10 research outputs found

    The Euclid Statistical Matrix Tool

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    Stataphobia, a term used to describe the fear of statistics and research methods, can result from a lack of improper training in statistical methods. Poor statistical methods training can have an effect on health policy decision making and may play a role in the low research productivity seen in developing countries. One way to reduce Stataphobia is to intervene in the teaching of statistics in the classroom; however, such an intervention must tackle several obstacles, including student interest in the material, multiple ways of learning materials, and language barriers.We present here the Euclid Statistical Matrix, a tool for combatting Stataphobia on a global scale. This free tool is comprised of popular statistical YouTube channels and web sources that teach and demonstrate statistical concepts in a variety of presentation methods. Working with international teams in Iran, Japan, Egypt, Russia, and the United States, we have also developed the Statistical Matrix in multiple languages to address language barriers to learning statistics. By utilizing already-established large networks, we are able to disseminate our tool to thousands of Farsi-speaking university faculty and students in Iran and the United States. Future dissemination of the Euclid Statistical Matrix throughout the Central Asia and support from local universities may help to combat low research productivity in this region

    Serum Levels of Copper, Ceruloplasmin and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme among Silicotic and Non-Silicotic Workers

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    BACKGROUND: Silicosis is the most frequently occurring pneumoconiosis.AIM: Measurement of serum levels of Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), Copper (Cu) and Ceruloplasmin (Cp) in cement workers occupationally exposed to silica dust as biomarkers of exposure rather than biomarkers of effect for silicosis.METHODS: Plain chest X-ray & pulmonary functions were done for 30 silicotic and 42 non-silicotic workers and 42 controls. CT scan was done for the exposed groups. Serum levels of Cu, Cp and ACE were estimated.RESULTS: The results showed a higher significant difference between the exposed groups and controls, and between the two exposed groups regarding the mean levels of all measured biochemical parameters. The pulmonary functions were significantly lower among silicotic workers than controls and non-silicotic groups. There was a significant positive correlation between duration of employment and serum ACE and Cu.CONCLUSION: Since respirable dust exposure-linked lung fibrosis disease is non-curable, the biochemical parameters (Cu, ACE and Cp) can be used as exposure biomarkers to silica dust, providing a better way for early diagnosis of this deadly disease. Down regulating the inflammatory responses could potentially reduce the adverse clinical pulmonary effects of air pollution

    Small grants research competition to support ratification, implementation and/or enforcement of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)

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    An expert group together with project consultants prepared an observational checklist designed to monitor the smoking control policy in enclosed public places, including recreational facilities and hospitals, in greater Cairo. The complete sample of public places included: schools, hospitals, government buildings, public transportation, recreational places and shopping malls. Results show that barriers to effective smoking restrictions are: existence of only partial restrictions and not a complete ban; poor physical conditions and management of public places; inadequate education and motivation of staff and administration; a party responsible for enforcement. Policy will require a complete ban on smoking in healthcare and educational institutions

    Serum Levels of Copper, Ceruloplasmin and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme among Silicotic and Non-Silicotic Workers

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Silicosis is the most frequently occurring pneumoconiosis

    Public Health

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Silicosis is the most frequently occurring pneumoconiosis

    The Euclid Statistical Matrix Tool

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    Stataphobia, a term used to describe the fear of statistics and research methods, can result from a lack of improper training in statistical methods. Poor statistical methods training can have an effect on health policy decision making and may play a role in the low research productivity seen in developing countries. One way to reduce Stataphobia is to intervene in the teaching of statistics in the classroom; however, such an intervention must tackle several obstacles, including student interest in the material, multiple ways of learning materials, and language barriers. We present here the Euclid Statistical Matrix, a tool for combatting Stataphobia on a global scale. This free tool is comprised of popular statistical YouTube channels and web sources that teach and demonstrate statistical concepts in a variety of presentation methods. Working with international teams in Iran, Japan, Egypt, Russia, and the United States, we have also developed the Statistical Matrix in multiple languages to address language barriers to learning statistics. By utilizing already-established large networks, we are able to disseminate our tool to thousands of Farsi-speaking university faculty and students in Iran and the United States. Future dissemination of the Euclid Statistical Matrix throughout the Central Asia and support from local universities may help to combat low research productivity in this region

