5 research outputs found


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    Products, that meet the requirements of Technical regulations of the Customs Union are possible to produce only from high-quality and safe raw materials of animal origin. However, it is necessary to identify the risks associated with its use, assessment and indication of management mechanisms. In the production of meat products, the mechanisms for managing the identified risks associated with meat raw materials will be different. The aim of our study is to identify the most important risk factors associated with meat from different species of animals, including poultry, currently used in meat processing plants. The emphasis was placed on the meat intended for the production of smoked sausages, as these products are subjected to minimal temperature effects, respectively, under adverse conditions, almost always retains the original parameters of the feedstock (for example, the presence of antibiotics, pathogens). The screening microbiological method for the presence of antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents was used to identify the chemical risk factor. Classical microbiological methods were used to determine the biological risk factor. It was found that the chemical risk factor (the presence of antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents) creates a biological problem, i.e. the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens. Thus, in the study of beef, we found that the percentage of samples contaminated with antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents was 26.7 %, pork –35.3 %, and poultry meat — 42.9 %. At the same time, Salmonella spp. was absent in the same beef samples and the monocytogenes, however, have been found and they have demonstrated their resistance to antibiotics. In pork and poultry all bacteria were found. Perhaps, these species of animals and poultry, strains of microorganisms have the greatest antibacterial resistance.Только из качественного и безопасного сырья животного происхождения возможно производить продукцию, отвечающую требованиям Технических регламентов Таможенного Союза. Однако для этого необходимо идентифицировать риски, связанные с его использованием, с оценкой и указанием механизмов управления. При производстве мясной продукции, механизмы управления идентифицированными рисками, связанные с мясным сырьем, будут разными. Целью нашего исследования является идентификация наиболее важных факторов риска, связанных с мясом от разных видов животных, в т.ч. и птицы, которое используется в настоящее время на мясоперерабатывающих предприятиях. Акцент был сделан на мясе, предназначенном для производства сырокопченых колбас, т.к. эта продукция подвергается минимальным температурным воздействиям, соответственно при неблагоприятных условиях практически всегда сохраняет параметры исходного сырья (например, наличие антибиотиков, патогенных микроорганизмов). При идентификации химического фактора риска использовали скрининговый микробиологический метод на наличие антимикробных химиотерапевтических веществ. Для установления биологического фактора риска применяли классические микробиологические методы. Нами было установлено, что химический фактор риска (наличие антимикробных химиотерапевтических веществ) создает проблему биологического характера, т.е. приводит к возникновению антибиотикоустойчивых штаммов патогенов. Так, при исследовании говядины нами было установлено, что процент контаминированных антимикробными химиотерапевтическими веществами образцов составил 26,7 %, свинины 35,3 %, а мясо птицы — 42,9 %. При этом в этих же образцах говядины отсутствовали Salmonella spp. и L.monocytogenes, однако E.coli были обнаружены и они демонстрировали свою устойчивость к действию антибиотиков. В свинине и в мясе птицы все искомые бактерии были обнаружены. Возможно, у данных видов животных и птицы, штаммы микроорганизмов обладают наибольшей антибактериальной резистентностью


