111 research outputs found

    Acute effects of cocoa flavanols on visual working memory:maintenance and updating

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    Background Consumption of cocoa flavanols may have acute physiological effects on the brain due to their ability to activate nitric oxide synthesis. Nitric oxide mediates vasodilation, which increases cerebral blood flow, and can also act as a neurotransmitter. Objectives This study aimed to examine whether cocoa flavanols have an acute influence on visual working memory (WM). Methods Two separate randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced crossover experiments were conducted on normal healthy young adult volunteers (NExp1 = 48 and NExp2 = 32, gender-balanced). In these experiments, 415 mg of cocoa flavanols were administered to test their acute effects on visual working memory. In the first experiment, memory recall precision was measured in a task that required only passive maintenance of grating orientations in WM. In the second experiment, recall was measured after active updating (mental rotation) of WM contents. Habitual daily flavanols intake, body mass index, and gender were also considered in the analysis. Results The results suggested that neither passive maintenance in visual WM nor active updating of WM were acutely enhanced by consumption of cocoa flavanols. Exploratory analyses with covariates (body mass index and daily flavanols intake), and the between-subjects factor of gender also showed no evidence for effects of cocoa flavanols, neither in terms of reaction time, nor accuracy. Conclusions Overall, cocoa flavanols did not improve visual working memory recall performance during maintenance, nor did it improve recall accuracy after memory updating

    Temporal integration and attentional selection of color and contrast target pairs in rapid serial visual presentation

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    Performance in a dual target rapid serial visual presentation task was investigated, dependent on whether the color or the contrast of the targets was the same or different. Both identification accuracy on the second target, as a measure of temporal attention, and the frequency of temporal integration were measured. When targets had a different color (red or blue), overall identification accuracy of the second target and identification accuracy of the second target at Lag 1 were both higher than when targets had the same color. At the same time, increased temporal integration of the targets at Lag 1 was observed in the different color condition, even though actual (non-integrated) single targets never consisted of multiple colors. When the color pairs were made more similar, so that they all fell within the range of a single nominal hue (blue), these effects were not observed. Different findings were obtained when contrast was manipulated. Identification accuracy of the second target was higher in the same contrast condition than in the different contrast condition. Higher identification accuracy of both targets was furthermore observed when they were presented with high contrast, while target contrast did not influence temporal integration at all. Temporal attention and integration were thus influenced differently by target contrast pairing than by (categorical) color pairing. Categorically different color pairs, or more generally, categorical feature pairs, may thus afford a reduction in temporal competition between successive targets that eventually enhances attention and integration

    Adaptive Encoding Speed in Working Memory

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    Humans can adapt when complex patterns unfold at a faster or slower pace, for instance when remembering a grocery list that is dictated at an increasingly fast rate. Integrating information over such timescales crucially depends on working memory, but although recent findings have shown that working memory capacity can be flexibly adapted, such adaptations have not yet been demonstrated for encoding speed. In a series of experiments, we found that young adults encoded at a faster rate when they were adapted to overall and recent stimulus duration. Interestingly, our participants were unable to use explicit cues to speed up encoding, even though these cues were objectively more informative than statistical information. Our findings suggest that adaptive tuning of encoding speed in working memory is a fundamental but largely implicit mechanism underlying our ability to keep up with the pace of our surroundings

    The effects of Kanizsa contours on temporal integration and attention in rapid serial visual presentation

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    Performance in rapid serial visual presentation tasks has been shown to depend on the temporal integration of target stimuli when they are presented in direct succession. Temporal target integration produces a single, combined representation of visually compatible stimuli, which is comparatively easy to identify. It is currently unknown to what extent target compatibility affects this perceptual behavior, since it has not been studied systematically to date. In the present study the effects of compatibility on temporal integration and attention were investigated by manipulating the Gestalt properties of target features. Of particular interest were configurations in which a global illusory shape was formed when all stimulus features were present; a Kanizsa stimulus, which was expected to have a unifying effect on the perception of the successive targets. The results showed that although the presence of a Kanizsa shape can indeed enhance temporal integration, this was also observed for other good Gestalts, such as due to common fate and closure. Identification accuracy seemed to vary, possibly as a result of masking strength, but this did not seem associated with attentional processing per se. Implications for theories of Gestalt processing and temporal integration are discussed

    A functional spiking-neuron model of activity-silent working memory in humans based on calcium-mediated short-term synaptic plasticity

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    In this paper, we present a functional spiking-neuron model of human working memory (WM). This model combines neural firing for encoding of information with activity-silent maintenance. While it used to be widely assumed that information in WM is maintained through persistent recurrent activity, recent studies have shown that information can be maintained without persistent firing; instead, information can be stored in activity-silent states. A candidate mechanism underlying this type of storage is short-term synaptic plasticity (STSP), by which the strength of connections between neurons rapidly changes to encode new information. To demonstrate that STSP can lead to functional behavior, we integrated STSP by means of calcium-mediated synaptic facilitation in a large-scale spiking-neuron model and added a decision mechanism. The model was used to simulate a recent study that measured behavior and EEG activity of participants in three delayed-response tasks. In these tasks, one or two visual gratings had to be maintained in WM, and compared to subsequent probes. The original study demonstrated that WM contents and its priority status could be decoded from neural activity elicited by a task-irrelevant stimulus displayed during the activity-silent maintenance period. In support of our model, we show that it can perform these tasks, and that both its behavior as well as its neural representations are in agreement with the human data. We conclude that information in WM can be effectively maintained in activity-silent states by means of calcium-mediated STSP

    Unimodal and Bimodal Access to Sensory Working Memories by Auditory and Visual Impulses

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    It is unclear to what extent sensory processing areas are involved in the maintenance of sensory information in working memory (WM). Previous studies have thus far relied on finding neural activity in the corresponding sensory cortices, neglecting potential activity-silent mechanisms, such as connectivity-dependent encoding. It has recently been found that visual stimulation during visual WM maintenance reveals WM-dependent changes through a bottom-up neural response. Here, we test whether this impulse response is uniquely visual and sensory-specific. Human participants (both sexes) completed visual and auditory WM tasks while electroencephalography was recorded. During the maintenance period, the WM network was perturbed serially with fixed and task-neutral auditory and visual stimuli. We show that a neutral auditory impulse-stimulus presented during the maintenance of a pure tone resulted in a WM-dependent neural response, providing evidence for the auditory counterpart to the visual WM findings reported previously. Interestingly, visual stimulation also resulted in an auditory WM-dependent impulse response, implicating the visual cortex in the maintenance of auditory information, either directly or indirectly, as a pathway to the neural auditory WM representations elsewhere. In contrast, during visual WM maintenance, only the impulse response to visual stimulation was content-specific, suggesting that visual information is maintained in a sensory-specific neural network, separated from auditory processing areas
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