16 research outputs found

    Effects of cultivar, maturity stage and Ethrel treatment on ripening and fruit quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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         This study was conducted with the objective of determining the effects of maturity stage at harvest and Ethrel treatment on ripening and fruit quality of selected tomato cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of biochemistry at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, during the seasons 2009/10 and 2010/11. Cultivars used were Vt 925, Castle Rock and Peto 86. Maturity stages were mature green and breaker. Ethrel treatments were 0 ml/L and 2 ml/L. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with three replicates. Results  showed that the cultivar Vt 925 had the largest fruits and the highest ascorbic acid and TSS contents as compared to the other two cultivars in both seasons. Results also showed that advancement of maturity stage significantly decreased fruit green life in both seasons, however, total soluble solids were slightly increased with an increase in tomato fruit maturity stage. Titratable acidity decreased slightly with the  advancement of maturity stage. Fruit maturity stage had no significant effects on ascorbic acid content in both seasons. Ethrel treatment significantly increased uniformity of ripening and ascorbic acid content, but decreased fruit green life in both seasons, however, it had no significant effects on TSS and acidity. It is recommended to grow the cultivar Vt 925, harvest fruits at the mature green stage and treat them with Ethrel at destination markets in order to achieve uniformity of ripening, to extend their shelf life and end up with high fruit quality.       تأثير الصنف وطور النضج والمعاملة بالإثرل على إنضاج ونوعية ثمار الطماطم  (Solanum lycopersicum L.) محمد الحاج الكاشف و مشاعر سالم حسين و عثمان محمد الامين   كلية العلوم الزراعية ، جامعة الجزيرة ، واد مدني ، السودان   الخلاصة        تهدف هذه الدراسة لتحديد أثر الصنف وطور النضج والمعاملة بالإثرل على نضج ونوعية ثمار الطماطم. أجريت التجربة بكلية العلوم الزراعية، جامعة الجزيرة، ود مدني، السودان، خلال موسمي 10/2009 و11/ 2010 الأصناف المستخدمة هي Vt925، Castle Rock، Peto 86، تم الحصاد في طوري البلوغ الاخضر والنجمة وكانت تراكيز الاثرل المستخدم هي 0 ml و 2ml/L. نظمت المعاملات بالتصميم العشوائي الكامل بثلاث مكررات. تمت دراسة الصفات الفيزيائية والكيميائية لثمار الطماطم وقد أوضحت النتائج أن الصنف Vt925 أنتج ثمارا أكبر حجماً وتحتوي على أعلى نسبة من فيتامين ج   (Ascorbic acid) والمواد الصلبة الذائبة (TSS) مقارنة مع الأصناف الأخرى للموسمين معاً. حصاد الثمار في طور النجمة أدى لنقص معنوي في عدد الأيام اللازمة للوصول لطور النضج، كما أدى لزيادة ملحوظة في محتوى الثمار من المواد الصلبة الذائبة مما ادي لنقص طفيف في حمض الستريك (Citric acid)، معاملة الثمار بالإثرل أدى لزيادة معنوية في نسبة تجانس النضج و محتوى الثمار من فايتامين ج ، كما أدى لنقص معنوي في عدد الأيام اللازمة للوصول لطور النضج فيما لم يؤثر على محتوى الثمار من المواد الصلبة الذائبة وحمض الستريك. يوصى بزراعة الصنف Vt925 على أن يتم الحصاد في طور البلوغ الاخضر وتعامل الثمار بالإثرل لإطالة العمر التخزيني والمحافظة على جودة الثمار.   &nbsp

    Effects of packaging and waxing on fruit quality and shelf life of some introduced mango cultivars

