6 research outputs found

    Bidrar coaching til faglig og personlig utvikling hos ledere?

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    1) Problemområde/problemstilling: Stadig høyere krav i arbeidslivet gjør at ledere blir utsatt for så store belastninger at det er viktig at de får støtte til å yte sitt ytterste og opprettholde indre likevekt. Det norske arbeidslivet kan ikke konkurrere internasjonalt når det gjelder lønnsutgifter. Vi må konkurrere på menneskelige ressurser. En del bedrifter investerer i coaching i håp om å utvikle den enkeltes potensial slik at det skal bidra til å styrke konkurranseevnen. Denne studien er et forsøk på å frambringe noe dokumentasjon om coaching sett fra utøvernes perspektiv. Det som tidligere er skrevet om coaching, er hovedsakelig skrevet av personer som arbeider med coaching. Denne oppgaven forsøker å få fram erfaringene ledere som har deltatt i coaching-samtaler har gjort seg. Synes de at coachingen har bidratt til faglig og personlig utvikling? Bør dagens bedrifter satse på coaching? Studien forsøker også å se hvor coaching hører hjemme i forhold til veiledning og læringsteori. 2) Metode: Studien forsøker å gi svar på problemstillingen ved å intervjue ledere som har gått i coaching. Jeg ønsker å fordype meg i ledernes personlige opplevelser og erfaringer. Fenomenet undersøkes derfor ut fra et helhetlig, fenomenologisk perspektiv ved hjelp av en kvalitativ undersøkelse. Et kvalitativt forskningsintervju har som hensikt å innhente beskrivelser fra den intervjuedes erfaringsverden. 9 intervjuer foretas ved hjelp av en intervjuguide som er fokusert på bestemte temaområder. Under resultatanalysen sammenholdes utsagn fra intervjuobjektene med teori vedrørende coaching, veiledning og læring. 3) Data/kilder: Undersøkelsen bygger på empiriske data som er innhentet ved hjelp av kvalitative intervjuer. Disse sammenholdes med coachinglitteratur, veiledningsteori og læringsteori. Undersøkelsen ser særskilt på de empiriske data i forhold til Susann Gjerdes bok ”Coaching – hva, hvorfor, hvordan?”, Albert Banduras sosial kognitive læringsteori med vekt på hans tanker om ”self-efficacy”/subjektiv mestringsevne og Merleau-Pontys teori om persepsjon slik han uttrykker den i sin bok ”Kroppens fenomenologi”. 4) Resultater/hovedkonklusjoner: De viktigste funnene fra intervjuene gjelder coachingens nytte-effekt. Forventninger: Over halvparten av respondentene ønsket hjelp til teamutvikling på jobben. De ønsket hjelp til å bedre samhandlingen i avdelingen. De ville bli flinkere til å gjøre hverandre gode og ønsket å forbedre resultatene. Like mange ønsket mer personlig hjelp, alle likevel jobbrelaterte. Det gjaldt mer deres egen måte å håndtere jobben sin på. De forventet hjelp med frustrasjoner, følelsen av å stå på stedet hvil, ønske om personlig utvikling, selvutvikling. Nytteeffekt: Samtlige respondenter oppfattet coachingen som meget nyttig. De hadde fått hjelp til å se på utfordringene på nye måter, med andre vinklinger. En sier at det påvirket hvordan hun takler livet sitt. Hun opplevde bedre kontroll selv. De fleste respondentene sier at samhandlingen i avdelingen har blitt bedre. De har blitt mer sammensveiset og ser tydeligere at de er avhengige av hverandre. En nevner at de har blitt flinkere til å lytte uten å tolke. En respondent sier hun har lært noe om hva det er i henne som hindrer henne i å nå målene sine. En sier at han har erfart varig endring. Dersom han igjen skulle befinne seg langt nede, vil han selv kunne klare å dra seg opp igjen. En bemerker bedre selvinnsikt på ønsker og egenskaper. En sier at teamet har fått klarere forståelse av hvilke mål de arbeider mot, og at de er mer samstemte. Studien konkluderer med at coaching kan bidra til faglig og personlig vekst hos ledere. Denne veksten betinger imidlertid at coachen er dyktig i sitt arbeid, og at utøver er åpen og interessert og forplikter seg til å arbeide med seg selv. Studien bekrefter til en viss grad hva Susann Gjerde står for i sin bok. Dessuten ser det ut til at Albert Banduras teori om ”self-efficacy” og Merleau-Pontys tanker om kroppens betydning kan bidra til å øke forståelsen av hva det egentlig er som skjer i en coaching-prosess. Studien forsøker å vise hvordan coaching kan passe inn i deres læringsteorier. Dessuten prøver jeg å sammenligne coaching med veiledning

    I want to be a mom who is clean, who loves herself, and feels ok with herself-pregnant women’s thoughts about motherhood and their unborn child when in treatment for substance use problems

