5 research outputs found

    Surveillance and control of communicable diseases related to passenger ships in Europe

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    This study was conducted within the European SHIPSAN (ship sanitation) project and aims at exploring the legislative framework and current practices related to surveillance of communicable diseases and response aboard passenger ships in Europe. A detailed questionnaire was disseminated and completed by 59 competent authorities in 27 European countries. The majority of competent authorities used national legislation without special provisions for passenger ships. Only 20% had specific provisions for ships regarding quarantine, while a smaller proportion of new Member States (MS) have specific legislation in comparison with old MS (p = 0.01). The Maritime Declaration of Health (MDH) was the main reporting tool used. About 30.5% of the competent authorities declared that they require submission of MDH by all arriving ships, but 28.8% only from affected areas, and 11.9% never require MDH. A total of 45 outbreaks or incidents (36 gastrointestinal, 1 incident of legionellosis, 3 respiratory, and 1 influenza-like illness outbreak, occupational tuberculosis, varicella, scabies, and meningitis) were reported to EU competent authorities during 2006. About 75% of the responders stated that there are gaps in the surveillance and control of communicable diseases. A diversity of approaches in EU countries, and gaps regarding surveillance and response and training needs of personnel were identified. (Int Marit Health 2011; 62, 2: 138–147

    <i>Legionella</i> Colonization of Hotel Water Systems in Touristic Places of Greece: Association with System Characteristics and Physicochemical Parameters

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    This study aimed to assess the colonization of hotel water systems in central Greece and Corfu by Legionella, and to investigate the association between physicochemical parameters and Legionella colonization. Standardized hygiene inspection was conducted in 51 hotels, and 556 water samples were analyzed for Legionella spp. Free chlorine concentration, pH, hardness, conductivity, and trace metals were defined in cold water samples. The results of inspections and chemical analyses were associated with the microbiological results using univariate and logistic regression analysis. According to the score of the checklist used for the inspections, 17.6% of the hotels were classified as satisfactory, 15.7% as adequate, and 66.7% as unsatisfactory. Moreover, 74.5% of the hotels were colonized by Legionella spp. and 31.4% required remedial measures according to the European guidelines. Legionella spp. were isolated in 28% of the samples. Unsatisfactory results of inspections were associated with Legionella presence (relative risk (RR) = 7.67, p-value = 0.043). In hot-water systems, &lt;50 &#176;C temperatures increased the risk of Legionella colonization (RR = 5.36, p-value &lt; 0.001). In cold-water systems, free chlorine concentration &lt;0.375 mg/L (odds ratio (OR) = 9.76, p-value = 0.001), pH &#8805; 7.45 (OR = 4.05, p-value = 0.007), and hardness &#8805;321 mgCaCO3/L (OR = 5.63, p-value = 0.003) increased the risk, whereas copper pipes demonstrated a protective role (OR = 0.29, p-value = 0.0024). The majority of the hotels inspected were colonized with Legionella. Supplementary monitoring of the risk factors that were identified should be considered

    EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Joint Action—Contributions to European Public Health Preparedness and Response at Points of Entry

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    The joint action EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS (EUHG) aimed to support cooperation and coordinated action of MS to improve their preparedness and response capacities at PoE, for preventing and combating cross-border health threats from the transport sector. The aim of this study is to present how EUHG supported strengthening of core public health capacities at ports during routine operations and the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods used included surveys, literature reviews, in(tra)-action reviews, focus and expert working groups, site visits, exercises, inspection grading system methodology. In addition, the EU Common Ship Sanitation Database (EUSIS) was used as a tool to collect information on health conditions on board and to share information about public health events. EUHG network established the EUPOENET and implemented the European passenger ship inspections programme implementation where 558 inspectors in the EU SIS recorded 33,184 Ship Sanitation Certificates, followed up >80 public health events via the port communication form out of which 22 were COVID-19 related, and recorded > 4600 hygienic deficiencies. EUHG developed a web-based, searchable catalogue of best practices, SOPs for mosquito surveillance and control, a model MoU describing cooperation among authorities at ports, a tool was produced for development/assessment of contingency plans (ports), a tool serving group-based discussions about what defines risk at port level. EUHG conducted training courses and European level multi-sectorial TTE. The EUHG network of experts supported EU’s COVID-19 response by developing 16 technical guidance documents, provided >40 expert consultations and conducted three site visits and short seminars, two national level IAR and a European level meeting using IAR methodology and produced over five scientific publications. The JA’s network contribution to the pandemic has been globally acknowledged, recognized and demonstrated, with the network immediately activated to support EC and MS requests, and transport restart operations in 2020–2021

    EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Joint Action&mdash;Contributions to European Public Health Preparedness and Response at Points of Entry

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    The joint action EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS (EUHG) aimed to support cooperation and coordinated action of MS to improve their preparedness and response capacities at PoE, for preventing and combating cross-border health threats from the transport sector. The aim of this study is to present how EUHG supported strengthening of core public health capacities at ports during routine operations and the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods used included surveys, literature reviews, in(tra)-action reviews, focus and expert working groups, site visits, exercises, inspection grading system methodology. In addition, the EU Common Ship Sanitation Database (EUSIS) was used as a tool to collect information on health conditions on board and to share information about public health events. EUHG network established the EUPOENET and implemented the European passenger ship inspections programme implementation where 558 inspectors in the EU SIS recorded 33,184 Ship Sanitation Certificates, followed up &gt;80 public health events via the port communication form out of which 22 were COVID-19 related, and recorded &gt; 4600 hygienic deficiencies. EUHG developed a web-based, searchable catalogue of best practices, SOPs for mosquito surveillance and control, a model MoU describing cooperation among authorities at ports, a tool was produced for development/assessment of contingency plans (ports), a tool serving group-based discussions about what defines risk at port level. EUHG conducted training courses and European level multi-sectorial TTE. The EUHG network of experts supported EU&rsquo;s COVID-19 response by developing 16 technical guidance documents, provided &gt;40 expert consultations and conducted three site visits and short seminars, two national level IAR and a European level meeting using IAR methodology and produced over five scientific publications. The JA&rsquo;s network contribution to the pandemic has been globally acknowledged, recognized and demonstrated, with the network immediately activated to support EC and MS requests, and transport restart operations in 2020&ndash;2021

    Nationwide Survey in Greece about Knowledge, Risk Perceptions, and Preventive Behaviors for COVID-19 during the General Lockdown in April 2020

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the Greek general population toward coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during the lockdown period in April 2020, to examine factors associated with misperceptions and to determine behavioral patterns that may require interventions. Methods: A cross-sectional study of the general Greek population (N = 1858) was conducted. A geographically stratified cluster sampling was implemented. A questionnaire was composed consisting of 35 questions. Data collection took place from 15 April to 2 May 2020. A random-digit dialing survey was conducted by 29 interviewers. Results: The majority of respondents (62.7%) answered &ge;12/17 questions correctly. Participants aged 18&ndash;44 years, male gender, specific occupations (freelancer, unemployed, housewife, retiree) and those who sought information about COVID-19 from less than two sources received lower aggregated scores on knowledge questions. Regarding attitudes toward future vaccination, 18.9% declared that were against it, while 81.1% that they may consider or will be vaccinated. About 40% were not using a face mask and only 42% washed their hands appropriately. Conclusion: Adjusting information campaigns targeting especially people below 45 years of age can help to sensitize them and realise their role to control the spread. Further targeted surveys are needed to adjust/design prevention campaigns