19,824 research outputs found

    Parasitism of Early Instar Jack Pine Budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by Apanteles Spp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Glypta Fumiferanae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

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    Glypta fumiferanae and two species of Apanteles parasitized 1st-4th instar jack pine bud worm (Choristoneura pinus). Apparent parasitism of budworm in four Michigan populations ranged from 10.6 to 30.9% for A. fumiferanae, 4.3-16.4% for A. morrisi, and 2.1-9.1 % for G.fumiferanae. A. morrisi probably parasitized 3rd-4th instar jack pine bud worm. Based on the results obtained, it is suggested that sampling overwintering budworm larvae is appropriate for estimating apparent parasitism by A. fumiferanae and G. fumiferanae. Sampling budworm larvae at ca. 500 degree-days (base 8.9°C) is appropriate for estimating apparent parasitism by A. morrisi

    Aphidophagous Coccinellids in Alfalfa, Small Grains, and Maize in Eastern South Dakota

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    In a 13-year study of aphidophagous coccinellids associated with alfalfa (Medicago sativa), maize (Zea mays), and small grain crops in eastern South Dakota, the following species were consistently associated with the crops: Hippodamia convergens, H. tredecimpunctata tibialis, H. parenthesis, Coleomegilla maculata lengi, Coccinella transversoguttata richardsoni, Cycloneda munda, and Adalia bipunctata. All species except A. bipunctata were associated with each of the three crops, while A. bipunctata occurred only in maize. Relative abundances of each species varied among crops and among years. Although only seven species were associated with the crops, additional species were captured on sticky traps stationed adjacent to sampled fields. The species diversity of immature coccinellids did not differ among crops but did differ among years. The diversity of adults differed among crops and years. The site from which samples were taken had no influence on the diversity of immatures or adults. Species relative abundances in alfalfa and small grains were more similar to each other than they were to relative abundances in maize

    Classification of states of single-jj fermions with JJ-pairing interaction

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    In this paper we show that a system of three fermions is exactly solvable for the case of a single-jj in the presence of an angular momentum-JJ pairing interaction. On the basis of the solutions for this system, we obtain new sum rules for six-jj symbols. It is also found that the "non-integer" eigenvalues of three fermions with angular momentum II around the maximum appear as "non-integer" eigenvalues of four fermions when II is around (or larger than) JmaxJ_{\rm max} and the Hamiltonian contains only an interaction between pairs of fermions coupled to spin J=Jmax=2j1J=J_{\rm max}=2j-1. This pattern is also found in five and six fermion systems. A boson system with spin ll exhibits a similar pattern.Comment: to be published in Physical Review

    A Descriptive Study of the Population Dynamics of Adult \u3ci\u3eDiabrotica Virgifera Virgifera\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Artificially Infested Corn Fields

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    The influence of corn plant phenology on the dynamics of adult western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, populations was studied during 1988 and 1989 in com fields artificially infested with eggs. Fifty percent of adult emergence from the soil occurred by day 194 in 1988 and day 203 in 1989. In both years, adult emergence was synchronized with corn flowering, eggs were recovered in soil samples approximately four days after reproductive females were first observed in the population, and oviposition was essentially complete about 25 days after it began. The number of reproductive female beetle-days accumulating per m2 was similar in both years. Approximately two times as many eggs were laid in 1988 (1239 eggs 1m2) as in 1989 (590 eggs 1m2). The difference in egg density may have been caused by differences among years in the temporal synchrony of reproductive beetles with flowering corn. Daily survival rates of adults were high while corn was flowering; exhibited a gradual decline during grain filling; and decreased rapidly during the grain drying stage

    Efficient and spectrally bright source of polarization-entangled photons

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    We demonstrate an efficient fiber-coupled source of nondegenerate polarization entangled photons at 795 and 1609 nm using bidirectionally pumped parametric down-conversion in bulk periodically poled lithium niobate. The single-mode source has an inferred bandwidth of 50 GHz and a spectral brightness of 300 pairs/s/GHz/mW of pump power that is suitable for narrowband applications such as entanglement transfer from photonic to atomic qubits.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Treatment of dogs with compensated myxomatous mitral valve disease with spironolactone-a pilot study

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    Spironolactone improves outcome in dogs with advanced myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD). Its efficacy in preclinical MMVD is unknown. The hypothesis was the administration of spironolactone to dogs with compensated MMVD demonstrating risk factors for poorer prognosis will decrease the rate of disease progression. The aim was to provide pilot data to evaluate preliminary effects and sample size calculation for a definitive clinical trial

    Diversity, Dilemmas and Transformation in Post-Compulsory Education: an Introduction to the Special Issue on Work Based Research

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    As governments recognize the central place of post-compulsory education in regenerating and modernizing the economic and social fabric of society (BIS 2008), it is appropriate for us as educational researchers to question whether this recognition beckons a different role for research in post-compulsory education. Much of this research is work based, using a broad interpretation of this term, and the majority of articles received by this journal (though the proportion published is a lower one) reflect this balance. Work based research in education poses particular challenges for the researcher and the practitioner, whether the focus is practitioner research, in which case the dilemmas can centre on potential role conflict between practitioner and researcher roles, or whether the work based research is observational – analyzing others’ professional practice, in which case the dilemmas can centre on power relations between researcher and researched, the politics of research, and ethical questions around care for participants and the degree of their involvement or non-involvement in the total research enterprise. This article reviews the prospects for work based research in post-compulsory education and introduces the articles in this special issue

    Patterns of the ground states in the presence of random interactions: nucleon systems

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    We present our results on properties of ground states for nucleonic systems in the presence of random two-body interactions. In particular we present probability distributions for parity, seniority, spectroscopic (i.e., in the laboratory framework) quadrupole moments and α\alpha clustering in the ground states. We find that the probability distribution for the parity of the ground states obtained by a two-body random ensemble simulates that of realistic nuclei: positive parity is dominant in the ground states of even-even nuclei while for odd-odd nuclei and odd-mass nuclei we obtain with almost equal probability ground states with positive and negative parity. In addition we find that for the ground states, assuming pure random interactions, low seniority is not favored, no dominance of positive values of spectroscopic quadrupole deformation, and no sign of α\alpha-cluster correlations, all in sharp contrast to realistic nuclei. Considering a mixture of a random and a realistic interaction, we observe a second order phase transition for the α\alpha-cluster correlation probability.Comment: 7 page

    Motivational Effects of Goal Orientation

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    According to achievement goal theory, individuals set mastery or performance goals to accomplish challenging tasks. In addition, they can either approach or avoid the goal they are achieving. Mastery goals show positive correlation to intrinsic motivation while performance goals are linked to extrinsic motivation. Goal setting also affects motivation for completing tasks and perception of self-efficacious behavior while performing tasks. Receiving feedback has been positively correlated with success in learning and intrinsic motivation. The present research manipulates goal orientation through the accomplishment of a word find in an online experimental setting to test the effect on feedback, intrinsic motivation, choice, and self-efficacy. Positive versus highly positive feedback conditions were used after the word find to test effects on perceived competence following a task. For the approach-mastery goal condition, we found main effects for intrinsic motivation, perceived choice, task choice, and views of task importance. Additionally, we found a main effect for perceived competence for our highly positive feedback condition versus giving just positive feedback. These results demonstrate support for accomplishing challenging tasks with mastery goals versus performance goals and the usage of more positive feedback in a feedback condition