16 research outputs found

    Research On Some Of The Epidemiologic Aspects Of Adverse Reactions After Vaccines In Varna Region

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    Въведение: Безопасността на ваксините е един от важните приоритети на СЗО и на всички заинтересовани страни, включващи производители, доставчици на ваксини и национални правителства. Контролът по безопасността на ваксините продължава и след тяхното приложение, като се проследяват стриктно нежеланите реакции след ваксинации на населението.Целта на настоящето изследване е да се проучат съобщените в РЗИ – Варна и регистрирани в Изпълнителната агенция по лекарства (ИАЛ) нежелани реакции след ваксинации във Варненска област за периода от 2011 г. до 2017 г.Материали и методи: Проучени са и анализирани данни от съобщени в РЗИ – Варна и в ИАЛ нежелани реакции след ваксинации във Варненска област и за страната за периода 2011-2017 г. При обработването на информацията са използвани епидемиологични, математико-статистически, графични и др. методи.Резултати: Извършените проучвания върху съобщените случаи на нежелани реакции след ваксинации във Варненска област показват, че повечето от постваксиналните реакции са обичайни и очаквани, включени в кратката характеристика на ваксиналния продукт. След 2011 г. честотата на ежегодно съобщените случаи на НРВ в РЗИ – Варна намалява до нулева през 2014 г. и по един съобщен случай на НРВ през 2015 г. и 2017 г.Заключение: Подобряване качеството на надзора върху нежеланите реакции след ваксинации на регионално и национално ниво ще доведе до повишаване на общественото доверие към националната имунизационна програма и ще стимулира участието на обществото в нея.Introduction: Vaccine safety is one of the major priorities of WHO and the concerned parties, including the manufacturers, vaccine suppliers and national governments. The vaccine safety control continues after vaccine administration and the adverse reactions among the vaccinated population are strictly monitored.Aim: The purpose of this research is to examine the adverse reactions after vaccine administration in Varna region, reported in the Regional Health Inspectorate of Varna and registered in the Executive Medicines Agency for the period from 2011 to 2017.Materials and Methods: The data of adverse reactions after vaccine administration in Varna region reported in the Regional Health Inspection of Varna and registered in the Executive Medicines Agency and the entire country has been examined and analyzed for the period from 2011 to 2017. Epidemiologic, mathematical, statistical, graphic methods have been used to process this information.Results: The research carried out on the reported cases of adverse reactions after vaccines administered in Varna region shows that most of the post-vaccination reactions are common and expected and are indicated in the patient information leaflet of the vaccine product. After 2011, the frequency of the annually reported cases of adverse reactions after vaccines in the Regional Health Inspectorate of Varna drops down to zero in 2014; one reported case in 2015 and one in 2017.Conclusion: Improving the quality of control over the adverse reactions after vaccines at regional and national level will lead to enhancing the public confidence in the national immunization program and stimulating the social participation in it

    Diphtheria in Europe, Bulgaria and Varna district - past, present and future

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    Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is described as a serious poisoning, fibrinous mucosa inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, and high lethality. There are many different kinds of complications and they are severe and occur frequently- infectious toxic shock, nephrotoxic­ity, respiratory tract obstruction, myocarditis, polyneuropa­thy, respiratory failure, or pneumonia. In Europe, diphtheria is largely under control thanks to the intensive vaccination strategy, but there are countries, where the endemic viral contamination still exist. The basic prevention remedy con­sists in the full systematic antidiphtheritic immunization coverage of the subject quotes. In the present study, we ex­amine the epidemiological problems and prospects of diph­theria infection in Europe and the Varna region under the conditions of active immunization with diphtheria anatoxin

    Comparative analysis of the immunization practice efficiency in England and the Republic of Bulgaria upon the implementation of the national immunization programs

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    An Internet survey of the immunization practices in England and the Republic of Bulgaria was conducted and their effectiveness in regard to the vaccine coverage of the population was investigated. The comparative analysis of the mandatory and recommended immunoprophylaxis systems shows that the established organizational and management structure in both countries supports the successful implementation of the national immunization programs. All of this presents with a high immunization coverage among the pediatric population - over 90%

    Awareness of medical and health care students from MU-Varna about immunoprophylaxis in Bulgaria

