67 research outputs found

    Is Forced Coughing Effective in Reducing Pain During Cervical Biopsy? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Our objective was to compare potential analgesic effect of forced coughing (FC) technique versus local anesthetics (LA) or placebo during cervical biopsy. We systematically searched five electronic databases from inception till March 2021; Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar. The data was extracted from six RCTs and analyzed them using Review Manager Software. During cervical biopsy, the overall effect estimate favored LA over FC group (MD =1.06; 95% CI [0.58 to 1.54]; p < 0.0001). On the other hand, when compared to no pain management pooled data were comparable between the two groups (MD = -1.2; 95% CI [-3.35 to 0.94]; p = 0.27). Procedure duration was significantly longer in LA than FC group (MD = -1.94; 95% CI [-2.47 to - 1.41]; p < 0.00001). FC and LA seemed to useful pain-lowering modalities during the cervical biopsy according to settings and availability. Further studies are recommended. Keywords: Cervical Biopsy; Colposcopy; Forced Coughing; Pain

    Prevalence and some risk factors with therapeutic trial of sheep dermatophytosis in Egypt

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    Dermatophytosis is a fungal disease that affects the superficial skin layers and hair of farm animals all over the world including Egypt. Despite being a self-limiting disease, it has serious effects on public health and devastating economic losses due to its serious skin damage, a long course of treatment, and loss of weight. This study determines the most prevalent species of dermatophyte in sheep and identifies the incriminated species by both microscopic and culture methods with an assessment of animal and environmental risk factors. Moreover, it evaluates the effectiveness of three antifungal compounds (tioconazole cream and clotrimazole spray, and fluconazole capsule), on twenty-four naturally infected sheep. One hundred and three sheep from Sharkia and Dakahalia governorates were examined with clinically suggestive lesions from 2018 to 2019. 47.6% of the cases were positive for the dermatophyte infection either by clinical signs, microscopic or culture, or both. The highest registered infection rate is in males, at the age of ˂ 6 months, and in the winter season. Three antifungal medications are used for the first time in the treatment of ovine dermatophytosis. They are proved to have been effective in subsiding skin lesions with hair growth to return to its normal clinical state with a 100% curative rate. The treatment with preferable and easily applicable topical cures, especially tioconazole cream, is highly effective in the short run. This cream treatment is easily applicable and provides a good alternative to the traditional antifungal medication for sheep. Consequently, such treatment can reduce the possibility of spreading the infection by other animals, and may allow the adaption of efficient control measures

    Ispitivanje antidepresivnog, sedativnog i analgetskog djelovanja novih fuzioniranih derivata tiofena

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    This study was aimed at the synthesis of fused benzothiophene derivatives containing heterocyclic moiety. The reaction of the tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophene derivatives 1a,b with ethoxycarbonylisothiocyanate afforded the thiourea derivatives 2a,b. Cyclization of the latter products gave the annulated benzo[b]thienopyrimidine derivatives 3a,b. Compounds 2a,b and 3a underwent a series of heterocyclization reactions through the reaction with some chemical reagents to give the new benzo[b]thienopyrimidine derivatives 5a,b to 8a-c. Also, this work was extended to study the potential role of the novel synthesized thiourea derivative 2a and benzo[b]thienopyrimidine derivatives 3a, 5b, 6a and 8b as antidepressant, sedative or analgesic agents at two doses (15 or 30 mg kg1 body mass). Some compounds (2a, 3a and 5b) showed mild antidepressant activity in the forced-swimming test. No compound showed sedative effect. Visceral pain evoked by i.p. injection of acetic acid in mice was significantly inhibited by all compounds at a high doses.U radu je opisana sinteza fuzioniranih derivata benzotiofena koji sadrže heterociklički ostatak bitan za farmakološko djelovanje. Tiourea derivati 2a,b dobiveni su reakcijom derivata tetrahidrobenzo[b]tiofena 1a,b s etoksikarbonilizotiocijanatom. Iz njih su dalje priređeni anulirani derivati benzo[b]tienopirimidina 3a,b. Spojevi 2a,b i 3a prevedeni su reakcijama heterociklizacije u benzo[b]tienopirimidine 5a,b-8a-c. Ispitivano je antidepresivno, sedativno i analgetsko djelovanje novosintetiziranih derivata tiouree 2a i benzo[b]tienopirimidina 3a, 5b, 6a i 8b u dvije doze (15 ili 30 mg kg1 tjelesne mase). Spojevi 2a, 3a i 5b pokazali su blago antidepresivno djelovanje u testu forsiranog plivanja, dok sedativni učinak nije pokazao niti jedan ispitivani spoj. Visceralna bol inducirana i.p. injekcijom octene kiseline u miševa značajno je inhibirana sa svim spojevima, ali u visokim dozama

    Use of radiographic and histologic scores to evaluate cats with idiopathic megacolon grouped based on the duration of their clinical signs

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    Since the duration of clinical signs could be used to identify cases of chronic constipation, in addition, prolonged duration is often associated with irreversible changes. Thus, the main objective of this study was to determine whether the duration of clinical signs of idiopathic megacolon in cats affected their diagnosis and prognosis after treatment. Medical records of cats that either had confirmed megacolon for an unknown cause (cat patients) or with normal bowels (control cats) were reviewed. Cat patients were grouped based on the duration of their clinical signs (constipation/obstipation) to cats <6 months and ≥6 months. For all feline patients, abdominal radiographs (for colonic indexes) and resected colon specimens (for histology) were assessed vs. control cats. Treatment applied to cat patients was also evaluated. Cat patients were older (p = 0.0138) and had a higher maximum colon diameter (MCD; mean 41.25 vs. 21.67 mm, p < 0.0001) and MCD/L5L ratio (1.77 vs. 0.98, p < 0.0001) than controls. Compared to cats with <6 months, cats ≥6 months showed a higher MCD (43.78 vs. 37.12 mm, p < 0.0001) and MCD/L5L ratio (1.98 vs. 1.67, p < 0.0001). Histologically, increased thickness of the smooth muscularis mucosa (54.1 vs. 22.33 μm, p < 0.05), and inner circular (743.65 vs. 482.67 μm, p < 0.05) and outer longitudinal (570.68 vs. 330.33 μm, p < 0.05) smooth muscular layers of the muscularis externa was noted only in cat patients with ≥6 months compared to controls. Similarly, fewer ganglion cells (0.93 vs. 2.87, p < 0.005) and more necrotized myocytes (2.25 vs. 0.07, p < 0.005) were observed in cats with ≥6 months. In contrast to <6 months, the majority of cats (94.4%) with ≥6 months duration did not show any response to medical treatment and therefore underwent surgery with favorable results. In conclusion, this study suggests that the duration of clinical signs should be considered in conjunction with maximal colon scores to evaluate cats for idiopathic megacolon and determine the level of treatment. Functional abnormalities of the colonic smooth muscles may be a possible cause of idiopathic megacolon in cats

    Cytotoxicity, in silico

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