27 research outputs found

    Charge Transfer-oxy Radical Mechanism for Anti-cancer Agents

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    The proposal is advanced that anti-cancer drugs generally function by charge transfer resulting in formation of toxic oxy radicals which destroy the neoplasm. Electrochemical studies were performed with some of the main types of agents: iminium ions (adenine iminium from alkylating species, iminium metabolite of 6-mercaptopurine, nitidine, other polynuclear iminiums) and metal complexes (Pt(II)diaquodiammine-guanosine, copper salicylaldoximes). Reduction potentials ranged from -0.4 to -1.2 V. Literature data for quinones are presented and radiation is discussed. Based on the theoretical framework, a rationale is offered for the carcinogen-anti-cancer paradox and the role of antioxidants

    Statutory pensions in Finland: long-term projections 2007

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    Statutory pensions in Finland include earnings-related and national pensions as well as military accident, motor liability and workers’ compensation pensions. The report contains calculations of pension expenditure based on these acts and the average development of the benefit level, as well as funding of earnings-related pensions in the private sector until the year 2075. The impact of the most central assumptions on the results will be presented through sensitivity calculations. The results of the report have been calculated using the long-term projection model of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. The model simulates the operations of the pension system, enabling calculations for the prediction and planning needs of the pension scheme. In the calculations, pension legislation and other regulations remain unchanged until the end of the review period. Calculations are based on an age and gender-specific median technique

    Lakisääteiset eläkkeet: pitkän aikavälin laskelmat 2009

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    Raportissa esitetään Eläketurvakeskuksen vuoden 2009 pitkän aikavälin laskelmat lakisääteisten eläkemenojen ja keskimääräisen eläketason kehityksestä. Pääpaino raportissa on työeläkkeitä koskevilla laskelmilla. Yksityisten alojen työeläkelakien osalta raportti sisältää myös rahoituslaskelmat, joiden keskeisimpiä tuloksia on TyEL-maksun ja -varojen kehitys

    Lakisääteiset eläkkeet: pitkän aikavälin laskelmat 2007

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    Suomen lakisääteiset eläkkeet muodostuvat työ- ja kansaneläkkeestä sekä sotilasvamma-, liikennevakuutus- ja tapaturmaeläkkeistä. Raportti sisältää laskelmat näiden lakien mukaisen eläkemenon ja keskimääräisen etuustason kehityksestä sekä yksityisalojen työeläkkeiden rahoituksesta vuoteen 2075. Keskeisimpien oletusten vaikutus tuloksiin esitetään herkkyyslaskelmien avulla. Raportin tulokset on laskettu Eläketurvakeskuksen pitkän aikavälin suunnittelumallilla. Malli jäljittelee eläkejärjestelmän toimintaa ja sen avulla voidaan tehdä laskelmia eläkejärjestelmän ennuste- ja suunnittelutarpeisiin. Laskelmissa eläkelainsäädäntö ja muut säännökset pysyvät muuttumattomina tarkastelujakson loppuun saakka. Laskenta perustuu ikä- ja sukupuolikohtaiseen keskiarvotekniikkaan. Raportin kuvioiden data (excel

    Impact of hexamine addition to a nitrite-based additive on fermentation quality, Clostridia and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a white lupin-wheat silage

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    BACKGROUND Nitrite and hexamine are used as silage additives because of their adverse effects on Clostridia and Clostridia spores. The effect of sodium nitrite and sodium nitrite/hexamine mixtures on silage quality was investigated. A white lupin-wheat mixture was treated with sodium nitrite (NaHe0) (900 g t(-1) forage), or mixtures of sodium nitrite (900 g t(-1)) and hexamine. The application rate of hexamine was 300 g t(-1) (NaHe300) or 600 g t(-1) (NaHe600). Additional treatments were the untreated control (Con), and formic acid (FA) applied at a rate of 4 L t(-1) (1000 g kg(-1)). RESULTS Additives improved silage quality noticeably only by reducing silage ammonia content compared with the control. The addition of hexamine to a sodium nitrite solution did not improve silage quality compared with the solution containing sodium nitrite alone. The increasing addition of hexamine resulted in linearly rising pH values (P <0.001) and decreasing amounts of lactic acid (P <0.01). Sodium nitrite based additives were more effective than formic acid in preventing butyric acid formation. Additives did not restrict the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae compared to the control. CONCLUSION The addition of hexamine did not improve silage quality compared with a solution of sodium nitrite. (c) 2018 Society of Chemical IndustryPeer reviewe

    Statutory pensions in Finland – long term projections 2011

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    The report presents the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ long-term projections regarding the development of statutory pensions in 2011–2080. The main focus of the report is on calculations of earnings-related pensions. The report examines the development of pension expenditure and the average benefit level, as well as the financing of private-sector earnings-related pensions. The main results of the calculations depict the development in contributions and assets under the Employees Pension Act

    Lakisääteiset eläkkeet: pitkän aikavälin laskelmat 2011

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    Raportissa esitellään Eläketurvakeskuksen pitkän aikavälin laskelmat lakisääteisten eläkkeiden kehityksestä vuosille 2011–2080. Pääpaino on työeläkkeitä koskevissa laskelmissa. Raportissa tarkastellaan eläkemenojen ja keskimääräisen etuustason kehittymistä sekä yksityisen alan työeläkkeiden rahoitusta. Rahoituslaskelmien keskeisempiä tuloksia ovat TyEL-maksun ja -varojen kehitys

    Maternal gluten, cereal, and dietary fiber intake during pregnancy and lactation and the risk of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes in the child

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    Background &amp; aims: Maternal gluten intake in relation to child's risk of type 1 diabetes has been studied in few prospective studies considering the diet during pregnancy but none during lactation. Our aim was to study whether gluten, cereals, or dietary fiber in maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation is associated with the risk of islet autoimmunity or type 1 diabetes in the offspring. Methods: We included 4943 children with genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes from the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) Study, born between 1996 and 2004. Maternal intake of gluten, different types of cereals, and dietary fiber were derived from a semi-quantitative validated food frequency questionnaire covering the eighth month of pregnancy and the third month of lactation. Children were monitored for islet autoantibodies up to age of 15 years and type 1 diabetes until year 2017. Risk of islet autoimmunity and clinical type 1 diabetes were estimated using Cox regression model, adjusted for energy intake, child's sex, HLA genotype, and familial diabetes. Results: Altogether 312 children (6.4%) developed islet autoimmunity at median age of 3.5 (IQR 1.7, 6.6) years and 178 children (3.6%) developed type 1 diabetes at median age of 7.1 (IQR 4.3, 10.6) years. Gluten intake during pregnancy was not associated with islet autoimmunity (HR 0.96; 95% CI 0.68, 1.35), per 1&nbsp;g/MJ increase in intake nor type 1 diabetes (HR 0.96; 95% CI 0.62, 1.50) in the offspring. Higher barley consumption during lactation was associated with increased risk of type 1 diabetes (HR 3.25; 95% CI 1.21, 8.70) per 1&nbsp;g/MJ increase in intake. Maternal intake of other cereals or dietary fiber was not associated with the offspring outcomes. Conclusions: We observed no association between maternal intake of gluten, most consumed cereals, or dietary fiber during pregnancy or lactation and the risk of islet autoimmunity or type 1 diabetes in children from a high-risk population