393 research outputs found

    Does quantum mechanics tell an atomistic spacetime?

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    The canonical answer to the question posed is "Yes." -- tacitly assuming that quantum theory and the concept of spacetime are to be unified by `quantizing' a theory of gravitation. Yet, instead, one may ponder: Could quantum mechanics arise as a coarse-grained reflection of the atomistic nature of spacetime? -- We speculate that this may indeed be the case. We recall the similarity between evolution of classical and quantum mechanical ensembles, according to Liouville and von Neumann equation, respectively. The classical and quantum mechanical equations are indistinguishable for objects which are free or subject to spatially constant but possibly time dependent, or harmonic forces, if represented appropriately. This result suggests a way to incorporate anharmonic interactions, including fluctuations which are tentatively related to the underlying discreteness of spacetime. Being linear and local at the quantum mechanical level, the model offers a decoherence and natural localization mechanism. However, the relation to primordial deterministic degrees of freedom is nonlocal.Comment: Based on invited talks at Fourth International Workshop DICE2008, held at Castello Pasquini / Castiglioncello, Italy, 22-26 September 2008 and at DISCRETE'08 - Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, held at IFIC, Valencia, Spain, 11-16 December 2008 - to appear in respective volumes of Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    The Attractor and the Quantum States

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    The dissipative dynamics anticipated in the proof of 't Hooft's existence theorem -- "For any quantum system there exists at least one deterministic model that reproduces all its dynamics after prequantization" -- is constructed here explicitly. We propose a generalization of Liouville's classical phase space equation, incorporating dissipation and diffusion, and demonstrate that it describes the emergence of quantum states and their dynamics in the Schroedinger picture. Asymptotically, there is a stable ground state and two decoupled sets of degrees of freedom, which transform into each other under the energy-parity symmetry of Kaplan and Sundrum. They recover the familiar Hilbert space and its dual. Expectations of observables are shown to agree with the Born rule, which is not imposed a priori. This attractor mechanism is applicable in the presence of interactions, to few-body or field theories in particular.Comment: 14 pages; based on invited talk at 4th Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero "Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with Atoms and Photons", Torino, May 2008; submitted to Int J Qu Inf

    Is there a relativistic nonlinear generalization of quantum mechanics?

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    Yes, there is. - A new kind of gauge theory is introduced, where the minimal coupling and corresponding covariant derivatives are defined in the space of functions pertaining to the functional Schroedinger picture of a given field theory. While, for simplicity, we study the example of an U(1) symmetry, this kind of gauge theory can accommodate other symmetries as well. We consider the resulting relativistic nonlinear extension of quantum mechanics and show that it incorporates gravity in the (0+1)-dimensional limit, where it leads to the Schroedinger-Newton equations. Gravity is encoded here into a universal nonlinear extension of quantum theory. The probabilistic interpretation, i.e. Born's rule, holds provided the underlying model has only dimensionless parameters.Comment: 10 pages; talk at DICE 2006 (Piombino, September 11-15, 2006); to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2007

    Deterministic models of quantum fields

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    Deterministic dynamical models are discussed which can be described in quantum mechanical terms. -- In particular, a local quantum field theory is presented which is a supersymmetric classical model. The Hilbert space approach of Koopman and von Neumann is used to study the classical evolution of an ensemble of such systems. Its Liouville operator is decomposed into two contributions, with positive and negative spectrum, respectively. The unstable negative part is eliminated by a constraint on physical states, which is invariant under the Hamiltonian flow. Thus, choosing suitable variables, the classical Liouville equation becomes a functional Schroedinger equation of a genuine quantum field theory. -- We briefly mention an U(1) gauge theory with ``varying alpha'' or dilaton coupling where a corresponding quantized theory emerges in the phase space approach. It is energy-parity symmetric and, therefore, a prototype of a model in which the cosmological constant is protected by a symmetry.Comment: 6 pages; synopsis of hep-th/0510267, hep-th/0503069, hep-th/0411176 . Talk at Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity - QG05, Cala Gonone (Sardinia, Italy), September 12-16, 2005. To appear in the proceeding

