7 research outputs found

    Person names in constriction field (on basis of English, French, Tatar and Russian languages)

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    In this article construction profession names were investigated using the corpus-linguistic method. We have identified quantitative differences in the functioning of lexemes. The frequency of the functioning of professional names is determined by their structural features. An effective principle for creating professional names is to choose a one-component term that etymologically ascends to international vocabulary. The results of the study revealed significant differences between professions names and also confirmed the relevance of corpus linguistic methods

    Gamma Induced Transparency Loss of Thick Quartz Fibres

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    Radiation response of thick multi-mode Ge, P, F -doped quartz fibre has been examined after exposure to 60^Co gamma-source within a dose interval of 10 - 10^7 Gy at a dose power of 2.3 and 24 Gy/s at 300K. The induced transparency losses A at the wave length of 1.06 mkm do not exceed 0.2 after a dose of 10^6 Gy and reach a saturation, while the fibres are closed for visible light after a smaller dose. Varying focus and an angle of leading a probe light beam in fibre, the core modes were found to close at a dose of 10^4 Gy due to radiation induced colour centres of Ge and non-bridging oxygen O, and the clad modes were suppressed at 500 Gy by the expense of Al impurity colour centres

    "Finger" structure of tiles in CMS Endcap Hadron Calorimeters

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    Two CMS Endcap hadron calorimeters (HE) have been in operation for several years and contributed substantially to the success of the CMS Physics Program. The HE calorimeter suffered more from the radiation than it had been anticipated because of rapid degradation of scintillator segments (tiles) which have a high radiation flux of secondary particles. Some investigations of scintillators have shown that the degradation of plastic scintillator increases significantly at low dose rates. A proposal to upgrade up-grade the HE calorimeter has been prepared to provide a solution for survivability of the future LHC at higher luminosity and higher energy. A finger-strip plastic scintillator option has many advantages and is a lower cost alternative to keep the excellent HE performance at high luminosity. Measurements have been performed and this method has proved to be a good upgrade strategy

    Looking at Zagreb: The Italian State as a Popularizer of Contemporary Art

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    In 1965, at the 12th International Conference of Critics, Artists and Art Scholars, held in Rimini, Verucchio and San Marino and devoted to the theme Art and Technology, Italian art critic Giulio Carlo Argan declared that Yugoslavia had overcome the problem of the relationship between art and technology. His statement concerned to the cultural milieu of Zagreb that Argan had known from the early Sixties. In the same year, Palma Bucarelli, the chief curator of the Rome National Gallery, attended the Brezovica conference held for Nova tendencija 3, to present a project in which the museum had a significant role as a state institution that had to encourage contemporary art in order to free artists from the pressures of the art market and private art galleries. In 1963, another art scholar, Umbro Apollonio, the curator of the Venice Biennale Archive for Contemporary Arts who had directly participated in the Venice exhibition Nuova tendenza 2, claimed that Italian Public Art School needed a new relationship between teaching and industries. My presentation aims to highlight how Argan, Bucarelli, Apollonio and other Italian scholars hoped for the state to intervene in the Italian art system and also how their ideas were inspired by the Croatian political and cultural situation of the 1960s