8 research outputs found

    Foot and ankle fracture incidence in South-Eastern Australia: an epidemiological study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to report the incidence of all foot and ankle fractures during 2006 and 2007 among residents from the Barwon Statistical Division, located in south-eastern Australia.Methods: Incident fractures were ascertained using X-ray reports from the imaging centres serving the region during the years 2006 and 2007. All fractures with ICD-9 code 824 (ankle) or 825 (foot) were included in this study. Age, proportions of left/right side fractures, cause of fracture and incidence rates (per 10,000 person-years) were all determined for foot and ankle fractures separately as well as for the two sites combined.Results: There were 312 males and 274 females identified with foot fractures and 344 males and 410 females with ankle fractures. The median age for both foot and ankle fracture was lower in males compared to females. The proportions of left and right side fractures were approximately equal; no sex or site (foot or ankle) showed higher proportions of either left or right side fractures. Among those for whom cause of fracture was known, most foot or ankle fractures (>75%) in both sexes were caused by an accidental fall. For both sexes, there was a bimodal pattern of incidence across the age groups, with peaks around adolescence/early adulthood and in the elderly. Incidence rates (per 10,000 person-years) for foot and ankle fractures combined were similar in both sexes; 25.85 and 25.88 for males and females, respectively. However, the incidence rate for foot/ankle fractures combined in those aged 50 years or over was lower in males than in females.Conclusion: Males sustained foot and ankle fractures at a lower median age than females and most fractures were the result of an accidental fall. Males sustain fractures mainly during adolescence and young adulthood, whereas fractures in females were sustained largely by individuals over 50 years of age. Despite this, the overall incidence rates were similar for both sexes

    Sample selection and reasons for non-participation in the PRedictors and Outcomes of incident FRACtures (PROFRAC) study

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    Background. Fragility fractures, associated with osteoporosis, are an escalating public health problem. We aim to describe sample selection, recruitment methods and reasons for non-participation in The PRedictors and Outcomes of incident FRACtures (PROFRAC) study. Design and Methods. Barwon Statistical Division residents aged 20+ years, with a radiologically-confirmed fracture between June 1st 2012 and May 31st 2013, were eligible. Individuals identified as fracture cases were invited by mail to complete a questionnaire. Reasons for non-participation were documented. Logistic regression techniques were used to determine odds ratios for participation and non-participation reasons. Results. A total of 1,458 of 2,155 (67.7%) adults with fracture (48.7% men) participated. Individuals were excluded due to inability to give informed consent, death, no knowledge of fracture, or inability to be contacted. The odds of participation decreased with age (OR 0.99, 95%CI 0.99-0.99, P=0.011) and increased among specific fracture groups [clavicle/scapula (OR 2.50, 1.30-4.68, P=0.006), forearm/humerus (OR 2.00, 1.22-3.27, P=0.006), wrist (OR 2.08, 1.31-0.32, P=0.002), hip (OR 2.12, 1.20-3.75, P=0.009), ankle (OR 1.85, 1.20-2.87, P=0.001), compared to face/skull fractures]. The odds of reporting disinterest, time constraints or personal reasons as the reason for non-participation decreased with age, whereas the odds of reporting frailty, language-related issues or illness as the reason for non-participation increased with of age [disinterest (OR 0.98, 0.97-0.98, P<0.001), time constraints (OR 0.97, 0.96-0.98, P<0.001), personal reasons (OR 0.98, 0.97-0.99, P=0.007), frailty (OR 1.12, 1.09- 1.15, P<0.001), language-related issues (OR 1.02, 1.01-1.04, P<0.001), illness (OR 1.03, 1.02-1.05, P<0.001)]. Conclusions. Understanding drivers of research participation can inform study design to achieve optimal participation in health research

    Nuclear Entry of Activated MAPK Is Restricted in Primary Ovarian and Mammary Epithelial Cells

