10 research outputs found

    Mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of the banking sector based on blockchain technologies

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    © International Research Publication House Similar to how the digitalization of the socioeconomic environment destroys traditional areas of business (for example, digital channels replaced analogue ones), blockchain technologies can significantly transform existing business processes, including in the financial sector, thereby continuing to develop the FinTech paradigm. The introduction of blockchain technologies in the financial environment may violate the order of its functioning and development due to the fact that financial transactions can be generated in a decentralized way, while not violating the principles of verification, storage and data protection. In this regard, issues related to the empirical assessment of the possible effects arising from the “blockchain implementation” into financial markets are relevant and significant. The banking sector in the national economy of the Russian Federation was chosen as the object of research. The subject of research is the relationship built between participants in the financial market based on blockchain technologies and the resulting effects expressed in the potential to reduce the operational risks of credit organizations. In the course of our study, the scenario parameters for generating financial results of the banking sector as a result of the “blockchain implementation” into operational processes are disclosed in a formalized form; the functional capabilities of blockchain technologies are also identified that help minimizing operational risks in the banking sector

    An empirical assessment of the impact of blockchain technologies on the effectiveness of the supply chain development

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    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature on blockchain technology, present some trends and consider its potential value in supply chain management (SCM) of market. In modern economic conditions, the financial market integrated into the global economy is of fundamental importance for the development of the national economic system. In order to maintain and develop economy, the financial sector is constantly looking for ways to optimize its business processes and operations. Today, blockchain technology is considered by many participants in the financial market as a tool that forms the innovative potential of the industry providing a number of additional effects. It should be noted that despite the very high interest on the part of international and national financial institutions, enterprises of the real sector of the economy in the distributed data storage technology, studies on the problems of assessing the use of the potential of blockchain platforms in the socioeconomic environment, their theoretical understanding is not often demonstrated. Existing works, as a rule, reveal either the technical side of the object under study, or the regulatory or legal aspects of the applicability of blockchain technologies in the national economy. In this regard, this work attempts to overcome this conditional vacuum of understanding in order to make up for conditions with questions revealing other aspects of the subject of research, for example, such as the economic and social effects of introducing blockchain technologies into the activities of business entities. A formalized assessment of the development prospects of the banking sector in the new institutional economic environment is carried out on the basis of the assessment of the emerging effects caused by the integration of distributed data storage technologies into the system of operational processes in credit institutions

    Factor analysis of the influence of supply chain management on the economic dynamics of the region

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    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. The main goal of the study is to develop methodological approaches to a formalized assessment of the impact of supply chain management and its individual components on the development parameters of key macroeconomic indicators of a region (for example, investment in fixed assets). Testing the proposed research algorithms made it possible to substantiate a high level of reputation significance in the formation of regional economic growth. The implemented factor analysis provided an identification of the impact of the individual sub-indices under consideration, which form the integral value of the region's supply chain management, on investment activation processes. The Republic of Tatarstan acts as an object of the study. The subject of the research is a methodological toolkit for conducting factor analysis and assessing the impact of the region's reputation on the parameters and dynamics of investment processes. A key feature of the study is the proposed version of constructing a series of regression equations, where the region's supply chain management index is one of the exogenous parameters. The use of elimination methods has allowed the formation of a factor analysis focused on the impact of the individual components of the index under study on investment processes. On the basis of the developed methodology for the formalized assessment of the region's supply chain management, the authors have built models that assess the level of influence of sub-indices that form the basis for an integrated assessment of the territory's reputation on investment dynamics. It is advisable to use the developed methodological approaches when developing new models of economic growth under conditions of increased importance and the role of intangible production factors. According to the results of the study, the influence of each of the sub-indices under consideration on the dynamics of investment in fixed assets of the region was established, which made it possible to justify and formulate measures of state influence on the corresponding functional directions of the regional socio-economic system

    Supply chain strategy as the instrument of marketing on the example of a platform in the global information space