    Protective role of T regulatory (Treg) cells in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with nephritis

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    Aim: To assess the role of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+, CD4+CD25- Foxp3+, CD4+CD25+Foxp3- T cells and the fork head family transcription factor (Foxp3) gene polymorphism in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and lupus nephritis (LN) patients. Patients and methods: The study comprised 40 SLE patients (including 38 females and 2 males) and 30 matched controls. SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) was assessed. The percentage of expression of CD4, CD25 and Foxp3 on T cells was measured by flow cytometry. Foxp3 gene was genotyped using the polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Results: The patients were 38 females and 2 males with a mean age of 30.3±8.9 years and disease duration of 7.4±5.7 years. Their mean SLEDAI was 7.5±6.7. Flow cytometry revealed 3 types of T cells; CD4+CD25+Foxp3+, CD4+CD25- Foxp3+ and CD4+CD25+Foxp3-. No significant differences were found in the percentage of expression and absolute counts of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+, CD4+CD25- Foxp3+ and CD4+CD25+Foxp3- T cells in patients and controls (p=0.26, p=0.22, p=0.32 respectively). CD4+CD25+Foxp3+T cells were significantly lower in patients with LN compared to those without (p<0.001). CD4+CD25- Foxp3+ T cells and Foxp3 (G/G) genotype were significantly associated with the grades of LN (p<0.001, p=0.003 respectively). The relationship between SLEDAI and the absolute counts of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+, CD4+CD25- Foxp3+ and CD4+CD25+Foxp3- T cells was insignificant (r=−0.04, p=0.78; r=0.05, p=0.76 and r=0.05, p=0.77 respectively). A significant difference in SLEDAI between patients expressing Foxp3 A/A genotype and those not was observed (p<0.01). Conclusion: CD4+CD25+Foxp3+, CD4+CD25- Foxp3+ and CD4+CD25+Foxp3- T cells are important regarding the pathogenesis of LN and could help assess the severity of renal involvement

    FrÄn idé till fÀrdig mÄlning : En studie av elevers bildarbete i Är nio

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    Uppsatsen Àr en studie av elevers bildarbete med inriktning pÄ skapelseprocessen, frÄn idé till fÀrdigt verk. Syftet har varit att bringa klarhet i varifrÄn idén kom, vad som pÄverkade motivvalet samt hur sjÀlva skapandet gick till. HÀr har elevens fritidsintressen, bildkonsumtion sÄvÀl pÄ fritiden som i skolan samt elevens tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt vid sjÀlva skapandet satts i fokus. Min metod har varit en kartlÀggande undersökning av sex elever i Är nio. Materialet har bestÄtt av intervju, skriftlig beskrivning av arbetsprocessen, fortlöpande bilddokumentation och den fÀrdiga mÄlningen. I resultatdelen har vi kunnat konstatera att idéerna har uppstÄtt ur olika kÀllor. De flesta av idéerna har kommit till genom en inre bearbetning av upplevda erfarenheter och företeelser i omvÀrlden. Vidare har jag analyserat arbetsprocessen utifrÄn Ragnar Josephsons vetenskapliga teorier och sociokulturella faktorers betydelse för motivvalet. Jag har kommit till slutsatsen att elevernas arbetssÀtt överensstÀmde i hög grad med Josephsons teorier. Sociokulturell pÄverkan har kunnat iakttas i elevernas bildarbete, dock har denna pÄverkan varit en relativ omedveten process hos flertalet elever. Resultatet pekar pÄ vikten att föra samtal med eleven om dess arbete för att rÀttvist kunnabedöma dennes arbete