117 research outputs found

    The Effect of Laser Bandwidth on the Signal Detected in Two-Color, Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy

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    The effect of laser line shape and bandwidth on the signal detected in two-color, resonant four-wave mixing (TC-RFWM) spectroscopy is determined by means of an ab initio calculation of the third-order polarization based on diagrammatic perturbation theory. Modifications to the approach previously used for the case of delta-function laser line shapes are made by introducing a different treatment of the rotating wave approximation and phase-matching conditions. A three-level excitation scheme for double-resonance spectroscopy of bound and quasibound states is analyzed. In the case of Lorentzian laser line shapes, analytic expressions for the signal line profile are obtained for each excitation scheme. Analytic approximations of the signal line profile are also obtained in the case of Gaussian laser line shapes. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)01917-0]

    The Effect of Laser Bandwidth on the Signal Detected in Two-Color, Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy

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    The effect of laser line shape and bandwidth on the signal detected in two-color, resonant four-wave mixing (TC-RFWM) spectroscopy is determined by means of an ab initio calculation of the third-order polarization based on diagrammatic perturbation theory. Modifications to the approach previously used for the case of delta-function laser line shapes are made by introducing a different treatment of the rotating wave approximation and phase-matching conditions. A three-level excitation scheme for double-resonance spectroscopy of bound and quasibound states is analyzed. In the case of Lorentzian laser line shapes, analytic expressions for the signal line profile are obtained for each excitation scheme. Analytic approximations of the signal line profile are also obtained in the case of Gaussian laser line shapes. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)01917-0]

    Theoretical Treatment of Quasibound Resonances in Two-Color Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy

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    A treatment of continuum states in the application of diagrammatic perturbation theory to calculate the signal produced in two-color resonant four-wave mixing (TC-RFWM) spectroscopy is developed. The third-order susceptibility is significantly modified from that obtained when considering only discrete states. To illustrate the contribution of continuum states, the line profile of a quasibound resonance arising from the configuration interaction of bound and continuum states is derived. Analytic expressions for line profiles are presented for two specific experimental implementations of TC-RFWM used in gas-phase spectroscopic studies. While the TC-RFWM line profiles are found to be very distinct from the line profiles measured in linear spectroscopic techniques, the results demonstrate the important capability to characterize the TC-RFWM line profiles in terms of the same fundamental and physically significant parameters

    Theoretical Treatment of Quasibound Resonances in Two-Color Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy

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    A treatment of continuum states in the application of diagrammatic perturbation theory to calculate the signal produced in two-color resonant four-wave mixing (TC-RFWM) spectroscopy is developed. The third-order susceptibility is significantly modified from that obtained when considering only discrete states. To illustrate the contribution of continuum states, the line profile of a quasibound resonance arising from the configuration interaction of bound and continuum states is derived. Analytic expressions for line profiles are presented for two specific experimental implementations of TC-RFWM used in gas-phase spectroscopic studies. While the TC-RFWM line profiles are found to be very distinct from the line profiles measured in linear spectroscopic techniques, the results demonstrate the important capability to characterize the TC-RFWM line profiles in terms of the same fundamental and physically significant parameters

    Dynamics of Rydberg States of Nitric Oxide Probed By Two-Color Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy

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    Two-color resonant four-wave mixing (TC-RFWM) spectroscopy has been used to probe highly excited v = 0 and v = 1 Rydberg states of nitric oxide. Transitions to n = 16-30, v = 0, Rydberg states, and the 8p, 9p, 7f, 8f, 8s, and 9s, v = 1 Rydberg states from the A (2)Sigma(+), v\u27 = 0 and 1 states have been recorded. The decay rate of the 8p and 9p, v = 1 states has been extracted from the observed line profiles by using a recently developed model for the excitation of quasibound resonances in TC-RFWM spectroscopy. Transitions from the A (2)Sigma(+), v\u27 = 1 state to the X (2)Pi(3/2), v = 10 state have also been observed, allowing an absolute calibration of the TC-RFWM signal intensity. This calibration is used to determine an excited-state absorption cross section for the 9p, v = 1 Rydberg state. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(98)01625-0]

    Psicanálise e cinema: aplicação da análise fílmica para a aprendizagem do conceito de inconsciente