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    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. Supply chain strategy of the company is an intangible factor and its evaluation is hard to be filed in physical sense. Meanwhile, in the epoch of digital revolution, when every individual can have duplicate in global information space, we can attempt to evaluate metrics characterizing supply chain strategy on the example of online platforms. Supply chain strategy within information space is studied narrowly, through the prism of marketing researches: exceptionally as the monitoring of feedbacks, searching from the scope of messages negative ones, that is to say feedback management. From another side, among SMM specialists you can find lots of recommendations on websites promotion, laying followers up and so on, but there are so limited researches on key indicator values of results of company supply chain strategy and its reputation on economy influence. In this article we'll attempt to evaluate supply chain strategy of company on the basis of open and available information on the example of on-line platform YouTube. On the example of successful company owners (YouTube channels), we'll find correlation between metrics characterizing supply chain strategy and influence on results of activity-product monetization (video clips) and will define the most valuable ones. Supply chain strategy in this article is shown in new not investigated before format: as the controlling mechanism on platform. Based on research we found that upon the change of metrics characterizing supply chain strategy company revenue varies

    Impact of environmental risks on key parameters of development of regional sectors of economy (Case study: Agricultural industry in the republic of tatarstan)

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    © by University of Guilan, Printed in I.R. Iran. The region's economy forms and develops in the wake of a whole set of external and internal factors. At the same time, despite the recent stable trends in the popularization of intangible factors of production in models of economic growth, it should be noted that material production factors undoubtedly retain their relevance and highest importance. In this regard, their research is currently an important research task. The article describes the main approaches to assessing one of the key material factors of production - the ecological and economic infrastructure, which provides the basis for the development of the most important sectors of the economy, including, undoubtedly, agriculture. As a result of the study, the principles for assessing environmental and economic risks in complex spatially distributed systems have been formulated. Environmental and economic risk (EER) has been shown as a function of three states of the system: Impact, response (sustainable efficiency) and productivity. At the same time, the degree of impact clearly increases the risk of destabilization of the system, the stability of the system absorbs the environmental, and productivity compensates for the economic component of the risk. On the basis of the constructed economic and mathematical model, a significant influence of the growth of risks of violation of the ecological balance of the territory on the economic parameters of the development of agriculture in the region is proved

    Assessing the impact of supply chain financing using blockchain technology on credit risks in the banking sector of the Russian Federation

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    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. Traditional supply chains rely on banks to support the related financing activities and services. With the emergence of blockchain technology, more and more companies in different industries have considered using it to support supply chain finance. Despite the very high interest from international and national financial institutions, and also enterprises from the real sector of the economy demonstrated in the distributed data storage technology, studies on the problems of assessing the use of the supply chain platform potential in the socioeconomic environment, and their theoretical understanding can be met vary rarely. As a rule, existing works reveal either the technical side of the object of study, or the regulatory or legal aspects of the applicability of supply chain technologies in the national economy. This paper attempts to overcome this conditional vacuum of understanding in order to make up for conditions with questions revealing other aspects of the subject of research, for example, such as the economic and social effects of introducing blockchain technologies into the activities of business entities. The banking sector of the national economy of the Russian Federation was chosen as the object of research. The research subject is the relationship built between participants in the financial market on the basis of supply chain technologies and the resulting effects expressed in the potential to reduce the credit risks of banks due to non-fulfilment, untimely or incomplete fulfilment of financial obligations by debtors. In the course of the study, the main directions that reduce the risks under consideration as a result of minimizing opportunistic models of behavior are substantiated and possible economic effects for the Russian banking system as a result of the use of blockchain technologies are identified. The opportunities for supply chain finance offered by possible applications of blockchain technologies in the supply chain and the capacity of this technology to deal with the existing barriers and pain points. The most important result of the work is the developed algorithm for determining the parameters for reducing the credit risk capital for as a result of the penetration of supply chain technologies into the banking environment

    Blockchain as the component of the macro-generating cluster of the sixth technological mode