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         Mango is one of the most important fruit crops in the Sudan. It is annually exported to Saudi Arabia, Gulf States and Western Europe. Recently, some internationally popular cultivars have been introduced to the Sudan. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of packaging and waxing on postharvest fruit quality and shelf life of some introduced mango cultivars from South Africa. Treatments consisted of three introduced mango cultivars; Tommy Atkins, Kent and Keitt and the local cultivar Abusamaka. Packaging treatments consisted of intact polyethylene film, perforated film, waxing and control. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with three replicates. Data taken consisted of weight loss, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C and shelf life. Results showed that Abusamaka cultivar had the highest weight loss and Keitt had the lowest in both seasons. Packaging mango fruits in intact polymeric film resulted in the lowest weight loss, followed by perforated film, waxing and the highest weight loss was recorded for the control in both seasons. Abusamaka cultivar had the highest vitamin C and TA contents but had the lowest TSS content. However, Tommy Atkins had the highest TSS content but the lowest vitamin C and TA contents in both seasons. The longest shelf life was shown by Keitt cultivar, followed by Kent, Abusamaka and the shortest shelf life was recorded for Tommy Atkins in both seasons. Packaging mango fruits in intact polymeric film resulted in the lowest TSS, the highest TA, the highest vitamin C content and the longest shelf life. However, the highest TSS, the lowest TA, the lowest vitamin C and the shortest shelf life were recorded for the control. It is recommended to grow Keitt cultivar, harvest fruits at the mature green stage and package them in intact polymeric film or waxed to increase their shelf life and improve their quality.               تعتبر المانجو من أهم محاصيل الفاكهة في السودان. وهي تصدر إلى المملكة العربية السعودية ودول الخليج وغرب أوروبا. لقد تم استقدام بعض الأصناف المرغوبة عالمياً إلى السودان في السنوات الأخيرة. الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو معرفة تأثير التغليف والتشميع على نوعية الثمار وفترة الصلاحية لثمار بعض أصناف المانجو المستجلبة من جنوب أفريقيا. اشتملت المعاملات على ثلاثة أصناف مستجلبة من المانجو وهي تومي أتكنز وكنت وكيت بالإضافة إلى الصنف المحلي أبو سمكة. معاملات التغليف شملت تغليف الثمار في أكياس البولي إثلين السليمة أو المخرمة أو تشميع الثمار وأخرى استخدمت كشاهد بدون كيس أو تشميع. أستخدم التصميم العشوائي الكامل بثلاثة مكررات. اشتملت البيانات على فقدان الوزن والمواد الصلبة الذائبة والحموضة المعايرة وفيتامين ج وفترة الصلاحية. أظهرت النتائج أن الصنف أبو سمكة أظهر أعلى معدل فقدان للوزن بينما الصنف كيت كان له أقل فقدان للوزن في كلا الموسمين. تغليف ثمار المانجو في أكياس البولي إثلين السليمة أعطى أقل فقدان للوزن ويليه الأكياس المخرمة ثم التشميع وكان أعلى فقدان للوزن في الثمار غير المغلفة أو المشمعة في كلا الموسمين. الصنف أبو سمكة أعطى أعلى محتوى لفيتامين ج والحموضة بينما أعطى أقل محتوى للمواد الصلبة الذائبة. الصنف تومي أتكنز أعطى أعلى محتوى للمواد الصلبة الذائبة ولكنه أعطى أدنى محتوى من فيتامين ج والحموضة في كلا الموسمين. الصنف كيت أعطى أطول فترة للصلاحية، يليه  كنت ثم أبو سمكة وأقل فترة للصلاحية كانت للصنف تومي أتكنز في كلا الموسمين. تغليف ثمار المانجو في أكياس البولي إثلين السليمة أعطى أدنى محتوى من المواد الصلبة الذائبة وأعلى محتوى من الحموضة وفيتامين ج وأطول فترة للصلاحية. أما الثمار غير المغلفة أو غير المشمعة أعطت أعلى محتوى من المواد الصلبة الذائبة وأدنى محتوى من الحموضة وفيتامين ج وأقصر فترة للصلاحية. يوصى بإكثار وزراعة الصنف كيت وحصاد الثمار في طور النضج الاخضر وتغليفها في أكياس البولي إثلين السليمة لإطالة فترة صلاحيتها وتحسين نوعيتها

    Effects of Ethrel Application and Packaging on Mango Fruit Quality

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        Experiments were conducted at the National Institute for the Promotion  of Horticultural Exports, University of Gezira, Wad  Medani, Sudan, during May 1997 and 1998 to investigate the effects of Ethrel and polyethylene packaging on mango fruit quality. Mango fruit quality, Mango fruits were  harvested at the mature-green stage and treated with Ethrel or  left as control. Fruits were packed in either intact or perforated polyetlhylene packages or left unpacked. The experiments were set up in a completely randomized design with three replications. Ethrel treatment accelerated  the rate of fruit ripening as shown by an increase in total soluble solids, yellowing and a decrease in fruit firmness and starch content Fruits packed in intact polyethylene packages resulted in the  lowest weight loss, followed by those packed in perforated films, whereas unpacked fruits showed the highest weight loss and lowest quality manifested in shriveling and deterioratio

