35 research outputs found

    Are My Memory Changes Normal?

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    This fact sheet discusses memory changes. As we age, our brains age right along with the rest of our bodies. Our reaction time may begin to slow as a result of aging, and we will continue to experience “mild forgetfulness” as a normal part of life. If your memory changes are greater, or these changes seem to be noticeably impacting your ability to carry on your normal day-to-day activities, these are indicators that it is time to be evaluated by a physician for MCI, dementia, or other cognitive problems. An accurate diagnosis of dementia will help you and your physician plan the best course of action for you, to keep your memory as sharp as possible as you get older

    A Healthy Brain: Use It or Lose It!

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    Challenging your muscles makes for strong healthy muscles, and challenging your brain cells makes for a strong healthy brain. Build up your brain’s cognitive reserve – create a well-connected, high-capacity brain – through overall healthy behaviors (diet and exercise) and making mentally challenging activities part of your daily life. The more options your brain has to get its signals sent, the better able it is to handle areas of damage. A well-connected brain may be better able to delay or prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s

    Psychological Stress Among Risks for Alzheimer\u27s Disease

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    This fact sheet defines stress, stressors and reaction to them, what stress does to our brain and body, and how stress effects can accumulate over time. It also includes tips on reducing the effects of stress on the brain

    Late-Life Depression

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    This fact sheet describes late-life depression, including what it is, how common it is, risk factors, where to get help, treatments, suicide risks, and how depression relates to dementia

    Responding to Financial Stress for Agricultural Producers and Couples

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    Finances are a necessary component of running an agricultural production and with an uncertain economy, drought conditions, and rising costs, financial stress is increasingly common. Although financial stress is linked with poor individual and relationship outcomes, research suggests that there are effective ways to manage financial stress so that it does not reduce personal or relationship well-being. We review the body\u27s response to stressors and how to respond rather than react to stress. We present specific strategies couples can use to navigate financial stress together. We include ideas for practical application for individuals seeking to improve the way they manage financial stress

    Maximizing the Quality of Life for Persons with Dementia

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    This fact sheet show how through simple adjustments to the environment and by providing opportunities for meaningful activities or pleasant experiences, caregivers can play a key role in maximizing the quality of life that people with dementia can maintain despite their impairments

    Dementia Risk: Is It Nature or Nurture?

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    Alzheimer’s is a complex disease for which there is no known method for reversing its effects and no known cure for those who develop it. While a large part of the risk for developing AD comes from genes we inherit, there is evidence suggesting that an even greater part of our risk comes from our “environment,” and more specifically, our lifestyle

    Accepting Uncomfortable Emotions: Learning From Car Dashboards and Manure

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    Agricultural producers can face many stressors, such as long hours coupled with challenging, unpredictable conditions, which can give rise to challenging thoughts and feelings at times. Phrases you may hear in modern culture as you approach difficulty may be pull yourself together, quit worrying, or get over it. However, these aren\u27t the best processes for working through hard emotions. Cultivating acceptance is a way to combat traditional rationalization and work through emotions

    Making Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Late-Life Depression Risk

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    Depression is a complex condition involving insufficient levels of brain chemicals, life stressors, thought processes, behaviors, and coping mechanisms. Medications and counseling therapy are effective in treating depression, and research suggests that several lifestyle practices also help to protect us from depression, and speed up our recovery if we do experience it. These behaviors, such as being socially connected, eating healthy and exercising, cost little to nothing but can have profound benefits on our overall quality of life and help us to stay depression-free

    Coping With Grief and Loss for Agricultural Producers

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    As humans, we are social beings who form strong relationships; when these relationships end, through death, divorce, or estrangement, it is natural to feel a sense of loss. This resource is meant to provide some ideas for agricultural producers (individuals and families) seeking to cope with and respond to losing a loved one. We also include information for agricultural producers experiencing other types of loss, such as losing the farm or livestock