72 research outputs found

    Iskolán kívüli tanulási környezetek és manuális tevékenységek a Herman Ottó emlékév kapcsán

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    We have to cope with various locations and situations in our entire lives, and in parallel we can always learn something anywhere. The foundation of this openness, the endeavour of useful knowledge already becomes a social claim in childhood. However, the fact, that knowledge and conditions of learning tie together, stands in the way. The education system has got a problem to be solved: to mediate knowledge between different educational situations and unknown tasks. This is helped by active learning and self-study supporting methods. Widening the learning environment gives lots of possibilities. I present one of them, an entry, which shows the diversity and the knowledge linked, remembering at the same time to Ottó Hermán, on his lOOth death anniversary. His life, his work and versatility really exempla-ry for all of uAz utóbbi évtizedekben a természettudományos nevelés céljai, feladatai közt egyre na-gyobb szerepet kapnak a társadalmi igények. Kulcsszerepe van a használható tudás ki-alakításának, azoknak az ismereteknek és képességeknek, amelyek különböző szituáci-ókban alkalmazhatók, s lehetővé teszik az aktuális problémák megoldását. Ehhez igazo-dóan a tanulási folyamat is átértelmezésre kerül, túllépi immár a tanterem falait, hogy többféle helyszínen tapogatóddzon. A lehetőségek olyan sokrétűek, mint mindennapi éle-tünk eseményei, ahol többé-kevésbé meg kell állnunk helyünket. Követhető példaként állítom ide Hermán Ottó munkásságát, sokoldalú érdeklődését és a valóság iránti kíváncsiságát. Halálának 100. évfordulója apropóján egy konkrét példa segítségével próbálom meg érzékeltetni a sokrétűségét annak a tanulásnak, mely az isko-lán kívül történhet

    Az érzékszervi tapasztalás nevelő hatása : Az őskortól a reneszánszig

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    During centuries a new era has started in the history of imagery many times and thus in vision's, perception's history too. Eye interpreted works were always made by people, so the visual communication was a suitable mode of communication from the earliest times. However the reason and importance, which passes through historical times are different. There were eras when the magic of pictures or the theme or shaping were more important. People wanted to show and express something, but beyond these reasons the education role was an important factor. They wanted to impress other people somehow. Before the spread of literacy the information transferred by pictures could be the most important means of it. Even the cavemen used it, and it can be interesting to overview how people wanted to educate the rising generation in different eras, how they wanted to pass the important information, ideas and beliefs. In this case 1 am going to examine it till the Renaissance era

    Vizuális lehetőségek és a személyiség kapcsolata a környezettudatos gondolkodás kialakításában

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    The aim is the transmission and recording of a certain knowledge, thinking, methods of be-haviour pattern with diverse methods during the environmental education and awareness-raising. The recognition of interactions between visual, personality and way of thinking helps to achieve this goal. This is not a short process in which our personality is tested and influenced in a variety of situations. Our responsiveness reacts differently to the open and hidden messages of visual tools influenced by both external and internal factors in our lives. In utilizing our childish interest with creative action we can develop vision, accomplish posi-tive effects on both emotional and knowledge for the environment.Érzékszerveink által kapott információk az ember megjelenésétől kezdve fontos szerepet töltenek be. Napjainkban ingerek ezrei érnek bennünket, melyek valamilyen céllal születnek, és valamilyen választ adunk rá szóval, tettel vagy érzelmekkel. Már fel sem tűnik, sőt igé-nyünkké vált, hogy ingergazdag környezetben éljünk, melyben tagadhatatlanul nagy szere-pe van a vizuális élményeknek. Ezen élmények befogadása, feldolgozása, a rájuk adott reak-ció sokféle kombinációt ad, hisz „ahány ember, annyiféle", de általános törvényszerűségek, összefüggések is megállapíthatók. E kapcsolatokat figyelembe véve lehet vizsgálni, hogy ha a környezettudatos gondolkodás szolgálatába szeretnénk állítani - mely kétségkívül nemes cél -, milyen vizuális lehetőségek állnak rendelkezésre. Hogyan fejtik ki hatásukat a szemé-lyiségre, s vajon milyen eredményeket érhetünk el a gyermekek hozzáállásában az alkotó munkán keresztül. E kölcsönhatások vizsgálata nem egyszeri feladat, hiszen a vizuális világ kínálta lehető-ségek száma és felhasználása a történelem során egyre bővült, és bővülni fog

    Az érzékszervi tapasztalás nevelő hatása: Az őskortól a reneszánszig

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    During centuries a new era has started in the history of imagery many times and thus in vision's, perception's history too. Eye interpreted works were always made by people, so the visual communication was a suitable mode of communication from the earliest times. However the reason and importance, which passes through historical times are different. There were eras when the magic of pictures or the theme or shaping were more important. People wanted to show and express something, but beyond these reasons the education role was an important factor. They wanted to impress other people somehow. Before the spread of literacy the information transferred by pictures could be the most important means of it. Even the cavemen used it, and it can be interesting to overview how people wanted to educate the rising generation in different eras, how they wanted to pass the important information, ideas and beliefs. In this case 1 am going to examine it till the Renaissance era

    Introducing nanoscaled surface morphology and percolation barrier network into mesoporous silica coatings

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    Mesoporous silica thin films were patterned at the sub-micron scale utilizing the ion hammering effect in order to combine the advantages of mesoporous character and surface morphology, while preserving the interconnected pore system or creating laterally separated porous volumes surrounded by nonpermeable compact zones. Porous silica coatings were prepared by a sol-gel method with an ordered and disordered pore system using micellar templates. A hexagonally ordered Langmuir-Blodgett type monolayer of silica spheres was applied as a mask against Xe+ ion irradiation. The ion energy was chosen according to Monte-Carlo simulations to achieve structures with high lateral contrast between irradiated and unirradiated, i.e., masked areas. The disordered pore system proved to be more resistant against ion bombardment. Although the created surface morphologies were similar, the main character of the pore system could be tailored to be interconnected or separated by controlling the ion fluence. Confocal fluorescence images and ellipsometric porosimetry measurements confirmed that the contribution of transition zone between the intact masked and damaged regions to the porosity is negligible. Furthermore, the majority of the porous volume can be preserved as an interconnected pore system by the application of low ion fluence. By increasing the fluence value, however, separated porous volumes can be created at the expense of the total pore volume

    Application of the SeDeM expert systems in the preformulation studies of pediatric ibuprofen ODT tablets

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    Pediatric, ibuprofen containing orodispersible tablets (ODTs) were prepared using the SeDeM expert system methodology. In order to facilitate formulation, directly compressible ibuprofen was employed (Ibuprofen DC 85™) and characterized using its SeDeM profile. The mannitol based superdisintegrant Ludiflash® was characterized by the SeDeM-ODT expert system, which also allowed calculation of the optimal excipient concentration in order to obtain suitable tablet hardness and disintegration time. After adding a sweetener and a standard combination of lubricants, the optimized formulation was directly compressed into tablets and evaluated in terms of tablet hardness, friability, disintegration time and dissolution profile. The SeDeM method was applied to determine the amount of corrective excipient (Ludiflash®) required for the compression of Ibuprofen DC 85™ in order to achieve suitable ODTs. Adequate tablet hardness, disintegration time, friability and dissolution profiles were found during tablet evaluation