3 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic evidence of the radioresistance of Chroococcidiopsis biosignatures: A combined Raman, FT-IR and THz-TDs spectroscopy study

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    In the last decades, Mars has been widely studied with on-site missions and observations, showing a planet that could have hosted life in the past. For this reason, the recent and future space missions on the red planet will search for traces of past and, possibly, present life. As a basis for these missions, Space Agencies, such as the European Space Agency, have conducted many experiments on living organisms, studying their behavior in extraterrestrial conditions, learning to recognize their biosignatures with techniques remotely controllable such as Raman spectroscopy. Among these organisms, the radioresistant cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis was irradiated during the STARLIFE campaign with strong radiative insults. In this article we have investigated this cyanobacterium using Raman spectroscopy and extended the characterization of its biosignatures and its response to the radiative stress to the mid- Infrared and Terahertz spectral region using the Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) and Terahertz Time Domain spectroscopy (THz- TDs), which demonstrates the compatibility and suitability of these techniques for future space missions

    Evidence of Correlation between Membrane Phase Transition and Clonogenicity in Dehydrating Acinetobacter baumannii: A Combined Micro-Raman and AFM Study

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    : The Gram-negative bacterium Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most resilient multidrug-resistant pathogens in hospitals. Among Gram-negative bacteria, it is particularly resistant to dehydration (anhydrobiosis), and this feature allows A. baumannii to persist in hospital environments for long periods, subjected to unfavorable conditions. We leverage the combination of ÎĽ-Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to investigate the anhydrobiotic mechanisms in A. baumannii cells by monitoring the membrane (both inner and outer membranes) properties of four A. baumannii strains during a 16-week dehydration period and in response to temperature excursions. We noted that the membranes of A. baumannii remained intact during the dehydration period despite undergoing a liquid-crystal-to-gel-phase transition, accompanied by changes in the mechanical properties of the membrane. This was evident from the AFM images, which showed the morphology of the bacterial cells alongside modifications of their superficial mechanical properties, and from the alteration in the intensity ratio of ÎĽ-Raman features linked to the CH3 and CH2 symmetric stretching modes. Furthermore, employing a universal power law revealed a significant correlation between this ratio and bacterial fitness across all tested strains. Additionally, we subjected dry A. baumannii to a temperature-dependent experiment, the results of which supported the correlation between the Raman ratio and culturability, demonstrating that the phase transition becomes irreversible when A. baumannii cells undergo different temperature cycles. Besides the relevance to the present study, we argue that ÎĽ-Raman can be used as a powerful nondestructive tool to assess the health status of bacterial cells based on membrane properties with a relatively high throughput