    General linear dynamics - quantum, classical or hybrid

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    We describe our recent proposal of a path integral formulation of classical Hamiltonian dynamics. Which leads us here to a new attempt at hybrid dynamics, which concerns the direct coupling of classical and quantum mechanical degrees of freedom. This is of practical as well as of foundational interest and no fully satisfactory solution of this problem has been established to date. Related aspects will be observed in a general linear ensemble theory, which comprises classical and quantum dynamics in the form of Liouville and von Neumann equations, respectively, as special cases. Considering the simplest object characterized by a two-dimensional state-space, we illustrate how quantum mechanics is special in several respects among possible linear generalizations.Comment: 17 pages; based on invited talks at the conferences DICE2010 (Castiglioncello, Italia, Sept 13-17, 2010) and Quantum Field Theory and Gravity (Regensburg, Germany, Sept 28 - Oct 1, 2010

    Quantum fields, cosmological constant and symmetry doubling

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    Energy-parity has been introduced by Kaplan and Sundrum as a protective symmetry that suppresses matter contributions to the cosmological constant [KS05]. It is shown here that this symmetry, schematically Energy --> - Energy, arises in the Hilbert space representation of the classical phase space dynamics of matter. Consistently with energy-parity and gauge symmetry, we generalize the Liouville operator and allow a varying gauge coupling, as in "varying alpha" or dilaton models. In this model, classical matter fields can dynamically turn into quantum fields (Schroedinger picture), accompanied by a gauge symmetry change -- presently, U(1) --> U(1) x U(1). The transition between classical ensemble theory and quantum field theory is governed by the varying coupling, in terms of a one-parameter deformation of either limit. These corrections introduce diffusion and dissipation, leading to decoherence.Comment: Replaced by published version, no change in contents - Int. J. Theor. Phys. (2007

    Color singlet suppression of quark-gluon plasma formation

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    The rate of quark-gluon plasma droplet nucleation in superheated hadronic matter is calculated within the MIT bag model. The requirements of color singletness and (to less extent) fixed momentum suppress the nucleation rate by many orders of magnitude, making thermal nucleation of quark-gluon plasma droplets unlikely in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions if the transition is first order and reasonably described by the bag model.Comment: 9 pages, 3 ps figures. To appear in PhysRevC (April 1996

    A path integral for classical dynamics, entanglement, and Jaynes-Cummings model at the quantum-classical divide

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    The Liouville equation differs from the von Neumann equation 'only' by a characteristic superoperator. We demonstrate this for Hamiltonian dynamics, in general, and for the Jaynes-Cummings model, in particular. -- Employing superspace (instead of Hilbert space), we describe time evolution of density matrices in terms of path integrals which are formally identical for quantum and classical mechanics. They only differ by the interaction contributing to the action. This allows to import tools developed for Feynman path integrals, in order to deal with superoperators instead of quantum mechanical commutators in real time evolution. Perturbation theory is derived. Besides applications in classical statistical physics, the "classical path integral" and the parallel study of classical and quantum evolution indicate new aspects of (dynamically assisted) entanglement (generation). Our findings suggest to distinguish 'intra'- from 'inter-space' entanglement.Comment: 22 pages; based on invited talk at Quantum 2010 - Advances in Foundations of Quantum mechanics and Quantum Information with Atoms and Photons (Torino, May 2010). To appear in Int. J. Qu. Inf

    Entropy Production in Relativistic Hydrodynamics

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    The entropy production occurring in relativistic hydrodynamical systems such as the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formed in high-energy nuclear collisions is explored. We study mechanisms which change the composition of the fluid, i.e. particle production and/or chemical reactions, along with chemo- and thermo-diffusion. These effects complement the conventional dissipative effects of shear viscosity, bulk viscosity, and heat conductivity.Comment: 15 pages; LaTex. Accepted for publication in Physics Letters B. - Two typos corrected and one reference adde