43 research outputs found
New perspectives to repair a broken heart
The aim of cardiac cell therapy is to restore at least in part the functionality of the diseased or injured myocardium by the use of stem/ progenitor cells. Recent clinical trials have shown the safety of cardiac cell therapy and encouraging efficacy results. A surprisingly wide range of non-myogenic cell types improves ventricular function, suggesting that benefits may result in part from mechanisms that are distinct from true myocardial regeneration. While clinical trials explore cells derived from skeletal muscle and bone marrow, basic researchers are investigating sources of new cardiomyogenic cells, such as resident myocardial progenitors and embryonic stem cells. In this commentary we briefly review the evolution of cell-based cardiac repair, some progress that has been made toward this goal, and future perspectives in the regeneration of cardiac tissue. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd
Bone marrow-derived cells can acquire cardiac stem cells properties in damaged heart
Experimental data suggest that cell-based therapies may be useful for cardiac regeneration following ischaemic heart disease. Bone marrow (BM) cells have been reported to contribute to tissue repair after myocardial infarction (MI) by a variety of humoural and cellular mechanisms. However, there is no direct evidence, so far, that BM cells can generate cardiac stem cells (CSCs). To investigate whether BM cells contribute to repopulate the Kit+ CSCs pool, we transplanted BM cells from transgenic mice, expressing green fluorescent protein under the control of Kit regulatory elements, into wild-type irradiated recipients. Following haematological reconstitution and MI, CSCs were cultured from cardiac explants to generate 'cardiospheres', a microtissue normally originating in vitro from CSCs. These were all green fluorescent (i.e. BM derived) and contained cells capable of initiating differentiation into cells expressing the cardiac marker Nkx2.5. These findings indicate that, at least in conditions of local acute cardiac damage, BM cells can home into the heart and give rise to cells that share properties of resident Kit+ CSCs
Serum and supplement optimization for EU GMP-compliance in cardiospheres cell culture
Cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) isolated as cardiospheres (CSs) and CS-derived cells (CDCs) are a promising tool for cardiac cell therapy in heart failure patients, having CDCs already been used in a phase I/II clinical trial. Culture standardization according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) is a mandatory step for clinical translation. One of the main issues raised is the use of xenogenic additives (e.g. FBS, foetal bovine serum) in cell culture media, which carries the risk of contamination with infectious viral/prion agents, and the possible induction of immunizing effects in the final recipient. In this study, B27 supplement and sera requirements to comply with European GMPs were investigated in CSs and CDCs cultures, in terms of process yield/efficiency and final cell product gene expression levels, as well as phenotype. B27- free CS cultures produced a significantly reduced yield and a 10-fold drop in c-kit expression levels versus B27+ media. Moreover, autologous human serum (aHS) and two different commercially available GMP AB HSs were compared with standard research-grade FBS. CPCs from all HSs explants had reduced growth rate, assumed a senescent-like morphology with time in culture, and/or displayed a significant shift towards the endothelial phenotype. Among three different GMP gamma-irradiated FBSs (giFBSs) tested, two provided unsatisfactory cell yields, while one performed optimally, in terms of CPCs yield/phenotype. In conclusion, the use of HSs for the isolation and expansion of CSs/CDCs has to be excluded because of altered proliferation and/or commitment, while media supplemented with B27 and the selected giFBS allows successful EU GMP-complying CPCs culture
Dal team accoglienza al bed management ospedaliero.