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    There exists a vast amount of research and literature on pregnant women struggling with substance use problems and the challenges they can face in providing adequate and sensitive parenting. The aim of the present study was to explore the thoughts about motherhood and their unborn child of pregnant women in voluntary or involuntary substance use treatment, and to gain insight into their childhood attachment experiences. A total of 16 women in involuntary or voluntary treatment were interviewed about their thoughts about motherhood, their unborn child, and the treatment they were receiving. A phenomenological/hermeneutic analytical approach was used. Four categories emerged from the analysis: Influences of childhood experience, on becoming a mother, relating to the unborn child, and the meaning of treatment. The findings and their implications for treatment planning and support are discussed as a contribution to discussions of issues around compulsory treatment for pregnant woman with an SUD.publishedVersio

    Pregnant substance-abusing women in involuntary treatment: attachment experiences with the unborn child

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    Use of coercion against pregnant women who misuse substances was legalised in Norway in 1996. The background for the law was that substance abuse during pregnancy represents a significant health problem for the child. AIM – The main aim of this study was to explore if an attachment between the mother and her unborn child was possible in a context of coercion as experienced from the woman’s perspective. The women had many challenges, such as lack of social support and poor living conditions. MATERIAL – Data were collected in eight qualitative indepth interviews. FINDINGS – The main findings show how involuntary detention enabled safety for and connection with the unborn child. Within this context, the pregnant substance-abusing women’s own relational experiences and developmental histories represent the most significant barrier for their ability to bond with the expected child. CONCLUSIONS – The study underlines the importance of helping women with their own attachment experiences in order to break the generational transference of risk and pathology, and in this way, start the attachment process to the unborn child during the coerced treatment stay. Implications of the findings are discusse

    Rescue the child or treat the adult? Understandings among professionals in dual treatment of substance-use disorders and parenting

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    Aims: Dual treatment of parents with substance-use disorders (SUD) is an approach which aims to meet the needs of both SUD patients and their children. Whereas the parents need to learn to live without substances, the children need a predictable and structured environment with parents who are sensitive and psychologically available. In this study we explore the possibilities and challenges of this joint approach from the perspectives of professionals employed in an in-patient facility for families with parental SUD. Methods: A qualitative design was used comprising three focus-group interviews with 15 professionals: two groups with ward staff and one with therapists, all working at a family ward for parents with SUD and their children. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Professionals faced difficulties combining the needs of parents and children and seemed to choose to prioritise either the adult with SUD or the wellbeing of the child. However, some professionals described what might be a third and alternative solution by supporting the mothers in everyday life, routines, and care, through exploring present moment situations. This approach seemed to help parents become more conscious of the child, their interaction with the child, and their own feelings. Professionals described working at the family ward as emotionally challenging. Conclusion: Combining treatment of parental SUD, interventions to improve parenting roles and practice, and at the same time focusing on the developmental needs of children, is experienced as a complex and demanding task. Different priorities and treatment aims may enhance tensions between professionals. Even though professionals experience in-patient dual treatment as challenging, they believe this approach facilitates positive development in substance dependent parents and their children.publishedVersio

    Substance dependent women becoming mothers – breaking the intergenerational transference of substance use disorders

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    Children born to substance-dependent mothers who themselves have had an upbringing disturbed by parental substance-abuse, are at high risk. The mothers in this study represent a vulnerable group, difficult for researchers and support systems to access. We need to extend our knowledge on pregnant women and families with substance-dependence. We approached mothers with upbringing disturbed by parental substance-abuse problems, their significant others, and professionals in this kind of treatment. The women described a marginalised life. They struggled to abstain from substances, process traumatic experiences and integrate their family into society. The significant others had limited resources and were exposed to cumulative risk factors. The relationships were, nevertheless, close and reliable. Supporting the existing social network is important. Combining treatment of SUD, interventions to improve parenting, and looking after the needs of children, seemed to be a challenging task for the professionals, who seemed to focus either on the parent or the child. Some professionals expressed tensions between groups of professionals and the need to focus on their own emotion regulation

    Pregnant substance-abusing women in involuntary treatment: Attachment experiences with the unborn child

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    Background Use of coercion against pregnant women who misuse substances was legalised in Norway in 1996. The background for the law was that substance abuse during pregnancy represents a significant health problem for the child. Aim The main aim of this study was to explore if an attachment between the mother and her unborn child was possible in a context of coercion as experienced from the woman's perspective. The women had many challenges, such as lack of social support and poor living conditions. Material Data were collected in eight qualitative in-depth interviews. Findings The main findings show how involuntary detention enabled safety for and connection with the unborn child. Within this context, the pregnant substance-abusing women's own relational experiences and developmental histories represent the most significant barrier for their ability to bond with the expected child. Conclusions The study underlines the importance of helping women with their own attachment experiences in order to break the generational transference of risk and pathology, and in this way, start the attachment process to the unborn child during the coerced treatment stay. Implications of the findings are discussed