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    Partindo da constatação acadêmica da importância do ensino-transmissão da psicanálise na universidade, este artigo objetiva ser uma peça demonstrativa do quanto o aprendizado do conceito psicanalítico – inconsciente – pode ser facilitado por meio da linguagem cinematográfica. Para tanto, a investigação teórica e a análise fílmica psicanalítica foram escolhidas como métodos de pesquisa, estes balizados pela psicanálise aplicada. Utilizam-se filmes consagrados pela mídia, que vão desde Psicose, de Alfred Hitchcock, até Alice no país das maravilhas, de Tim Burton, a fim de dispor em movimento a conceituografia psicanalítica que organiza o conceito de inconsciente em Freud e Lacan. Observa-se, assim, que a novidade freudiana consistiu em desatrelar o inconsciente da consciência e elevá-lo ao estatuto de instância psíquica que se expressa por meio de sonhos, atos falhos, chistes e outros. A partir dessa concepção, posteriormente Lacan propõe o inconsciente estruturado como linguagem provendo o fio fundamental dos laços sociais.Based on the academic observation of the importance of teaching-transmitting psychoanalysis at the university, this article aims to show how much the learning of the psychoanalytic concept – unconscious – can be facilitated through the cinematographic language. For such purpose, theoretical research and psychoanalytic film analysis were chosen as research methods, these guided by applied psychoanalysis. Films consecrated by the media are used, ranging from Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho to Tim Burton’s Alice in wonderland to set in motion the psychoanalytical conceptualization that organizes the concept of the unconscious in Freud and Lacan. It is observed, therefore, that the Freudian novelty consisted of uncoupling the unconscious from consciousness and elevating it to the status of a psychiatric instance that is expressed through dreams, flawed acts, jokes and others. From this conception, Lacan later proposes the unconscious structured as a language providing the fundamental thread of social ties


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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo pesquisar o amor em interface com a psicanálise e o cinema. Para tanto, utiliza-se como pano de fundo da discussão o filme Me chame pelo seu nome do diretor Lucca Guadagnino. O percurso metodológico baseia-se na investigação teórica com enfoque na teoria psicanalítica de Freud e Lacan, também foram utilizados artigos científicos disponíveis em bancos de dados indexados e em livros que abordavam o assunto investigado. Como critério de inclusão, foram usados os descritores amor e psicanálise para a seleção de artigos. Posteriormente, recorreu-se a vinhetas fílmicas para ilustrar a discussão. Entre os resultados, destaca-se a transferência como conceito fundamental para a psicanálise, uma vez que se trata de um conceito clínico indispensável para o tratamento analítico. Evidencia-se ainda a adolescência como um momento de encontro com o real, como proposto por Lacan (1974/2003) e a possibilidade da invenção singular do sujeito como saída para o real. Por fim, ressalta-se os aforismas lacanianos “a relação sexual não existe” e” amor como suplência para a não relação”, a partir do encontro amoroso dos protagonistas do filme e a invenção de um nome para este amor que vem fazer suplência ao desencontro da relação

    Transdisciplinarity and Shifting Network Boundaries:The Challenges of Studying an Evolving Stakeholder Network in Participatory Settings

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    Participatory research engages a transdisciplinary team of stakeholders in all aspects of the research process. Such engagement can lead to shifts in the research design, as well as who is considered a participant. We detail our experiences of studying an evolving stakeholder network in the context of a 2.5-year transdisciplinary, participatory project. We show how participation leads to shifts in the network boundary overtime and how a transdisciplinary effort was needed to retrospectively redefine the network boundary. Through tacking back and forth between ethnographic insights, research aims, and modeling assumptions, the team eventually reached agreement on what determined network membership and how to code network members according to their timing and level of participation. Our account advances literature on boundary and modeling approaches to shifting, evolving networks by demonstrating how participatory transdisciplinarity can be both a driver of, and solution to, capturing the complexity of evolving networks

    Estilos de liderazgo en el clima laboral de la empresa Prima Farms S.A.C.