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    The MAPK/ERK1/2 serine kinases are primary mediators of the Ras mitogenic signaling pathway. Phosphorylation by MEK activates MAPK/ERK in the cytoplasm, and phospho-ERK is thought to enter the nucleus readily to modulate transcription.Here, however, we observe that in primary cultures of breast and ovarian epithelial cells, phosphorylation and activation of ERK1/2 are disassociated from nuclear translocalization and transcription of downstream targets, such as c-Fos, suggesting that nuclear translocation is limited in primary cells. Accordingly, in import assays in vitro, primary cells showed a lower import activity for ERK1/2 than cancer cells, in which activated MAPK readily translocated into the nucleus and activated c-Fos expression. Primary cells express lower levels of nuclear pore complex proteins and the nuclear transport factors, importin B1 and importin 7, which may explain the limiting ERK1/2 import found in primary cells. Additionally, reduction in expression of nucleoporin 153 by siRNA targeting reduced ERK1/2 nuclear activity in cancer cells.ERK1/2 activation is dissociated from nuclear entry, which is a rate limiting step in primary cells and in vivo, and the restriction of nuclear entry is disrupted in transformed cells by the increased expression of nuclear pores and/or nuclear transport factors

    Carpal and scaphoid fracture incidence in south-eastern Australia: an epidemiologic study

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    UNLABELLED: Carpal fractures were identified by the Geelong Osteoporosis Study Fracture Grid for 2006-2007. Incidence rates were higher in males than females. Males had a lower median age of fracture than females. Females had more fractures on the left side than males. Most fractures were the result of a fall. PURPOSE: In this study, we report the incidence of carpal bone fractures (scaphoid and non-scaphoid) amongst residents from the Barwon Statistical Division over 2&nbsp;years. METHODS: X-ray reports from imaging centres in the region were used to identify incident fractures during 2006 and 2007. Data were collected as part of the Geelong Osteoporosis Study Fracture Grid. RESULTS: During 2006 and 2007, there were 171 and 41 carpal fractures in males and females, respectively. Of these, 131 males and 29 females had fractured the scaphoid bone. Females had a higher proportion of left-sided fractures (&gt;70&nbsp;%) than males (&sim;40&nbsp;%). Most fractures were the result of an accidental fall (&gt;87&nbsp;%). Patterns of incidence for males showed one major peak around 20-29&nbsp;years. For females, peaks occurred around age 10-19&nbsp;years and 70-79&nbsp;years. Incidence rates for males (per 100,000 persons per year) were 54.6 (95&nbsp;% confidence interval (CI) 53.6, 55.7) and 15.9 (95&nbsp;% CI 15.4, 16.5) for scaphoid and non-scaphoid fractures, respectively. In females, the corresponding rates were 10.6 (95&nbsp;% CI 10.2, 11.1) and 4.5 (95&nbsp;% CI 4.2, 4.8). CONCLUSION: Almost all fractures were the result of a fall. In males, carpal fractures were sustained mainly during early adulthood and in females during adolescence and after menopause. Incidence rates for males were higher than those in females for both scaphoid and non-scaphoid fractures

    The epidemiology of incident fracture from cradle to senescence

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    To reduce the burden of fracture, not only does bone fragility need to be addressed, but also injury prevention. Thus, fracture epidemiology irrespective of degree of trauma is informative. We aimed to determine age-and-sex-specific fracture incidence rates for the Barwon Statistical Division, Australia, 2006-2007. Using radiology reports, incident fractures were identified for 5342 males and 4512 females, with incidence of 210.4 (95&nbsp;% CI 204.8,&nbsp;216.2) and 160.0 (155.3,&nbsp;164.7)/10,000/year, respectively. In females, spine (clinical vertebral), hip (proximal femoral) and distal forearm fractures demonstrated a pattern of stable incidence through early adult life, with an exponential increase beginning in postmenopausal years for fractures of the forearm followed by spine and hip. A similar pattern was observed for the pelvis, humerus, femur and patella. Distal forearm, humerus, other forearm and ankle fractures showed incidence peaks during childhood and adolescence. For males, age-related changes mimicked the female pattern for fractures of the spine, hip, ribs, pelvis and humerus. Incidence at these sites was generally lower for males, particularly among the elderly. A similar childhood-adolescent peak was seen for the distal forearm and humerus. For ankle fractures, there was an increase during childhood and adolescence but this extended into early adult life; in contrast to females, there were no further age-related increases. An adolescent-young adult peak incidence was observed for fractures of the face, clavicle, carpal bones, hand, fingers, foot and toe, without further age-related increases. Examining patterns of fracture provides the evidence base for monitoring temporal changes in fracture burden, and for identifying high-incidence groups to which fracture prevention strategies could be directed