6 research outputs found

    Closing the know-do gap for child health: UNICEF's experiences from embedding implementation research in child health and nutrition programming.

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    UNICEF operates in 190 countries and territories, where it advocates for the protection of children's rights and helps meet children's basic needs to reach their full potential. Embedded implementation research (IR) is an approach to health systems strengthening in which (a) generation and use of research is led by decision-makers and implementers; (b) local context, priorities, and system complexity are taken into account; and (c) research is an integrated and systematic part of decision-making and implementation. By addressing research questions of direct relevance to programs, embedded IR increases the likelihood of evidence-informed policies and programs, with the ultimate goal of improving child health and nutrition.This paper presents UNICEF's embedded IR approach, describes its application to challenges and lessons learned, and considers implications for future work.From 2015, UNICEF has collaborated with global development partners (e.g. WHO, USAID), governments and research institutions to conduct embedded IR studies in over 25 high burden countries. These studies focused on a variety of programs, including immunization, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, birth registration, nutrition, and newborn and child health services in emergency settings. The studies also used a variety of methods, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods.UNICEF has found that this systematically embedding research in programs to identify implementation barriers can address concerns of implementers in country programs and support action to improve implementation. In addition, it can be used to test innovations, in particular applicability of approaches for introduction and scaling of programs across different contexts (e.g., geographic, political, physical environment, social, economic, etc.). UNICEF aims to generate evidence as to what implementation strategies will lead to more effective programs and better outcomes for children, accounting for local context and complexity, and as prioritized by local service providers. The adaptation of implementation research theory and practice within a large, multi-sectoral program has shown positive results in UNICEF-supported programs for children and taking them to scale

    Comparing two service delivery models for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV during transition from single-dose nevirapine to multi-drug antiretroviral regimens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV has been eliminated from the developed world with the introduction of multi-drug antiretroviral (md-ARV) regimens for the prevention of MTCT (PMTCT); but remains the major cause of HIV infection among sub-Saharan African children. This study compares two service delivery models of PMTCT interventions and documents the lessons learned and the challenges encountered during the transition from single-dose nevirapine (sd-nvp) to md-ARV regimens in a resource-limited setting.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Program data collected from 32 clinical sites was used to describe trends and compare the performance (uptake of HIV testing, CD4 screening and ARV regimens initiated during pregnancy) of sites providing PMTCT as a stand-alone service (<it>stand-alone site</it>) versus sites providing PMTCT as well as antiretroviral therapy (ART) (<it>full package site</it>). CD4 cell count screening, enrolment into ART services and the initiation of md-ARV regimens during pregnancy, including dual (zidovudine [AZT] +sd-nvp) prophylaxis and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) were analysed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From July 2006 to December 2008, 1,622 pregnant women tested HIV positive (HIV+) during antenatal care (ANC). CD4 cell count screening during pregnancy increased from 60% to 70%, and the initiation of md-ARV regimens increased from 35.5% to 97% during this period. In 2008, women attending ANC at <it>full package </it>sites were 30% more likely to undergo CD4 cell count assessment during pregnancy than women attending <it>stand-alone </it>sites (relative risk (RR) = 1.3; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.1-1.4). Enrolment of HIV+ pregnant women in ART services was almost twice as likely at <it>full package </it>sites than at <it>stand-alone </it>sites (RR = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.5-2.3). However, no significant differences were detected between the two models of care in providing md-ARV (RR = 0.9; 95% CI: 0.9-1.0).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>All sites successfully transitioned from sd-nvp to md-ARV regimens for PMTCT. <it>Full package </it>sites offer the most efficient model for providing immunological assessment and enrolment into care and treatment of HIV+ pregnant women. Strengthening the capacity of <it>stand-alone </it>PMTCT sites to achieve the same objectives is paramount.</p

    Assessing the relationship between operationally defined zero-dose communities and access to selected primary healthcare services for children and pregnant women in emergency settings.

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    In this study the authors examine the relationship between "zero-dose" communities and access to healthcare services. This was done by first ensuring the first dose of the Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine was a better measure of zero-dose communities than the measles-containing vaccine. Once ensured, it was used to examine the association with access to primary healthcare services for children and pregnant women in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. These services were divided into: a) unscheduled healthcare services such as birth assistance as well as seeking care and treatment for diarrheal diseases and cough/fever episodes and b) other scheduled health services such as antenatal care visits and vitamin A supplementation. Using recent Demographic Health Survey data (2014: Democratic Republic of Congo, 2015: Afghanistan, 2018: Bangladesh), data was analyzed via Chi Squared analysis or Fischer's Exact Test. If significant, a linear regression analysis was performed to examine if the association was linear. While the linear relationship observed between children who had received the first dose of the Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine (the reverse to zero-dose communities) and coverage of other vaccines was expected, the results of the regression analysis depicted an unexpected split in behavior. For scheduled and birth assistance health services, a linear relationship was generally observed. For unscheduled services associated with illness treatments, this was not the case. While it does not appear that the first dose of the Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine can be used to predict (at least in a linear manner) access to some primary (particularly illness treatment) healthcare services in emergency/ humanitarian settings, it can serve as an indirect measure of health services not associated with the treatment of childhood infections such as antenatal care, skilled birth assistance, and to a lesser degree even vitamin A supplementation

    Public sector services for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection: a micro-costing survey in Namibia and Rwanda

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the costs associated with the provision of services for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of human immunodeficiency virus in two African countries. METHODS: In 2009, the costs to health-care providers of providing comprehensive PMTCT services were assessed in 20 public health facilities in Namibia and Rwanda. Information on prices and on the total amount of each service provided was collected at the national level. The costs of maternal testing and counselling, male partner testing, CD4+ T-lymphocyte (CD4+ cell) counts, antiretroviral prophylaxis and treatment, community-based activities, contraception for 2 years postpartum and early infant diagnosis were estimated in United States dollars (US).FINDINGS:TheestimatedcoststotheprovidersofPMTCT,foreachmotherinfantpair,wereUS). FINDINGS: The estimated costs to the providers of PMTCT, for each mother-infant pair, were US 202.75-1029.55 in Namibia and US94.14342.35inRwanda.Thesecostsvariedwiththedrugregimenemployed.At2009coveragelevels,themaximalestimatesofthenationalcostsofPMTCTwereUS 94.14-342.35 in Rwanda. These costs varied with the drug regimen employed. At 2009 coverage levels, the maximal estimates of the national costs of PMTCT were US 3.15 million in Namibia and US7.04millioninRwanda(or<US 7.04 million in Rwanda (or < US 0.75 per capita in both countries). Adult testing and counselling accounted for the highest proportions of the national costs (37% and 74% in Namibia and Rwanda, respectively), followed by management and supervision. Treatment and prophylaxis accounted for less than 20% of the costs of PMTCT in both study countries. CONCLUSION: The costs involved in the PMTCT of HIV varied widely between study countries and in accordance with the protocols used. However, since per-capita costs were relatively low, the scaling up of PMTCT services in Namibia and Rwanda should be possible