12,826 research outputs found

    When Does Government Limit the Impact of Voter Initiatives?

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    Citizens use the initiative process to make new laws. Many winning initiatives, however, are altered or ignored after Election Day. We examine why this is, paying particular attention to several widely-ignored properties of the post-election phase of the initiative process. One such property is the fact that initiative implementation can require numerous governmental actors to comply with an initiative’s policy instructions. Knowing such properties, the question then becomes: When do governmental actors comply with winning initiatives? We clarify when compliance is full, partial, or not at all. Our findings provide a template for scholars and observers to better distinguish cases where governmental actors\u27 policy preferences replace initiative content as a determinant of a winning initiative\u27s policy impact from cases where an initiative’s content affects policy despite powerful opponents’ objections. Our work implies that the consequences of this form of democracy are more predictable, but less direct, than often presumed

    Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Basic Health Insurance Option for New York

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    Explores New York state's options, costs, and benefits of creating a basic health plan under health reform, including available federal funding, take-up rates by various population groups, types of plans, and impact on state exchange and uninsured rates

    International Tax Competition and Tax Incentives in Developing Countries

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    Tax policy advisers often counsel the governments of developing countries against using investment incentives under their income taxes. A wide variety of arguments have been offered in support of this position. Investment tax incentives can be costly in revenue terms, generating relatively little new investment per dollar of revenue cost and requiring increases in other distortionary taxes; this is especially problematic if the incentives are general (untargeted), so that they benefit a great deal of inframarginal investments, including those that generate significant economic rents. Non-uniform investment incentives that apply only to certain types of capital assets or firms and thus only to certain business sectors may inefficiently distort the allocation of productive resources.Working Paper Number 04-40

    Ultra Short Period Planets in K2: SuPerPiG Results for Campaigns 0-5

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    We have analyzed data from Campaigns 0-5 of the K2 mission and report 19 ultra-short-period candidate planets with orbital periods of less than 1 day (nine of which have not been previously reported). Planet candidates range in size from 0.7-16 Earth radii and in orbital period from 4.2 to 23.5 hours. One candidate (EPIC 203533312, Kp=12.5) is among the shortest-period planet candidates discovered to date (P=4.2 hours), and, if confirmed as a planet, must have a density of at least rho=8.9 g/cm^3 in order to not be tidally disrupted. Five candidates have nominal radius values in the sub-Jovian desert (R_P=3-11 R_E and P<=1.5 days) where theoretical models do not favor their long-term stability; the only confirmed planet in this range is in fact thought to be disintegrating (EPIC 201637175). In addition to the planet candidates, we report on four objects which may not be planetary, including one with intermittent transits (EPIC 211152484) and three initially promising candidates that are likely false positives based on characteristics of their light curves and on radial velocity follow-up. A list of 91 suspected eclipsing binaries identified at various stages in our vetting process is also provided. Based on an assessment of our survey's completeness, we estimate an occurrence rate for ultra-short period planets among K2 target stars that is about half that estimated from the Kepler sample, raising questions as to whether K2 systems are intrinsically different from Kepler systems, possibly as a result of their different galactic location.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted to AJ on 2016 May 2

    Detection mechanism for ferroelectric domain boundaries with lateral force microscopy

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    The contrast mechanism for the visualization of ferroelectric domain boundaries with lateral force microscopy is generally assumed to be caused by mechanical deformation of the sample due to the converse piezoelectric effect. We show, however, that electrostatic interactions between the charged tip and the electric fields arising from the surface polarization charges dominate the contrast mechanism. This explanation is sustained by quantitative analysis of the measured forces as well as by comparative measurements on different materials

    Induction of peripheral tolerance in ongoing autoimmune inflammation requires interleukin 27 signaling in dendritic cells

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    Peripheral tolerance to autoantigens is induced via suppression of self-reactive lymphocytes, stimulation of tolerogenic dendritic cells (DCs) and regulatory T (Treg) cells. Interleukin (IL)-27 induces tolerogenic DCs and Treg cells; however, it is not known whether IL-27 is important for tolerance induction. We immunized wild-type (WT) and IL-27 receptor (WSX-1) knockout mice with MOG35-55 for induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and intravenously (i.v.) injected them with MOG35-55 after onset of disease to induce i.v. tolerance. i.v. administration of MOG35-55 reduced disease severity in WT mice, but was ineffective in Wsx-/- mice. IL-27 signaling in DCs was important for tolerance induction, whereas its signaling in T cells was not. Further mechanistic studies showed that IL-27-dependent tolerance relied on cooperation of distinct subsets of spleen DCs with the ability to induce T cell-derived IL-10 and IFN-γ. Overall, our data show that IL-27 is a key cytokine in antigen-induced peripheral tolerance and may provide basis for improvement of antigen-specific tolerance approaches in multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. © 2017 Thom, Moore, Mari, Rasouli, Hwang, Yoshimura, Ciric, Zhang and Rostami