RIASSUNTOLa riduzione dei posti letto negli ospedali laziali, ha ri-disegnato il concetto di servizio sanitario ospedaliero regionale, riconoscendo l'ospedale il solo luogo dove recarsi per curare le malattie acute ed urgenti. L'Azienda Ospedaliera San Camillo-Forlanini di Roma, nel rispetto del piano sanitario regionale, del piano di rientro e della riqualificazione della rete ospedaliera, ha avuto una significativa riduzione di posti letto e ciò, ha comportato una riorganizzazione interna. La Direzione Aziendale per dare una risposta soddisfacente all'utenza, ha dato inizio nel febbraio del 2008 ad un progetto, oggi servizio, con l'istituzione di un gruppo di coordinatori infermieristici, con lo specifico mandato di razionalizzare ed ottimizzare i posti letto dedicati all'emergenza-urgenza. Questo gruppo denominato "Team Accoglienza" è formato da caposala esperti, che conoscono il funzionamento dell'intero ospedale. Il team collabora, quotidianamente, con il personale medico ed infermieristico del Pronto Soccorso, per la definizione del percorso diagnostico, terapeutico ed assistenziale piĂą idoneo al malato. Il progetto è stato sviluppato applicando la metodologia: del Percorso di Massima di Riferimento e l'Analisi Sistemica. Negli anni questo servizio ha contribuito: al miglioramento di alcuni indicatori sistemici di attivitĂ , di alcune UnitĂ Operative ed alla formazione di personale sanitario di direzione. Nel 2009 la Giunta Regionale del Lazio ha riconosciuto tale progetto come strategico all'interno delle organizzazioni ospedaliere pubbliche e private.Parole Chiave: Bed Manager, ricovero, ottimizzatore.ABSTRACTReduction on number of hospital beds i.e. on patients' admission among hospitals in Lazio has lead to a reformulation of health service framework within Lazio indentifying hospital as the only place to go to treat acute and urgent diseases. San Camillo-Forlanini, the largest hospital in Rome, according to the regional health plan, the recovery plan and the redevelopment of network hospital has had a significant reduction of hospital beds leading, as consequence, to the need of an internal reorganization. In order to correctly address this issue, the management of the Hospital started in February 2008 a project, setting up a group made up by nursing coordinators which had as a main aim to manage the number of hospital beds needed for emergencies. This group has been called "Admission Team" and nurses within the group are familiar with hospital policies and organization. The team collaborates daily with physicians and nurses in emergency room, in order to decide the most appropriate health care protocol for each patient. The project follows a specific methodology i.e. Systemic Analysis. Over the years this project has contributed to the improvement to a number of indicators and more generally to the health care within the hospital together with the enhancement of education of new managerial roles among health professional. In 2009, the Regional Council of Lazio has recognized this project as strategic within private and public hospitals. Keywords: Bed Management, admission, hospital polic
Autonomous Mower Saves Energy and Improves Quality of Tall Fescue Lawn
Battery-powered autonomous mowers are designed to reduce the need of
labor for lawn mowing compared with traditional endothermic engine mowers and
at the same time to abate local emissions and noise. The aim of this research was to
compare autonomous mower with traditional rotary mower on a tall fescue (Festuca
arundinacea) lawn under different nitrogen (N) rates. A two-way factor experimental
design with three replications was adopted. In the study, fourNrates (0, 50,
100, and 150 kghaL1) and two mowing systems (autonomous mower vs. gasolinepowered
walk-behind rotary mower equipped for mulching) were used. As
expected, N fertilization increased turf quality. At the end of the trial, the
autonomous mower increased turf density (3.2 shoots/cm2) compared with the
rotary mower (2.1 shoots/cm2) and decreased average leaf width (2.1 mm)
compared with the rotary mower (2.7 mm). Increased density and decreased leaf
width with autonomous mowing yielded higher quality turf (7.3) compared with
the rotary mower (6.4) and a lower weed incidence (6% and 9% cover for
autonomous mower and rotary mower, respectively). Disease incidence and
mowing quality were unaffected by the mowing system. The autonomous mower
working time was set to 10 hours per day (7.8 hours for mowing and 2.2 hours for
recharging) for a surface of 1296 m2. The traditional rotary mower working time
for the same surface was 1.02 hours per week. The estimated primary energy
consumption for autonomous mower was about 4.80 kWh/week compared with
12.60 kWh/week for gasoline-powered rotary mowing. Based on turf quality
aspects and energy consumption, the use of autonomous mowers could be
a promising alternative to traditional mowers
Female artists in the self-portrait collection of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence : eclectic
