32 research outputs found

    Histologija creva pastrmke (oncorhynchus mykiss) pre i posle obroka

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    Peharaste ćelije se nalaze u crevu riba, one sintetiÅ”u neutralne i sulfatne mucine i izlučuju sluz, podmazujući nesvareni materijal koji napreduje prema rektumu i Å”titeći sluzokožu digestivnog trakta. Promene u peharastim ćelijama creva riba posle obroka mogu pokazati odgovor na pojedinačni obrok obzirom na njihovu ulogu u procesu varenja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procena promena histologije creva, pre hranjenja i 6h i 12 h posle obroka. Izgleda da 6h posle obroka kada je vrhunac sinteze proteina kod pastrmke, proces varenja je u toku, a peharaste ćelije izlučuju sluz pa se njihova veličina smanjuje. Slične dimenzije ovih ćelija pre obroka i 12 h posle ishrane potvrđuju da pastrmku treba hraniti 2 puta dnevno, a da drugo hranjenje treba obaviti 6 sati posle prvog. Ovo istraživanje daje viÅ”e uvida u upravljanje ishranom u procesu uzgoja pastrmki

    Core vs. diet -associated and postprandial bacterial communities of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) midgut and feaces

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Eleni Mente was awarded a visiting fellowship by Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS). Part of Eleniā€™s Nikouliā€™s work in this paper was carried out under the program ā€œScholarships of IKY in the Marine and Inland Management of Water Resourcesā€ and was co-funded by EEA grantsā€“ Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (85%) and the General Secretariat for Investments and Development (15%). The authors declare no competing interests.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Heat shock protein (HSP) expression and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation during early embryonic developmental stages of the Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)

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    Both heat shock proteins (HSPs), which have key roles in vital cell functions, as well as members of the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), which adjust gene expression by transducing cellular signals to the nucleus, are necessary for normal embryonic development in vertebrates. Therefore, protein expression levels of HSP70 and HSP90 and the activation of members of the MAPK protein family, such as p38 MAPK, ERKs, and JNKs were studied in the early developmental stages of the Gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758. The protein expression of HSP70 and the phosphorylation ratio of JNKs remained at equal levels at all examined developmental stages, while the other examined proteins exhibited a differential profile. HSP90 levels were mostly increased at the 16-cell stage and towards the morula stages, and the lowest values were observed at the two- to four-cell and one-half epiboly stages. While p38 MAPK phosphorylation ratio exhibited increased values mostly in the early developmental stages, the opposite was observed concerning ERK phosphorylation ratio, where increased values were observed in the later embryonic stages (high blastula to one-half epiboly stages). These differential profiles of the examined protein expression levels highlight the importance of these proteins during embryogenesis and pave the way for further research to unveil their distinct role in early development

    Tenebrio molitor larvae meal inclusion affects hepatic proteome and apoptosis and/or autophagy of three farmed fish species

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    Acknowledgements Financial support for the trial on European sea bass was provided by the AQUAEXEL Project PROINSECTLIFE (Ref. No. 0013/03/05/15B), the AQUAEXEL Project INDIFISH (Ref. No. 0125/08/05/15/TNA), and by the University of Turin (ex 60%) Grant (Es. fn. 2014). NP (Scholarship Code: 1752) has been fnancially supported by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of Greece and the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) and MM by the Operational Programme ā€œHuman Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learningā€ in the context of the project ā€œStrengthening Human Resources Research Potential via Doctorate Researchā€ (MIS-5000432) as implemented by the State Scholarships Foundation (Ī™ĪšĪ„). Tanks to Evelyn Argo and Craig Pattinson (University of Aberdeen) for providing help with 2DE. EM was fnancially supported by Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS) visiting Fellowship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The effect of organic and conventional production methods on sea bream growth, health and body composition: A field experiment

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    This study aimed to develop a better understanding of organic sea bream aquaculture production in Greece, in particular its consequences for fish growth, health and body composition, and to propose and update standards for sustainable organic sea bream farming. Gilthead sea bream were kept in sea cages at densities of 4 kg mā€“3 (organic) and 15 kg mā€“3(conventional), and were fed organically produced feed (45% crude protein, 14% fat) or conventional feed (46% crude protein, 17% fat). The amino acid profile of the conventional diet, particularly the lysine content, which is one of most important dietary amino acids for sea bream, appeared to be unsatisfactory. ā€œOrganicā€ sea bream stored less fat content in their white muscle than the conventional sea bream. The liver lipid content was lower and the hepatosomatic index was higher for the organic sea bream. The microbiological analysis showed that both Enterobacteriaceae and Escherichia coli on the skin were below the enumeration detection limit in both the organic and conventional sea bream. Total viable counts on the skin and muscle of both the organically and conventionally cultured sea bream were approximately 3 log cfu gā€“1, which is well below the acceptable limit (7 log cfu gā€“1) for marine species. The results showed that the combination of a low stocking density and feed with a different ingredient composition but similar nutritional value resulted in similar growth rates and nutrient profiles of the final product. Further research on nutrition is required to provide information on setting the appropriate standards for organic sea bream aquaculture to ensure that the final product is in line with the consumersā€™ preferences

    Sex differentiation in the histology of the digestive gland of

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    The aim of this research is to study the seasonal histological changes in the digestive gland of males and females Nephrops norvegicus at the Pagasitikos Gulf. The food availability in Pagasitikos Gulf varies and depends on the seasonality, physicochemical conditions and diversification of organic material. After obtaining histological sections, the size of tubules, their lumens and the R-, F- and B-cells were calculated in March and May. A special image analysis algorithm was used that can automatically calculate both the above area ratios using digestive gland histological sections. Both male and female, which were sampled in May, had a larger density of lipid droplets than N. norvegicus sampled in March. However, females sampled in May had more lipid droplets per tubule and a smaller F-cell-to-tubule ratio than males, which indicated that the intensive feeding period had started for reproduction in the females. The digestive gland can be used as a nutritional indicator to assess the nutritional status of Nephrops stocks and to assist with the management of the Nephrops wild stocks by proposing a seasonal fishery management plan to improve the sustainability of the stocks

    Host-Associated Bacterial Succession during the Early Embryonic Stages and First Feeding in Farmed Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata)

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    One of the most widely reared fish in the Mediterranean Sea is Sparus aurata. The succession of S. aurata whole-body microbiota in fertilized eggs, five, 15, 21 and 71 days post hatch (dph) larvae and the contribution of the rearing water and the provided feed (rotifers, Artemia sp. and commercial diet) to the host’s microbiota was investigated by 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene diversity. In total, 1917 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were found in all samples. On average, between 93 ± 2.1 and 366 ± 9.2 bacterial OTUs per sample were found, with most of them belonging to Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Ten OTUs were shared between all S. aurata stages and were also detected in the rearing water or diet. The highest OTU richness occurred at the egg stage and the lowest at the yolk sac stage (5 dph). The rearing water and diet microbial communities contributed in S. aurata microbiota without overlaps in their microbial composition and structure. The commercial diet showed higher contribution to the S. aurata microbiota than the rearing water. After stage D71 the observed microbiota showed similarities with that of adult S. aurata as indicated by the increased number of OTUs associated with γ-Proteobacteria and Firmicutes

    Gut Bacterial Communities in Geographically Distant Populations of Farmed Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) and Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

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    This study investigated the profile of the autochthonous gut bacterial communities in adult individuals of Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax reared in sea cages in five distantly located aquaculture farms in Greece and determine the impact of geographic location on them in order to detect the core gut microbiota of these commercially important fish species. Data analyses resulted in no significant geographic impact in the gut microbial communities within the two host species, while strong similarities between them were also present. Our survey revealed the existence of a core gut microbiota within and between the two host species independent of diet and geographic location consisting of the Delftia, Pseudomonas, Pelomonas, Propionibacterium, and Atopostipes genera

    The Protective Role of Melatonin in Sperm Cryopreservation of Farm Animals and Human: Lessons for Male Fish Cryopreservation

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    Cryopreservation is a technique that offers various advantages, especially in fish, among others, that makes the reproduction of species easier through a constant supply of sperm, synchronization of the gamete availability of both sexes, storage of semen for genetic improvement programs, reduction in the cost by eliminating the need to maintain male broodstock, and conserving the gametes of endangered species. However, freezing and warming procedures for cryopreservation lead to a reduction in the quality and viability of cryopreserved sperm because of oxidative stress. For this reason, the enrichment of extender media with antioxidants is a common method of cryopreservation of the semen of several fish species. Recently, many studies have been published for the protective role of antioxidants and especially of melatonin on male fertility preservation both in farm animals and humans, demonstrating the beneficial effects of melatonin as a sperm cryoprotectant. On the other hand, very few studies were conducted using melatonin as an antioxidant in different male fish species for semen cryopreservation. We conclude that the use of moderate concentrations of melatonin are beneficial to semen preservation, and the mechanisms through which melatonin acts positively on spermatozoa need to be further investigated to establish improvement protocols for cryopreservation in fish species