23 research outputs found

    Resolving Conflict through Explicit Bargaining

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    This article analyzes the impact of conciliatory initiatives on conflict resolution in two-party bargaining. It specifically develops and tests a theory of unilateral initiatives derived from Osgood\u27s (1962) notion of Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension Reduction (GRIT). The major propositions of the theory indicate that, given a pattern of mutual resistance or hostility, unilateral initiatives and tit-for-tat retaliation in response to punitive action will produce more conciliation and less hostility by an opponent. To test the theory, a bargaining setting was created in a laboratory experiment in which parties exchanged offers and counteroffers on an issue across a number of rounds while also having the option to engage in punitive action against one another. The results indicated that (1) unilateral initiatives produced more concession making and less hostility than a reciprocity strategy, and (2) tit-for-tat retaliation heightened hostility initially but reduced it over time. The article suggests some general, abstract conditions under which two parties in conflict can produce conciliation and reach agreements without the intervention of third parties

    Making Human Rights Campaigns Effective While Limiting Unintended Consequences (2017)

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    In 2016, USAID's Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance launched its Learning Agenda—a set of research questions designed to address the issues that confront staff in USAID field offices working on the intersection of development and democracy, human rights, and governance. This literature review—produced by a team of political scientists, sociologists, and lawyers—synthesizes scholarship from diverse research traditions on the following Learning Agenda question:What are the consequences of human rights awareness campaigns? What makes a human rights awareness campaign successful? Why do many campaigns fail? What are the unintended negative consequences of both successful and failed campaigns? How do local norms and other cultural factors constrain or enable the translation of campaigns from one context to another? This report synthesizes scholarship bearing on these questions from diverse research traditions and assesses the interdisciplinary state of knowledge regarding the effects, both intended and unintended, of human rights awareness campaigns and the characteristics that make such awareness campaigns effective. This review is divided into five sections:A broad overview of the steps involved in designing an effective awareness campaign.A review of research on campaigns generally, drawn from a broad range of fields, such as marketing, communications, public health, and political science.An overview of human rights awareness campaigns specifically, building on the well-known precept that to be successful, human rights campaigns must be adapted to the local context. The authors identify the mechanisms that facilitate and the barriers that impede local adaption, particularly the use of frames. Drawing on framing theory, the report highlights four points in communication where framing is critical: contexts, communicators, targeted populations, and message design.A discussion of effective media strategies, including ways to approach both traditional and new media, with the most effective campaigns combining traditional print media strategies with new social media forms.A discussion of the unintended negative consequences of campaigns, including backlash, confusion, desensitization, and/or frustration among targeted audience. This section also identifies the typical causes of these outcomes and ways to avoid them

    Disciplinary practices among orphaned children in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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    ObjectivesThis study considers whether orphans' experiences with physically and psychologically violent discipline differ from non-orphans in sub-Saharan Africa, and to what extent national, community, household, caretaker, and child characteristics explain those differences.MethodsWe use cross-sectional Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) administered between 2010-2017 in 14 sub-Saharan African countries. The sample included 125,197 children, of which 2,937 were maternal orphans, 9,113 were paternal orphans, and 1,858 were double orphans. We estimate the difference between orphans and non-orphans experience of harsh discipline using multivariable logistic regressions with country fixed effects and clustered standard errors.ResultsFindings show that orphaned children experience less harsh discipline in the home. With the exception of double orphans' experience with physically violent discipline, these differences persisted even after controlling for a rich set of child, household, and caretaker characteristics.ConclusionsWe propose two alternative explanations for our surprising findings and provide a supplementary analysis to help arbitrate between them. The evidence suggests that orphaned children (especially those with a deceased mother) are less likely to experience harsh discipline because of lower caretaker investment in their upbringing. We encourage future research to draw on in-depth interviews or household surveys with discipline data from multiple children in a home to further unpack why orphans tend to experience less harsh punishment than other children

    The impact of local supply of popular contraceptives on women’s use of family planning: findings from performance-monitoring-for-action in seven sub-Saharan African countries

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    Abstract Contraceptive use has substantial implications for women’s reproductive health, motivating research on the most effective approaches to minimize inequalities in access. When women prefer to limit or delay fertility but are not using contraception, this potentially reflects demand for contraception that is not being satisfied. Current literature emphasizes a nuanced integration of supply and demand factors to better understand this gap. In this research, we examine the interconnectedness of supply and demand factors both conceptually and methodologically by augmenting existing measures of local supply with a demand-side factor—community-level preferences for contraceptive methods. Using novel data from Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA) in seven sub-Saharan African countries, we test whether the available supply of locally preferred methods at nearby service delivery points (SDP) explains variation in women’s uptake of contraception beyond the more typical measure of contraceptive stockouts. Findings from logistic regression analyses (N = 32,282) suggest that demand and supply can be understood as tightly interconnected factors which are directly affected by local social preferences. The odds of women using modern contraception increase significantly when locally preferred methods are available, and this is true even after controlling for the availability of methods in general. The new measure tested in this research centers women and their specific desires in a manner consistent with the promotion of contraceptives as an important human right

    Trust and COVID precautionary measures during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from two African countries

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    This study examines how trust was associated with social distancing during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Burkina Faso and Kenya. It fills gaps in previous research on trust and health by 1) simultaneously considering the relationship of individual- and aggregate-level indicators of trust, and 2) evaluating trust in local government and national government separately. Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA) data on COVID-precautionary measures and individual-level trust measures were spatially linked with aggregated trust data from the Afrobarometer to create a multilevel dataset. PMA data show that women in Kenya were generally more likely to report taking COVID-precautionary measures relative to Burkinabé women, although levels of these measures were high in both countries. Hierarchical logistic models for each country show levels of interpersonal trust mattered more in Burkina Faso. Although the association between individual-level trust in government and social distancing was not statistically significant, overall levels of trust in the region where an individual lived were associated with social distancing. We found a significant interaction effect between regional trust in the national government and regional trust in local government: individuals in regions where trust was high in both national and local government were the most likely to socially distance; individuals in regions with low local government trust but high national government trust were less likely to report social distancing. We unpack possible implications of these findings; they point to the importance of a unified government front within African countries in promoting health safety measures during a pandemic