12 research outputs found

    Cost-effectiveness of alendronate in the prevention of osteoporotic fractures in Danish women

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    Pharmacological interventions for osteoporosis may reduce morbidity and mortality, but they incur additional health care costs. The aim was to quantify the additional costs and health benefits of prescribing alendronate 10 mg and calcium/vitamin D daily for 71-year-old women with a fracture risk twice that of the population average in stead of calcium/vitamin D alone. A state transition model based primarily on Scandinavian data was developed. Women were followed from age of 71 years until 100. Alendronate was assumed to reduce the fracture risk by 50%. Health benefits from the interventions were expressed in terms of life years, quality adjusted life years, and fractures avoided. Societal costs were estimated using literature estimates and Danish tariffs. All costs were measured in 2002 Danish Kroner (DKK). Future costs and benefits were discounted at 5% per year. The incremental cost per QALY gained was DKK125,000 while the cost per life year gained was DKK 374,000. The use of alendronate was cost-saving when 1) the treatment was extended to five years, 2) the risk of fracture was four times the population average, 3) the effect of alendronate was assumed to persist for three years after discontinuation of treatment, 4) a greater proportion had severe sequelae after a hip fracture, or 5) the start of therapy was delayed until age of 77 years. In conclusion, the use of alendronate compares well with other well established therapies in terms of cost-effectiveness in older women with high risk of fracture

    Zur Prognose der Schenkelhalsfraktur

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    BACKGROUND: Data on the treatment of hip fractures in acute care settings have been collected in a report card system for quality assurance in Germany since the beginning of the 1990s. However, there are no data on the long-term outcome and long-term quality of care. MATERIAL AND METHOD: In a retrospective study, data on 1393 patients from 1999 were collected from different sources: from the department of quality assurance at the medical association of Westfalia-Lippe, the Statutory Health Insurance Funds (AOK), and the Medical Review Board of the Statutory Health Insurance Funds (Medizinischer Dienst der Krankenkasse, MDK). Statistical analyses were performed by the Center for Clinical Studies of the University of Düsseldorf. RESULTS: Uni- and multivariate analyses reveal the following prognostic parameters for survival after hip fracture: sex, age, nursing care dependency, living in a nursing home, risk stratification according to ASA, and postoperative complications. Timing of the operation had no affect on survival. CONCLUSIONS: Prognostic factors for the outcome after hip fracture can only be obtained by analyzing data from the hospital stay and the post-hospital setting as well. Chances of survival can be significantly improved by rehabilitative care