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    RESUMEN Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de los estilos de liderazgo en el clima laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa Prima Farms SAC, ciudad de Trujillo 2018. El diseño de investigación fue no experimental, transversal, correlacional. La población muestral, estuvo conformada por los trabajadores de la empresa Prima Farms SAC compuesto por un total de 64 colaboradores. Se concluyó que de los estilos de liderazgo influyen en el 86% de la percepción que tiene el trabajador con respecto al clima laboral; así mismo existe una influencia positiva moderada del estilo emotivo libre sobre el clima laboral (.50) y sus dimensiones autorrealización (.34) e involucramiento laboral (.31), asimismo una influencia moderada positiva del estilo emotivo dócil en las dimensiones involucramiento laboral (.21), supervisión (.38) y comunicación (.27), de forma opuesta, los estilos racional y punitivo tienen influencias negativas y moderadas sobre el clima laboral y sus dimensiones. Mientras que los estilos generativo nutritivo influencian de forma negativa y moderada sobre las dimensiones supervisión y condiciones laborales y el estilo emotivo indócil tiene una pequeña influencia positiva sobre la comunicación, utilizando correlaciones canónicas cruzadas, con lo cual se demuestra y valida nuestra hipótesis de investigación, al demostrar que la variable estilos de liderazgo influye en la variable clima laboral de manera positiva moderada. PALABRAS CLAVE: estilos de liderazgo, clima laboral, correlación canónica cruzada.ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to determine the incidence of the leadership styles and labor satisfaction of the workers of the company Prima Farms SAC, city of Trujillo 2018. The research design was non-experimental, transversal, correlational, the sample population was formed by workers of the company Prima Farms SAC composed of a total of 64 employe. It was concluded that leadership styles influence 86% of the worker's perception of the work environment; Likewise, there is a moderate positive influence of the free emotional style on the work climate (.50) and its dimensions of self-realization (.34) and labor involvement (.31), as well as a moderate positive influence of the docile emotional style on the dimensions of labor involvement ( .21), supervision (.38) and communication (.27), in an opposite way, the rational and punitive styles have negative and moderate influences on the work climate and its dimensions. While the generative nutritive styles influence in a negative and moderate way the supervision dimensions and working conditions and the unruly emotional style has a small positive influence on communication, using crossed canonical correlations, which demonstrates and validates our research hypothesis, by demonstrating that the variable styles of leadership influences the variable labor climate in a moderate positive way. Keywords: leadership styles, working environment, cross canonical correlation

    Construcción e implementación de un protocolo mecánico para medir la abrasíon al frote en seco del acabado del cuero

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    En las instalaciones del laboratorio de curtiembre de la FCP, de la ESPOCH se realizó la construcción e implementación del equipo de medición de la abrasión al frote en seco del acabado del cuero, para la evaluación del equipo se efectuó el análisis físico de 8 pieles caprinas que fueron comparadas con 8 pieles caprinas en el laboratorio de ANCE, una vez instalado el equipo se realizó un protocolo de pruebas para comprobar el correcto desempeño y eficiencia de operación del equipo que de acuerdo a los cálculos en el dimensionamiento fue del 82%. Se realizaron pruebas piloto que fueron comparadas con los resultados obtenidos en el laboratorio de ANCE, y se determinó que al no existir diferencias estadísticas especialmente para medir el frote en seco, permitiendo ratificar la eficiencia y precisión de los resultados. Se estableció procedimientos de operación para el ensayo de la abrasión de frote en seco del cuero en el equipo confeccionado para este fin, tanto operativos como de seguridad, para garantizar la operacionalidad correcta del equipo y sobre todo garantizar la precisión de los datos. Los costos de producción de la máquina fueron de 3,707.25 dólares, utilizando materiales de excelente calidad que resultan más económicos al ser comparados con equipos de producción internacional que de acuerdo a las pruebas piloto proporcionaron resultados en la medición de la abrasión en seco son muy similares. Se recomienda realizar una simulación del mecanismo para verificar el diseño y funcionamiento de cada una de las partes que conforman el equipo.In the facilities of the tannery laboratory of the FCP at ESPOCH the construction and implementation of the mediation equipment abrasion dry rub of leather finishing, to evaluate the machine a physical analysis of 8 goat skins were performed they were compared with 8 goat skins in the laboratory of ANCE, once installed the machine, protocol tests were conducted to verify the correct performance and operating efficiency of the machine according to the calculations was 82%. Several pilot tests were compared with the results obtained at ANCE laboratory, it was determined that the absence of statistical difference especially for the tensile strength and elongation percentage, allowing efficiency and accuracy ratification of the results. Operating procedures were established for testing the tensile strength of leather in the equipment prepared for this purpose, operational and security, to ensure proper operability of the machine and above all ensure the accuracy of the data. Production costs of the machine was $ 3,707.25 using high quality materials that are more economical when compared with international production machine according to pilot tests provided results on the measurement of voltage and very similar elongation. It is recommended to perform a simulation mechanism to verify the design and operation of each one of the parts that constitute the machine