20 research outputs found

    A Novel Zero-Trust Machine Learning Green Architecture for Healthcare IoT Cybersecurity: Review, Analysis, and Implementation

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    The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in healthcare applications has revolutionized patient care, monitoring, and data management. The Global IoT in Healthcare Market value is $252.2 Billion in 2023. However, the rapid involvement of these devices brings information security concerns that pose critical threats to patient privacy and the integrity of healthcare data. This paper introduces a novel machine learning (ML) based architecture explicitly designed to address and mitigate security vulnerabilities in IoT devices within healthcare applications. By leveraging advanced convolution ML architecture, the proposed architecture aims to proactively monitor and detect potential threats, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive healthcare information while minimizing the cost and increasing the portability specialized for healthcare and emergency environments. The experimental results underscore the accuracy of up to 93.6% for predicting various attacks based on the results demonstrate a zero-day detection accuracy simulated using the CICIoT2023 dataset and reduces the cost by a factor of x10. The significance of our approach is in fortifying the security posture of IoT devices and maintaining a robust implementation of trustful healthcare systems.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, under revie

    CautionSuicide: A Deep Learning Based Approach for Detecting Suicidal Ideation in Real Time Chatbot Conversation

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    Suicide is recognized as one of the most serious concerns in the modern society. Suicide causes tragedy that affects countries, communities, and families. There are many factors that lead to suicidal ideations. Early detection of suicidal ideations can help to prevent suicide occurrence by providing the victim with the required professional support, especially when the victim does not recognize the danger of having suicidal ideations. As technology usage has increased, people share and express their ideations digitally via social media, chatbots, and other digital platforms. In this paper, we proposed a novel, simple deep learning-based model to detect suicidal ideations in digital content, mainly focusing on chatbots as the primary data source. In addition, we provide a framework that employs the proposed suicide detection integration with a chatbot-based support system.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, Under review in IEEE conferenc

    IoT Botnet Detection Using an Economic Deep Learning Model

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    The rapid progress in technology innovation usage and distribution has increased in the last decade. The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) systems worldwide has increased network security challenges created by malicious third parties. Thus, reliable intrusion detection and network forensics systems that consider security concerns and IoT systems limitations are essential to protect such systems. IoT botnet attacks are one of the significant threats to enterprises and individuals. Thus, this paper proposed an economic deep learning-based model for detecting IoT botnet attacks along with different types of attacks. The proposed model achieved higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art detection models using a smaller implementation budget and accelerating the training and detecting processes.Comment: The paper under reviewing proces

    Vision-Based American Sign Language Classification Approach via Deep Learning

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    Hearing-impaired is the disability of partial or total hearing loss that causes a significant problem for communication with other people in society. American Sign Language (ASL) is one of the sign languages that most commonly used language used by Hearing impaired communities to communicate with each other. In this paper, we proposed a simple deep learning model that aims to classify the American Sign Language letters as a step in a path for removing communication barriers that are related to disabilities.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted in the The Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS-35) 202

    Machine Learning Based IoT Adaptive Architecture for Epilepsy Seizure Detection: Anatomy and Analysis

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    A seizure tracking system is crucial for monitoring and evaluating epilepsy treatments. Caretaker seizure diaries are used in epilepsy care today, but clinical seizure monitoring may miss seizures. Monitoring devices that can be worn may be better tolerated and more suitable for long-term ambulatory use. Many techniques and methods are proposed for seizure detection; However, simplicity and affordability are key concepts for daily use while preserving the accuracy of the detection. In this study, we propose a versal, affordable noninvasive based on a simple real-time k-Nearest-Neighbors (kNN) machine learning that can be customized and adapted to individual users in less than four seconds of training time; the system was verified and validated using 500 subjects, with seizure detection data sampled at 178 Hz, the operated with a mean accuracy of (94.5%).Comment: Under review, 5 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Deep Learning Approach for Early Stage Lung Cancer Detection

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among different types of cancers. Every year, the lives lost due to lung cancer exceed those lost to pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancer combined. The survival rate for lung cancer patients is very low compared to other cancer patients due to late diagnostics. Thus, early lung cancer diagnostics is crucial for patients to receive early treatments, increasing the survival rate or even becoming cancer-free. This paper proposed a deep-learning model for early lung cancer prediction and diagnosis from Computed Tomography (CT) scans. The proposed mode achieves high accuracy. In addition, it can be a beneficial tool to support radiologists' decisions in predicting and detecting lung cancer and its stage.Comment: Under review in FLAIRS 202

    A Convolutional-based Model for Early Prediction of Alzheimer's based on the Dementia Stage in the MRI Brain Images

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    Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative brain disease. Being the primary cause of Dementia in adults and progressively destroys brain memory. Though Alzheimer's disease does not have a cure currently, diagnosing it at an earlier stage will help reduce the severity of the disease. Thus, early diagnosis of Alzheimer's could help to reduce or stop the disease from progressing. In this paper, we proposed a deep convolutional neural network-based model for learning model using to determine the stage of Dementia in adults based on the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images to detect the early onset of Alzheimer's.Comment: Short paper, Under Review in FLAIRS-3

    Cyberbullying in Text Content Detection: An Analytical Review

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    Technological advancements have resulted in an exponential increase in the use of online social networks (OSNs) worldwide. While online social networks provide a great communication medium, they also increase the user's exposure to life-threatening situations such as suicide, eating disorder, cybercrime, compulsive behavior, anxiety, and depression. To tackle the issue of cyberbullying, most existing literature focuses on developing approaches to identifying factors and understanding the textual factors associated with cyberbullying. While most of these approaches have brought great success in cyberbullying research, data availability needed to develop model detection remains a challenge in the research space. This paper conducts a comprehensive literature review to provide an understanding of cyberbullying detection.Comment: 8 pages. Under revie

    TemporalAugmenter: An Ensemble Recurrent Based Deep Learning Approach for Signal Classification

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    Ensemble modeling has been widely used to solve complex problems as it helps to improve overall performance and generalization. In this paper, we propose a novel TemporalAugmenter approach based on ensemble modeling for augmenting the temporal information capturing for long-term and short-term dependencies in data integration of two variations of recurrent neural networks in two learning streams to obtain the maximum possible temporal extraction. Thus, the proposed model augments the extraction of temporal dependencies. In addition, the proposed approach reduces the preprocessing and prior stages of feature extraction, which reduces the required energy to process the models built upon the proposed TemporalAugmenter approach, contributing towards green AI. Moreover, the proposed model can be simply integrated into various domains including industrial, medical, and human-computer interaction applications. Our proposed approach empirically evaluated the speech emotion recognition, electrocardiogram signal, and signal quality examination tasks as three different signals with varying complexity and different temporal dependency features.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 9 tables, under review proces