    Improvement of Storability of BaftaimOnion (Allium cepa L.) Cultivar by Crossing with Abufrewa

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    Onion is one of the most important horticultural crops in the Sudan with regard to production and consumption. It has played an important role in human nutrition and medicine. The objective of this research was to determine the storability of some onion genotypes under direct sunshine, shade or refrigerated storage conditions. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wadmedani, Sudan during the seasons of 2014to 2017.Crosses were made between Baftaim and Abufrewaand F1 was  produced. Then, F1 was selfed to produce F2 in the second season. Intensive selection was practiced for the desirable traits of parent Abufrewaand for the general features of parent Baftaim. Also, the F1   ( Baftaim x Abufrewa) was backcrossed to Baftaim to obtain BC1.  Then, the F1 ( Baftaim x Abufrewa ) was backcrossed to  Abufrewa to obtain BC2. Genotypes consisted of two parents and four crosses. Samples of 5 kg of bulbs were taken randomly from each genotype and packed in jute bags. Onion bulbs from the genotypes were stored under three types of storage methods, namely, traditional storage under sun shine ( control), shade storage and refrigerated storage (0- 2.5ºC and  70-75% RH). A split-plot design with storage methods as the main plots and genotypes as the sub- plots was used and replicated two times for each method for six genotypes, namely, Baftaim,Abufrewa, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2. The experiment was terminated after five months of storage from June to October for two seasons. Data were taken on total losses which consisted of weight loss (%), rotted bulbs (%), sprouted bulbs (%) and green bulbs (%).Results indicated highly significant differences among storage methods on total losses (%) in both seasons. The lowest losses percentages were recorded in the refrigerated method, followed by the shade method and the highest losses were recorded in the traditional method in both seasons. Results also indicated highly significant differences among onion genotypes on total losses (%) in both seasons. The least losses were recorded for Abufrewa followed by F2, BC2, F1 and then BC1, while the highest losses were recorded for Baftaim in both seasons. In conclusion, it is recommended to continue backcrossing with Abufrewa cultivar to produce genotypes with good storability and use refrigerated storage to reduce post-harvest losses in onion

    Response of Banana "Williams Hybrid" to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization

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    Field experiments were conducted at the National Institute for Promotion of Horticultural Exports (NIPHE) research farm during the period of 2001 to 2002 to determine the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels on growth parameters, earliness, nutrient uptake, yield and yield components of "William's hybrid" banana cultivar. Treatments included 5 N levels (0, 69, 138, 207 and 276g N/mat/year), 2 P levels (0 and 20 g P/mat/year) and 2 K levels (0 and 41 g K/mat/year) . The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Banana growth, yield and yield components were significantly increased by N and K application. The highest vegetative growth parameters, yield and yield components were obtained with the application of 207 g N/mat/year in combination with 41 g K/mat/year. Application of N in combination with K also resulted in a significant reduction in the period from plant-ing to shooting and from shooting to fruit maturation. The shortest number of days to shooting were obtained with the application of 276 g N/mat/year. Application of N, P and K also resulted in increased leaf N, P and K contents. Application of P alone or in combinations with N and K had no significant effects on growth or yield parameters

    Effect of cultivar, packaging treatments and temperature on post-harvest quality of okra

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    ABSTRACT    Okra is one of the most popular vegetable crops in Sudan. The introduced cultivars such as Pusa Swani and Clemson Spineless have smooth pods and more adapted to the winter conditions of central Sudan. However, the local cultivar, Khartoumia, has hairy pods and not acceptable in international markets. Okra pods are highly perishable and subject to shriveling especially under the hot arid conditions of central Sudan. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of packaging and temperature on the shelf life of okra pods of three introduced cultivars. Treatments consisted of three okra cultivars, namely, Clemson Spineless, Pusa Swani and Mahyco (hybrid); packaging treatments consisted of packing okra pods in cartons lined with intact polyethylene film, perforated polyethylene film or in cartons only and storage temperatures were 140C and 320C. Results showed that pods of the  cultivar Mahyco had the lowest weight loss, retained good colour and had the least decay and rot. Packaging of okra pods in intact or perforated polyethylene film and storing at 140C reduced weight loss and resulted in the best pod colour compared to the control. Packaging in perforated polyethylene film and storing at 140C resulted in the lowest incidence of decay and rot and best overall quality of pods. It is recommended to package okra pods in perforated polyethylene film and ship them to markets at 140C