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    През последните години в Р. България и в страните от европейския регион на СЗО се наблюдава спад в имунизационното покритие на населението с ваксините, включени в националните имунизационни програми. Колебанията на родителите по отношение «за» и «против» да имунизират децата си изисква от медицинските специалисти да имат високо ниво на подготовка и информираност относно ваксиналните препарати и инфекциозните заболявания, които протектират. Целта на разработката е да проучим нивото на информираност на студентите по медицина и здравни грижи от МУ-Варна относно имунопрофилактиката в България. Проведено е анкетно проучване, резултатите от което са представени чрез графични изображения. Данните установяват, че студентите от МУ-Варна подкрепят националната имунизационна политика и показват задоволително ниво на информираност относно прилаганите ваксини в задължителния имунизационен ка-лендар на Р. България. Въвеждането в учебните програми на студентите от МУ-Варна на допълнителни курсове за обучение в областта на имунопрофилактиката ще даде възможност след дипломирането им да реализират успешно придобитите познания в сферата на общественото здравеопазване.In recent years in the Republic of Bulgaria and the countries of the WHO European Region there has been a decline in the immunization coverage of the population with the vaccines included in national immunization programs. The parents‘ fluctuations regarding „for“ and „against“ vaccinating their children require that medical professionals have a high level of preparation and information on vaccine preparations and the infectious diseases that they protect against. The purpose of the research is to explore the level of awareness of students from the Medicine and Health Care programs at the Medical University of Varna about immunoprophylaxis in Bulgaria. A survey was conducted, the results of which are presented with graphs. The data show that the students at the Medical University of Varna support the national immunization policy. The level of awareness of the students regarding the vaccines applied in the obligatory immunization calendar of the Republic of Bulgaria is satisfactory. The introduction into the curriculum of the students from the Medical University of Varna of additional training courses in the field of immunoprophylaxis will allow to successfully apply the acquired knowledge in the field of public health after graduation

    The role of vitamin K in human health

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    Introduction: Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. It exists in the form of three compounds with similar structures and functions. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone, phytomenadione) is the most common active form in nature and is found in plants. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone), which has about 75% of the potential of K1, is synthesized by bacteria in the human intestinal tract. Vitamin K3 (menadione) is a water-soluble synthetic compound that can be converted to K2 in the intestinal tract.Aim: The purpose of this review is to discuss the role of Vitamin K in human health.Materials and Methods: An analysis of publications available in PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Medline scientific databases was conducted. The keywords used were vitamin K, menaquinone, phylloquinone, physiological effects of vitamin K.Results: Vitamin K’s best known function is its participation in the synthesis of coagulation factors in the liver. Vitamin K affects the osteoblast proliferation and differentiation as well as the calcium deposition in the blood vessels. The vitamin’s essential role in the synthesis of sphingolipids in the brain determines its importance for the central and peripheral nervous system.Conclusion: Vitamin K has numerous biological effects, including blood coagulation, regulation of calcium metabolism in tissues, oxidative stress, inflammatory reactions, cell growth, and proliferation

    Manage epidemiological risk for HIV infection in the maritime transport and shipments

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    AIDS is a disease which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus - HIV. Today HIV / AIDS is a global health, social and economic problem and a cause of high mortality. There are three main ways of HIV transmission: sexual transmission; blood and vertical. Lead is sexually transmitted - 87 percent in various forms of sexual intercourse without a condom. In particular, the use of services of prostitutes and nonuse of condom. Traveling abroad (mobile population) as economic migrants, on the occasion of trips, work, business trip, vacation is a vulnerable group for HIV / AIDS. Analyzing the spread of HIV / AIDS in the world and the country - 45% of new HIV infections occur in African Americans, 35% of whites and 17% for Hispanics. (10) our geographical location, the development of tourism, our status as a port city and describing the epidemiological risk for HIV among sailors and travelers have the need to study the epidemiology of HIV / AIDS in terms of shipping and transportation

    Importans of the epidemiological control of insects and rodents for the navigation and limitation of infectious risk

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    The study of the characteristics of monitoring and control of epidemiologically significant insects and rodents in terms of navigation is a key to achieving effective ship‘s disinsection and deratisation (deratting). The success is a result of systematic and timely performed pest control. In international perspective ever closer the institutions work for the unification of these measures and the criteria for certification. In the contemporary conditions of globalization and intensive exchange of goods and passenger the vessels and vehicles can play an important role in the spread of infected rodents and insects in the world.Objective: To present to the medical and non-medical professionals related with navigation, the importance of bloodsucking insects and rodents for the spread of infectious diseases and to emphasize the importance of control measures against them to prevent „ship-associated infections`. Tasks: To present the targeted persons the specifics of control of insects and rodents in the vessels.Materials and Methods: The included teaching is consistent with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). They were studied historical materials, articles, epidemiological studies and analyzes of the WHO for the spread of communicable diseases. Manuals for anti-epidemic control and certification of vessels were used.Results and Discussion: Epidemiological significant rodents and insects can penetrate active or passive on vessels. They appear a risk factor for human health and the technical condition of the ship. It is essential the management, monitoring and actions related to pest control

    Border health control in ports of the republic of Bulgaria and programmes for the management of infectious risk

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    According to the International Health Regulations as a risk for the public health are determined infectious diseases, radiation and chemical pollution. Urbanization and technological progress are a prerequisite for increasing the importance of these risks. The border crossing is facilitated, the area of spread of some infectious diseases expanded, they emerged new ones. We are witnesses of intensive migration of large groups of people without information about their health status. The system of medical control has as a basic order not to hinder the transport of goods and cargo, not to hinder people in their professional and personal trips. There remains the need to control the medical and health risk. Underway are several international projects and programs in this area. Inspectors carrying out border health control at the port of Varna actively participate in these activities. The trainings have aim to exchange experience, best practices and research for objectification of control. It must be optimization of administrative procedures, unification of issued international documents, a providing of ongoing training for border medical services, manning companies and ships` crews.Materials and methods: We used official documents of the WHO and the Republic of Bulgaria, working materials of international programs, official statistics RHI Varna for 2013 and 2014.Results and discussion: The border health control is essential for communicable disease surveillance - the preventing of import and spread of quarantine and especially dangerous infections, timely assessment and response to health risks for public health. It is done in accordance with the International Health Regulations (2005), Regulations on border crossings and border health control. Electronic systems are introduced for exchanging information, which requires good professional training of border medical services. The responsibility of seafarers increases because completing and bringing specific information into the electronic system. The importance of experience and communication between crews and medical services in order preparedness for rapid reaction grows. Realized are various education and training projects, optimized are health documents and protocols. It is necessary a development of target programs on particular problems of border health control to maintain the preparedness of seafarers and institutions for timely identification of health risks and adequate response

    Sea epidemiology in teaching maritime medicine - prevention of infectious diseases, being subject to international health regulation and controlled by WHO

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    Naval Medicine is a scientific and practical direction with a complex interdisciplinary character and is a state policy in countries like Spain, Britain, Poland and the USA. Naval Medicine is defined as a system of scientific knowledge and practical activities, whose purpose is to protect and to gain in health of seafarers, life extension, prevent and treat diseases in humans. Sea epidemiology is a very important part of the medical disciplines. It is formed as a separate direction of epidemiology and as a section of maritime medicine in the 70s-90s of the twentieth century. During a trip the parasitic system, which interacts with the crew of the ships, operates completely differently than in conditions of residence on land, which requires specific approaches for the organization of prevention of infectious diseases during the journey and on land. The control of diseases, which are subject to the international health regulation, is an essential aspect of the marine epidemiology. In the directions for work on the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) in 2007 is said, that we should be ready for response in infectious diseases, which may arise as a result of sudden and rapid environmental and climatic changes as a result of industrial pollution and accidents that can put at risk millions of people in many countries and that is why they require measures of worldwide importance to be taken. The measures to protect public health are a significant section in the travel and the transport. Тhe management of infections by means of vaccine agents takes an important place in the system of actions. It finds systemic application in terms of maritime epidemiology as a tool for managing the infectious risk according to the number of vaccination avertible infections. Maritime training epidemiology should include the main sections of the general and private epidemiology in a constantly changing ecological and social environment of sea travel and transport