Die K\ufcnstlerinnen in der Selbstportr\ue4tsammlungder Uffizien in Florenz - eine AuswahlAbstractDiese Arbeit handelt \ufcber Selbstportr\ue4ts von K\ufcnstlerinnen. Als ich zum ersten Mal den Corridoio Vasariano entlang ging, fiel mir auf, dass es nicht nur bedeutende m\ue4nnliche Maler gab, sondern auch weibliche. Aber zugleich fiel mir auch auf, dass diese sich nicht auf dieselbe Art und Weise dargestellt haben wie ihre m\ue4nnlichen Kollegen. Daher entschied ich mich, \ufcber diese Frauen zu schreiben, die h\ue4ufig in Vergessenheit gerieten, weil ihre Werke nicht signiert waren oder anderen K\ufcnstler zugeschrieben wurden. Zu diesen K\ufcnstlerinnen geh\uf6rt Arcangela Paladini, die im Alter von nur 25 Jahren starb, aber eine gesch\ue4tzte K\ufcnstlerin und Komponistin am Hof der Medici war. Mit dieser Arbeit m\uf6chte ich einen
cberblick \ufcber Gesellschaft, Leben und Werk dieser K\ufcnstlerinnen geben, die oft auch als Schriftstellerinnen oder Komponistinnen t\ue4tig waren. Die Selbstportr\ue4tsammlung der Uffizien wurde im 16. Jahrhundert von Leopoldo de\ub4 Medici gegr\ufcndet und wird bis heute vom Museum erweitert. Ich entschied mich dazu, f\ufcr jedes Jahrhundert ein einf\ufchrendes Kapitel zu schreiben, um einen
cberblick \ufcber die Machtverh\ue4ltnisse, die wichtigsten Entdeckungen, politischen Verschiebungen und die Stellung der Frau in der Gesellschaft zu geben. Weiter w\ue4hlte ich aus der Selbstportr\ue4tsammlung der Uffizien f\ufcr jedes Jahrhundert eine bedeutende K\ufcnstlerin, die ein Zeichen setzte, die es schaffte, trotz gesellschaftlicher Regeln und Tabus ihren Weg als K\ufcnstlerin zu gehen. Wie sich die K\ufcnstlerinnen in ihren Werken wiedergaben, zeugt von den gesellschaftlichen Ver\ue4nderungen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte. Sie zeigen, wie es m\uf6glich wurde, dass eine Frau Tochter, Schwester, Mutter, Ehefrau und gleichzeitig K\ufcnstlerin, Schriftstellerin, S\ue4ngerin, Komponistin, Ministerin, Kuratorin, Politikerin oder Direktorin sein kann.vorgelegt von Elisa De GaetaniAbweichender Titel laut
cbersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersGraz, Univ., Masterarb., 2015 2.0701Zsfassung in dt. und engl. Sprach
When Stiffness Matters: Mechanosensing in Heart Development and Disease
During embryonic morphogenesis, the heart undergoes a complex series of cellular phenotypic maturations (e.g. transition of myocytes from proliferative to quiescent or maturation of the contractile apparatus), and this involves stiffening of the extracellular matrix acting in concert with morphogenetic signals. The maladaptive remodelling of the myocardium, one of the processes involved in determination of heart failure, also involve mechanical cues, with a progressive stiffening of the tissue that produces cellular mechanical damage, inflammation and ultimately myocardial fibrosis. The assessment of the biomechanical dependence of the molecular machinery (in myocardial and non-myocardial cells) is therefore essential to contextualize the maturation of the cardiac tissue at early stages and understand its pathologic evolution in ageing. Since systems to perform multiscale modelling of cellular and tissue mechanics have been developed, it appears particularly novel to design integrated mechano-molecular models of heart development and disease to be tested in ex vivo reconstituted cells/tissue-mimicking conditions. In the present contribution, we will discuss the latest implication of mechanosensing in heart development and pathology, describe the most recent models of cell/tissue mechanics and delineate novel strategies to target the consequences of heart failure with personalized approaches based on tissue engineering and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) technologies
Biocompatibility and Connectivity of Semiconductor Nanostructures for Cardiac Tissue Engineering Applications
Nano- or microdevices, enabling simultaneous, long-term, multisite, cellular recording and stimulation from many excitable cells, are expected to make a strategic turn in basic and applied cardiology (particularly tissue engineering) and neuroscience. We propose an innovative approach aiming to elicit bioelectrical information from the cell membrane using an integrated circuit (IC) bearing a coating of nanowires on the chip surface. Nanowires grow directly on the backend of the ICs, thus allowing on-site amplification of bioelectric signals with uniform and controlled morphology and growth of the NWs on templates. To implement this technology, we evaluated the biocompatibility of silicon and zinc oxide nanowires (NWs), used as a seeding substrate for cells in culture, on two different primary cell lines. Human cardiac stromal cells were used to evaluate the effects of ZnO NWs of different lengths on cell behavior, morphology and growth, while BV-2 microglial-like cells and GH4-C1 neuroendocrine-like cell lines were used to evaluate cell membrane–NW interaction and contact when cultured on Si NWs. As the optimization of the contact between integrated microelectronics circuits and cellular membranes represents a long-standing issue, our technological approach may lay the basis for a new era of devices exploiting the microelectronics’ sensitivity and “smartness” to both improve investigation of biological systems and to develop suitable NW-based systems available for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine