was assessed using Flow Cytometer with the following fluorescein-labelled antibodies: CD34-PE, CD73-APC, CD90-FITC, and HLA-DR-FITC. Ten rabbits were used as an animal model with an induced defect in the tibia to evaluate the therapeutic potential of osteogenic differentiation of hAF-MSCs seeded on 3D scaffold, 30% Nano-hydroxyapatite chitosan. The osteogenic differentiated hAF-MSCs/scaffold composite system applied and fitted in the defect region and non-seeded scaffold was used as control. The histopathological investigation was performed at 2, 3, &amp; 4 weak post-transplantation and scanning electron microscope (SEM) was assessed at 2 &amp; 4 weeks post-transplantation to evaluate the bone healing potential in the rabbit tibia defect. RESULTS: Culture and expansion of 2nd-trimester hAF-MSCs presented high proliferative and osteogenic potential in vitro. Histopathological examination for the transplanted hAF-MSCs seeded on the 3D scaffold, 30% Nano-hydroxyapatite chitosan, demonstrated new bone formation in the defect site at 2 &amp; 3 weeks post-transplantation as compared to the control (non-seeded scaffold). Interestingly, the scaffold accelerated the osteogenic differentiation of AF-MSCs and showed complete bone healing of the defect site as compared to the control (non-seeded scaffold) at 4 weeks post-transplantation. Furthermore, the SEM analysis confirmed these findings. CONCLUSION: The combination of the 2nd-trimester hAF-MSCs and 3D scaffold, 30% Nano-hydroxyapatite chitosan, have a therapeutic perspective for large bone defect and could be used effectively in bone tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

    Corrigendum: Evolution, ecology, and zoonotic transmission of betacoronaviruses: A review

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    In the published article, there was an error in the legend for Figure 1 as published. The figure legend did not indicate that it has been adapted from Plowright et al. (2017). Copyright permission was obtained from Springer Nature to adapt Figure 1 from Plowright et al. (2017). The corrected legend appears below. Figure 1. Zoonotic risk distribution, pathway to spillover, and the multimodal role of the determinants of spillover. The zoonotic risk is demonstrated by the accumulated distribution of reservoir hosts and vectors that play a role in the pathway to spillover. The risk of spillover is determined by a series of processes from the ecological dynamics of reservoir host distribution and density, to the susceptibility, replication and dissemination of the biological factors in the recipient host. This is also reflected in the multimodal role of the determinants of spillover, demonstrating the disciplines that are being used to study zoonotic transmission and the determinants of spillover. This figure was adapted from Figure 1 in Plowright et al. (2). Copyright permission was obtained with license number 55218980848529. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated