11 research outputs found

    Who Helps the Degraded Housewife?

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    This article analyses the new demographic programme that was announced by the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, in 2006. The main goal of this programme is to encourage fertility, especially the birth of a second child. New benefits should elevate the status of wome taking maternity leave, who might otherwise suffer from discrimination in the family. The housewife is considered to be dependent and `degraded'. We argue that this demographic politics recalls continuity with soviet gender politics centred on the support of wage-earning working mothers. The programme provokes different critiques. Liberal critics argue that the programme is a populist one and it may have undesired economic and social consequences. Conservative critics want to encourage more traditional `woman' and `family' roles in society. Feminist critics argue that this politcs would reinforce both the inferior position of women on the labour market and gender imbalances on the symbolic level

    Что такое «маскулинность»? Понятийные отмычки критических исследований мужчин и маскулинностей

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    Данная статья рассказывает о ключевых категориях, которые определяют поле критических исследований мужчин и маскулинности (Critical Men’s Studies), широко применяются в гендерных исследованиях в целом и даже проникают в публичный дискурс. Мы рассматриваем центральный концепт данной области знания — «гегемонная маскулинность» — и его использование для анализа иерархии «субординированных» и «маргинализированных» маскулинностей. Мы также анализируем такие дискурсивные конструкты-дериваты «гегемонной маскулинности», как «кризис маскулинности» и метафора «разгневанных белых мужчин». В итоге данные понятийные отмычки позволяют нам осмыслить интерсекциональный поворот в современных гендерных исследованиях, суть которого так трудно бывает объяснить широкой общественности

    Amy Caiazza, Mothers and Soldiers. Gender, Citizenship and Civil Society in Contemporary Russia. Routledge. New York and London 2002.

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    This book examines the importance of gender and citizenship ideologies and the opportunities available for interest groups and related civic initiatives in relation to the role of conscripts mother’s in contemporary Russia. Amy Ciazza asks: what is the role of gender culture in the development of the Russian civil society? The author argues that gender-typing of citizenship and popular beliefs about the different civic obligations of men and women can be efficiently mobilized by interest grou..

    Stratégies des femmes chômeuses dans une période de transition vers l’économie de marché. Le cas de la Russie

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    Zdravomyslova Elena Andreevna. Stratégies des femmes chômeuses dans une période de transition vers l’économie de marché. Le cas de la Russie. In: Cahiers du GEDISST (Groupe d'étude sur la division sociale et sexuelle du travail), N°12, 1995. Transitions en Europe de l'Est : main-d'œuvre et citoyennes de seconde zone ? pp. 53-62

    Stratégies des femmes chômeuses dans une période de transition vers l’économie de marché. Le cas de la Russie

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    Zdravomyslova Elena Andreevna. Stratégies des femmes chômeuses dans une période de transition vers l’économie de marché. Le cas de la Russie. In: Cahiers du GEDISST (Groupe d'étude sur la division sociale et sexuelle du travail), N°12, 1995. Transitions en Europe de l'Est : main-d'œuvre et citoyennes de seconde zone ? pp. 53-62

    Employment and social affairs

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    This contribution was delivered on the occasion of the EUI State of the Union in Florence on 5 May 2016.This intervention was part of the recorded SoU morning sessions that took place on 5 May 2016 available on Youtube; move to the part of the video session of your interest within the video recording.This panel will consider some of the gendered dynamics shaping labour markets, social protection and social inequality in present-day Europe and locate those dynamics in a longer-term historical perspective. It will discuss evolving patterns of labour market access for women and young people; social inequalities in view of the “second demographic transition” (lower fertility across social classes, higher levels of education for women, higher levels of divorce among poorer couples); and the specific impact of the euro-crisis on women and their mobilizations in the face of the crisis. All of these questions will be placed in a longer-term perspective that considers the dynamic interactions between women’s uneven access to labour markets across 19th and 20th century Europe and the ways that women’s unequal access has been imbricated with highly gendered policies of social protection in the construction of European welfare states