    Effects of filtermud on growth and yield of three banana cultivars grown in Kenana Sugar Scheme area, central Sudan

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    ABSTRACT  Banana is an important fruit crop in the Sudan and its production is mainly confined to the alluvial deposits of rivers. Organic matter is known to improve soil physical and chemical characteristics and provide plant mineral nutrients. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of filtermud levels on vegetative growth, yield components and total yield of the mother, first, second and third ratoon crops of three banana cultivars. Field experiments were conducted during December 2012 to November 2014 at Kenana Sugar Scheme area. Banana cultivars were the introduced banana clones Williams Hybrid and Grand Nain and the local cultivar Dwarf Cavendish. Levels of filtermud were 15% and 30% by volume. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Three months after planting, two plants from each plot were randomly selected, tagged and used for growth and yield measurements. Results showed significant differences among cultivars in vegetative growth, yield components and total yield. The introduced banana clones Williams Hybrid and Grand Nain had the most vigorous vegetative growth and the highest yield components and total yield compared to that of the local cultivar Dwarf Cavendish. However, Dwarf Cavendish was earlier than the introduced clones. Application of filtermud at both rates resulted in a significant increase in all vegetative growth parameters and in the earliness of banana crop. Filtermud also produced a significant increase in all yield components and total yield compared to the untreated control. It is recommended to grow the introduced cultivars Williams Hybrid and Grand Nain and apply filtermud at the rate of 15% by volume in heavy clay soils

    Effects of nitrogen source, rate and foliar application on some leaf mineral nutrient contents and yield of “Sinnari” sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis L.) in the River Nile State, Sudan

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          Sweet orange production in the Sudan is characterized by low yield and poor fruit quality. This research was aimed at determining the effects of nitrogen source, rate and foliar application on some leaf mineral nutrient content and yield of “Sinnari” sweet oranges in  the River Nile State during 2010/11 and 2011/12. Nitrogen sources were urea (100%), sheep manure (SM) (100%), or a combination of them (50% each), beside Wuxal foliar fertilizer. Nitrogen rates were 0, 43 and 86 kg N/ha. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates and 2 trees/plot. Results showed that nitrogen sources and rates were effective in increasing leaf nitrogen content and the highest values were obtained by the application of 86 kg N/ha using urea (100%) or a combination of urea and sheep manure. Application of Wuxal foliar fertilizer resulted in a significant increase of Zn and Fe leaf contents and total yield. Nitrogen source had significant effects on yield components and total yield. The highest values were obtained by a combination of urea and sheep manure or 100% urea, and the lowest values were recorded for 100% sheep manure. Nitrogen rate of 86 kg N/ha resulted in the highest yield components and total yield. It is recommended to fertilize sweet orange trees in the River Nile State with a combination of urea and sheep manure at the rate of 86 kg N/ha (12.4 kg SM/tree and 0.5 kg urea/tree) in addition to Wuxal foliar fertilizer

    Current status of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) orchards in the River Nile State, Sudan

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    ABSTRAC     Production of sweet oranges in the Sudan does not cover domestic needs and sweet oranges are currently imported from Egypt, Iran and South Africa to satisfy the increasing demand. Hence, there is a need to investigate factors involved in the decline of sweet orange trees in one of the most important States for orange production in the Sudan. This research aims to study and evaluate different agronomic practices contributing to the prevailing sweet orange performance in the River Nile State, Sudan. A questionnaire and interviews with 120 sweet orange growers from Ketiab, Zeidab and Gandato citrus projects indicated that 75.8% of the farmers have orchards less than 2.9 ha. Low yielding cultivars such as “Sinnari”, the local selection (Baladi), Hamlin and Nori 16 dominate in the areas, 96.7% of the trees were budded on sour orange rootstocks, 85.8% of the seedlings were budded in private nurseries using bud wood collected from non-certified mother trees from private orchards. All sweet oranges were grown with other fruit species in 100% of the orchards, 80.8% used flat surface irrigation. There is no fixed fertilizer program. The type and quantity of chemical and organic fertilizers varied with different growers. No foliar fertilizers were used and nutrient deficiencies of Zn, Fe and Mn were observed in most orchards. Extension services for citrus production are highly needed for improvement of yield and quality of sweet oranges in the River Nile Stat

