572 research outputs found

    The Effect of the 1998 Master Settlement on Prenatal Smoking

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    The Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) between the major tobacco companies and 46 states created an abrupt 45 cent (21%) increase in cigarette prices in November, 1998. Earlier estimates of the elasticity of prenatal smoking implied that the price rise would reduce prenatal cigarette smoking by 7% to 21%. Using birth records on 10 million U.S. births between January 1996 and February 2000, we examined the change in smoking during pregnancy and conditional smoking intensity in response to the MSA. Overall, adjusting for secular trends in smoking, prenatal smoking declined much less than predicted in response to the MSA.

    An Artistic Exploration of Inattention Blindness†

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    An experiment about inattention blindness was conducted within the context of an art exhibition as opposed to a laboratory context in order to investigate the potential of art as a vehicle to study attention and its disorders. The project utilized a flash animation, Stealing Attention, that was modeled after the movie by Simons and Chabris (1999) but with significant experimental differences, involving context and staging, the emotional salience of the objects depicted, and the prior art viewing experience of participants. The study involved two components: observing if viewers watching an animation in a gallery could be distracted from noticing the disappearance of stolen museum antiquities (the targets) by the overlaid flashing images of a card game (the distractors) and then observing whether repetition of the depicted targets throughout the gallery installation could facilitate a re-direction of attention that allowed viewers to perceive the targets not initially noted in the animation. My findings were that, after viewing the entire installation and then re-viewing the animation, 64% of the viewers who did not initially remark on the targets in the animation were then able to see them. The discussion elaborates on these findings and then considers ways in which the implications of inattention blindness paradigms might be more fully rendered by uniting insights from the two disciplines of art and neuroscience than by either alone

    The Midwest

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    New York as Shadow-Line in Philip Roth's Exit Ghost

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    Dans la nouvelle de Conrad intitulĂ©e "Shadow-Line", la "ligne d'ombre" est la frontiĂšre que franchit un jeune marin lorsqu'il quitte l'insouciance de la jeunesse et se voit contraint de passer de l'imprudence au sens des responsabilitĂ©s, de l'inconsĂ©quence Ă  l'Ăąge adulte. MĂ©taphore d'une voie maritime chez Conrad, la ligne d'ombre resurgit dans Exit Ghost de Philip Roth au niveau de l'agencement mĂȘme de la ville de New York oĂč Nathan Zuckerman, le protagoniste de Roth, revient aprĂšs une absence de onze ans. Nous sommes Ă  la veille des Ă©lections prĂ©sidentielles de 2004—l'AmĂ©rique a, elle aussi, franchi des seuils dĂ©terminants et Nathan dĂ©couvre qu'il ne lui est dĂ©sormais plus possible de traverser le gouffre qui sĂ©pare l'indiffĂ©rence oĂč l'ont menĂ© la maturitĂ© ou la maladie et les ardeurs d'une vie passĂ©e, pleinement vĂ©cue.L'objet de cet article est d'examiner la maniĂšre dont la gĂ©ographie de la citĂ© fonctionne dans le roman, et en particulier dont elle Ă©tablit une carte d'impĂ©ratifs transformant la ville en lieu de confrontation entre le passĂ© et le prĂ©sent, mais aussi en gardien de la mĂ©moire et en carte vierge d'un impossible avenir. Avec les mots de Nathan, la ville est l'Ici et le Maintenant, l'Alors et l'Aujourd'hui, et la Fin du PrĂ©sent. Pour Nathan, dĂ©sormais Ă©tranger, la rĂ©alitĂ© de la ville est une invitation Ă  mesurer son aliĂ©nation dans le monde contemporain; mais aussi un encouragement Ă  considĂ©rer les mots comme une alternative ou comme un reflet du monde dont il s'est retirĂ©.Par une sĂ©rie de rencontres fortuites, Exit Ghost Ă©voque aussi l'entrĂ©e de Nathan dans le canon de Roth une trentaine d'annĂ©es auparavant (The Ghost Writer, 1979). Le roman prĂ©sente ainsi le franchissement paradoxal d'une ligne d'ombre narrative, sĂ©parant l'hĂŽte et le fantĂŽme: la voix de Nathan devient l'instrument qui enregistre son passage hors du monde imaginaire de l'auteur

    In the Footsteps of Footsteps: Holmes and Stevenson in the CĂ©vennes

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    Cet article traite de deux "pĂ©lerinages du coeur" dans les CĂ©vennes : celui de Robert Louis Stevenson en 1878 (The CĂ©vennes Journal, 1878, et sa version publiĂ©e, Travels with a Donkey in the CĂ©vennes, 1879) et celui de Richard Holmes en 1964 (dĂ©crit dans Footsteps’. Adventures of a Romantic Biographer, 1985). Nous essaierons d’y montrer comment la montagne est utilisĂ©e par deux jeunes Ă©crivains comme mĂ©taphore : mĂ©taphore d’une temporalitĂ© stratifiĂ©e qui permet de lire le passĂ© et de lui surimposer d’autres significations ; mĂ©taphore d’une quĂȘte spirituelle, d’une religion naturelle qui remplacerait tous les dogmatismes ; mĂ©taphore qui donne la mesure du courage de celui qui va sur les sentiers de la vie ; et finalement, mĂ©taphore d’une vocation : celle de l’écriture, l’équivalent d’une ascensio

    Labyrinths and Horizons: Textual Space in The Good Soldier

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    Cette Ă©tude tente de mettre en lumiĂšre la maniĂšre dont deux figures en apparence opposĂ©es mais qui s'interpĂ©nĂštrent, le labyrinthe et l'horizon, fournissent un cadre Ă  l'organisation de l'espace textuel dans The Good Soldier de Ford Madox Ford. Analysant les occurences de chacun de ces tropes—de la nature labyrinthique de la mĂ©thode du narrateur jusqu'aux mĂ©taphores d'Ă©largissement de l'espace associĂ©es aux expĂ©rimentations amoureuses de son hĂ©ros—elle suggĂšre que les deux figures impliquent des mouvements d'expansion et de contraction, d'ouverture et d'enfermement, mais que l'aporie qui en rĂ©sulte est contrebalancĂ©e par la vigueur du schĂ©ma narratif. Les configurations du labyrinthe et de l'horizon non seulement permettent au narrateur de construire sa “trĂšs triste histoire”, mais d'Ă©laborer une forme susceptible de la contenir.This study attempts to examine the ways in which two apparently opposed but interpenetrating figures, the labyrinth and the horizon, provide a framework for the organisation of textual space in Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier. Exploring occurrences of each of these tropes, from the labyrinthine nature of the narrator's method to the metaphors of sweeping spatiality associated with his hero's amorous experimentations, it suggests that both figures involve movements of expansion and enclosure, of connection and confinement, but that the resulting sense of aporia is mitigated by the energy of narrative pattern-making. Configurations of the maze and of open space not only allow the narrator to express his “saddest story” but create a form in which to contain it

    Paule LĂ©vy. Figures de l’artiste : identitĂ© et Ă©criture dans la littĂ©rature juive amĂ©ricaine de la deuxiĂšme moitiĂ© du XXe siĂšcle

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    At the heart of this well-researched and elegantly written study of the figure of the artist in Jewish American literature lies the vexed question of what it is to be a Jew in a post-Shoah but also a post-pogrom world—the America of the second half of the twentieth century. Paule LĂ©vy introduces the question that provides a thread of continuity through the diverse writings treated in Figures de l’artiste in a masterly introduction that places her authors in the context of social history (imm..
