13 research outputs found

    Problems of Regional Autonomy in Contemporary Indonesia. By John D. Legge. (Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. 1958. Pp. viii, 71. 1.50.)βˆ’TheIndonesianElectionsof1955.ByHerbertFeith.(Ithaca:CornellUniversitySoutheastAsiaProgram.1957.Pp.91.1.50.) - The Indonesian Elections of 1955. By Herbert Feith. (Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. 1957. Pp. 91. 1.50.) - The Soviet View of the Indonesian Revolution. By Ruth T. McVey. (Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. 1958. Pp. 83. 1.50.)βˆ’TheOfficeofPresidentinIndonesiaasDefinedintheThreeConstitutionsinTheoryandPractice.ByA.K.Pringgodigdo.TranslatedbyAlexanderBrotherton.(Ithaca:CornellUniversitySoutheastAsiaProgram.1958.Pp.ix,59.1.50.) - The Office of President in Indonesia as Defined in the Three Constitutions in Theory and Practice. By A. K. Pringgodigdo. Translated by Alexander Brotherton. (Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. 1958. Pp. ix, 59. 1.50.) - The Beginnings of the Indonesian-Dutch Negotiations and the Hoge Veluwe Talks. By Idrus Nasir Djajadiningrat. (Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. 1958. Pp. x, 128. 2.50.)βˆ’TheCoβˆ’operativeMovementinIndonesia.ByMohammadHatta.EditedbyGeorgeMcT.Kahin.(Ithaca:CornellUniversityPress.1957.Pp.xxxiv,121.2.50.) - The Co-operative Movement in Indonesia. By Mohammad Hatta. Edited by George McT. Kahin. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1957. Pp. xxxiv, 121. 3.00.)

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