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    © International Research Publication House The modern economic system is characterized by the successive replacement of the Fifth Technological mode by the Sixth Technological mode. The specificity of the Sixth technological mode is the predominance of system-integrating and macrogenerating clusters in its structure. The dominant cluster is the supercluster of telecommunications and digital technologies. Blockchain is a component of this supercluster. Blockchain is a technology with a special mechanism of diffusion into existing economic systems, which can be described in terms of actor-network theory. The corresponding diffusion mechanism includes the following elements: (1) making the new technology obvious, (2) creating a contrast between the complexity and volumes of the preliminary research and the simplicity of the proposed technology, (3) achieving credibility through the simplicity and visualization of the technology, (4) ensuring inequality of opportunities between those who are supporters of the technology and its opponents, (5) a high level of trust in the creator of the technology, (6) the creation of an actor-network structure around the technology. The paper analyses the data components in relation to blockchain technology

    Increasing stability of economy through supply chain management and the circular economy

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    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. This article presents preliminary propositions concerning implications for the development of what we term 'circular supply chains', defined here as the embodiment of circular economy principles within supply chain management. The economic system in the process of functioning generates positive and negative externalities. Currently, there are exacerbating problems associated with the need to minimize negative externalities, which pose global risks to the global economic system. The most acute risks are associated with ensuring the sustainability of financial systems, and also with environmental pollution, climate change, outbreaks of new types of deadly diseases. It seems promising to introduce elements of a circular economy, based on the use of non-waste technologies that minimize negative externalities. In addition, the solution to the problem of minimizing negative externalities within the framework of the current model of the economic system is associated with the creation of a mechanism for recording externalities and a mechanism for stimulating economic entities to minimize the negative external effects produced by their activities and maximize positive external effects. Tokenization on the supply chain platform creates the possibility of forming this mechanism. The system of tokenizing the externalies includes: (a) the formulation of the target behaviour of economic agents, (b) the creation of a supply chain platform that provides token issuance, (c) the determination of the exchange rate of tokens by economic agents for economic incentives (tax breaks, grants, investments, etc.), (d) an assessment of the effectiveness of economic agents in reducing negative externalities and increasing positive externalities

    A Formalized Assessment of the Scenario Development of the National Economy in the Context of the Penetration of Blockchain Technologies Into the Financial Sector of Transactions

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    © (publication year), (publisher). All rights reserved. In the coming years, blockchain technologies may become one of the breakthrough innovations in the financial sector of the economy, optimizing and simplifying transaction operations in a number of areas, and reducing their cost. In this regard, representatives of the financial industry should understand the possible consequences caused by the integration of the technologies under consideration in business processes. It is important to understand that the blockchain technologies have a very significant potential for transforming the established algorithms for the interaction of financial market participants, and be aware where are the boundaries of these changes, what new opportunities are presented by blockchain technologies and. Furthermore, finally, what are the expected consequences for the development of the financial sector itself and the other sectors of the national economic system associated with it. It should be noted that studies on blockchain technologies are very fragmented and, as a rule, have an insufficient level of both theoretical and empirical study. It seems relevant at the present stage of the development of economic science to conduct a systematic study aimed at finding and substantiating the areas of economic activity that are most susceptible to penetration of blockchain technologies. This involves a further justification of the possible consequences and using methods that are not so much qualitative but of quantitative analysis. In this regard, the process of resolving the issues posed in order to minimize risks for financial and other organizations in the face of the opportunities and threats to come under the pressure of the integration of blockchain platforms into the business environment becomes a vital and urgent task. This research is devoted to the solution of the questions posed. Without claiming to be complete and perfect concerning the proposed mechanisms to solve the tasks, the work, in fact, is an invitation to the scientific community to develop further a methodology for studying the influence of blockchain technologies on the dynamics and parameters of the formation of economic growth rates

    Production of High-Density Jet and Diesel Fuels by Hydrogenation of Highly Aromatic Fractions

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