    Effects of nitrogen source and effective micro-organisms on vegetative growth of shrubs of selected grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf) cultivars

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       Grapefruit (Citrus Paradisi Macf.) is one of the most important citrus fruits in the Sudan. It can be successfully grown throughout the country where there are suitable soils and sufficient water to sustain tree growth. The objectives of this study were to find out the effects of different nitrogen sources, effective microorganisms (EM) and their combinations on the vegetative growth of shrubs of selected grapefruit cultivars. A field experiment was carried out at Umbarona, Wad Medani, Gezira State, Sudan, latitude 14.38 N, longitude 33.48 E and altitude 409 masl, in June 2012. Treatments consisted of three grapefruit cultivars: Marsh Seedless, Red Blush and Shamber. Fertilizer treatments were urea (100%), chicken manure (100%), urea with chicken manure (50% each), urea with EM, chicken manure with EM, urea (50%)+ chicken manure (50%)+ EM and unfertilized control. All fertilizer treatments were applied at the rate of 43 kg N/ha. Treatments were arranged in a split- plot design with two replicates. Grapefruit cultivars were allotted to the main plots and fertilizer treatments to the sub-plots. Data were collected on plant height (cm), stem diameter (cm), number of new branches, length of new branches (cm) and diameter of new branches (cm). Results showed that Marsh Seedless cultivar had the most vigorous vegetative growth compared to the other two cultivars. The results showed that the combination of urea, chicken manure and EM significantly gave the highest vegetative growth values, followed by chicken manure with EM, urea with chicken manure, urea with EM, urea alone, chicken manure alone and the least values of growth parameters were recorded for the unfertilized control. It is recommended to grow Marsh Seedless grapefruit cultivar and fertilize it with a combination of urea, chicken manure and EM.         يعتبر القريب فروت من أهم ثمار الحمضيات في السودان ويمكن زراعته بنجاح في جميع أنحاء البلاد حيثما توفرت التربة المناسبة والمياه الكافية لنمو الأشجار. أجريت تجربة حقلية في ام بارونة، واد مدنى ولاية الجزيرة، السودان. تهدف هذه التجربة لمعرفة تأثير مصادر النتروجين المختلفة والكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة ومزجها مع بعضها البعض على النمو الخضري لشجيرات أصناف منتخبة من القريب فروت. تضمنت المعاملات ثلاثة أصناف من القريب فروت وهي مارش  ورد بلش وشامبر وسبعة معاملات أسمدة وهي  اليوريا، وزرق الدواجن، يوريا مع زرق الدواجن، يوريا مع الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة، زرق الدواجن مع الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة، يوريا مع زرق الدواجن مع الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة والشاهد. تمت إضافة الأسمدة لكل المعاملات بمعدل 43 كجم نتروجين للهكتار. صممت التجارب بطريقة القطع المنشقة بحيث كانت أصناف القريب فروت هي القطع الرئيسة ومعاملات النتروجين هي القطع الثانوية. جمعت بيانات عن طول النبات (سم) وقطر الساق (سم) وعدد الأفرع الجديدة وطول الفرع (سم) وقطر الفرع (سم). أوضحت النتائج أن الصنف مارش أعطى أعلى نمو خضري مقارنة بالصنفين رد بلش وشامبر. الخليط بين سماد اليوريا وزرق الدواجن و الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة  أعطت أعلى معدل للنمو الخضري ويليه زرق الدواجن والكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة ثم اليوريا والكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة ثم اليوريا وزرق الدواجن ثم زرق الدواجن لوحده ثم اليوريا لوحده وأدنى معدلات  النمو كانت في الشاهد .  يوصى بزراعة الصنف قريب فروت مارش وتسميده بخليط من اليوريا وزرق الدواجن والكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة