1 research outputs found

    Personality and hospitality management development

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    Ovaj rad istražuje i analizira doprinos osobnosti mjerama koje poduzima management prilikom funkcije u hotelijerstvu, i demonstrira zaključak da se profili korisnika mogu objektivnije sagledati korištenjem za to specifičnih instrumenata. Na temelju studija provedenih u Mađarskoj i Češkoj Republici, profili studenata zadnje godine studija hotelijerstva, identificirani su uspoređeni sa sadašnjim izvršiteljima takvih poslova. Analiza rezultata istraživanja pokazuje nerazumijevanje između studenata / sadašnjeg managementa. Zaključak predlaže da se obrazovni programi trebaju modificirati kako bi studenti bili spremni za realne i relevantne potrebe u hotelijerstvu. Implementacija ovog istraživanja trebala bi rezultirati većim zadovoljstvom studenata i njihovim aspiracijama prema određenim smjernicama njihove karijere na višoj razini, a time bi se pravilno usmjerilo i djelovanje managementa u hotelijerstvu.The research analyses the contribution of personality to the exercise of the management function within the hospitality industry, and demonstrates that the profiles of incumbents can be measured more objectively by the use of self-assessment instruments. On the basis of pilot studies in Hungary and the Czech Republic a the profiles of final year hospitality students were identified and were compared with current job incumbents. Analysis of the findings indicate a mis-match between student and management traits. The conclusions suggest that educational programmes should be modified if the student experience is to be made more realistic and relevant to the needs o f industry. Implementation of the research should result in improved satisfaction of students\u27 career aspirations and on a wider level, it could contribute significantly to management performance across the industry