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    Cattle carcasses of ritual slaughter (Halal) from the lateral and medial side were investigated in order to identify the indigenous strains of lactic acid microorganisms capable of producing bacteriocins. Only 14 strains, from 36 strains of microorganisms isolated from washings taken from carcasses, were used for further research and identified as lactabacilus. In the study of their bacteriocinogenicity by the method of two-layer agars of modified composition, high inhibitory efficiency was proved with respect to the growth of the pathogen Salmonella typhimurium, only 6 isolated strains of lactabacilus. The use of this method of evaluation will not only reveal the presence of the ability of the lactabacilus to produce bacteriocins, but also to study their antagonistic activity against many of the studied microorganisms, which are indicators of compliance with various modes of technological processes. The presence of such microorganisms in the meat will increase the shelf life of meat, due to the suppression of the growth of closely related lactabacilus, some of which are spoilage microorganisms, as well as the growth of opportunistic and pathogenic microflora. In addition, the use of lactabacilus with bacteriocinogenicity in the production technology of raw sausages will reduce the risk of production of unsafe products. Thus, the presence of indigenous lactabacilus in meat is an additional factor that ensures the flow of desired biochemical processes and the safety of raw smoked sausages.ContributionAll authors bear responsibility for the work and presented data. All authors made an equal contribution to the work. Dagmara S. Bataeva developed scientific and methodological approaches to work, determined the scope of research, analyzed the data obtained, performed the narrative and corrected it after submitting to the editorial office. Olga V. Sokolova conducted a review and analysis of the literature, carried out the descriptive part Elena V. Zaiko selected research objects, carried out microbiological analysis. Victoria V. Pashkova carried out preparatory work and microbiological analysis. The authors were equally involved in writing the manuscript and bear the equal responsibility for plagiarism.Conflict of interestThe authors declare no conflict of interest.Исследованы туши крупного рогатого скота ритуального убоя (халяль) с латеральной и медиальной стороны с целью выявления индигенных штаммов молочнокислых микроорганизмов, способных продуцировать бактериоцины. Из 36 штаммов микроорганизмов, выделенных из смывов, отобранных с туш, только 14 были использованы для дальнейшего исследования и идентифицированы как молочнокислые бактерии (МКБ). При изучении их бактериоциногенности по методике двухслойных агаров модифицированного состава, была доказана высокая ингибирующая эффективность в отношении роста патогенного микроорганизма Salmonella typhimurium, только 6 выделенных штаммов молочнокислых бактерий. Использование данного метода оценки позволит не только выявить наличие способности МКБ продуцировать бактериоцины, но и изучить их антагонистическую активность в отношении многих изучаемых микроорганизмов, которые являются индикаторами соблюдения различных режимов технологических процессов. Наличие таких микроорганизмов в мясе позволит увеличить срок хранения мяса, за счет подавления роста близкородственных лактобацилл, некоторые из которых являются микроорганизмами порчи, а также рост условно-патогенной и патогенной микрофлоры. Кроме этого, применение молочнокислых бактерий, обладающих бактериоциногенностью, в технологии производства сырокопченых колбас позволит снизить риск производства небезопасной продукции. Таким образом, наличие в мясе индигенных МКБ является дополнительным фактором, обеспечивающим протекание желательных биохимических процессов и безопасность сырокопченых колбас.Критерии авторстваОтветственность за работу и  предоставленные сведения несут все авторы. Все авторы в равной степени участвовали в этой работе. Батаева Д.С. разрабатывала научно-методические подходы к проведению работ, определяла объем исследований, анализировала полученные данные, выполняла описательную часть статьи и корректировала после подачи в редакцию Соколова О.В. проводила обзор и анализ литературы, выполняла описательную часть Зайко Е.В. отбирала объекты исследования, выполняла микробиологический анализ. Пашкова В.В. выполняла подготовительные работы, микробиологические исследования. Авторы в равных долях имеют отношение к написанию рукописи и одинаково несут ответственность за плагиат.Конфликт интересовАвторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов


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    Products, that meet the requirements of Technical regulations of the Customs Union are possible to produce only from high-quality and safe raw materials of animal origin. However, it is necessary to identify the risks associated with its use, assessment and indication of management mechanisms. In the production of meat products, the mechanisms for managing the identified risks associated with meat raw materials will be different. The aim of our study is to identify the most important risk factors associated with meat from different species of animals, including poultry, currently used in meat processing plants. The emphasis was placed on the meat intended for the production of smoked sausages, as these products are subjected to minimal temperature effects, respectively, under adverse conditions, almost always retains the original parameters of the feedstock (for example, the presence of antibiotics, pathogens). The screening microbiological method for the presence of antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents was used to identify the chemical risk factor. Classical microbiological methods were used to determine the biological risk factor. It was found that the chemical risk factor (the presence of antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents) creates a biological problem, i.e. the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens. Thus, in the study of beef, we found that the percentage of samples contaminated with antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents was 26.7 %, pork –35.3 %, and poultry meat — 42.9 %. At the same time, Salmonella spp. was absent in the same beef samples and the monocytogenes, however, have been found and they have demonstrated their resistance to antibiotics. In pork and poultry all bacteria were found. Perhaps, these species of animals and poultry, strains of microorganisms have the greatest antibacterial resistance


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    Cattle carcasses of ritual slaughter (Halal) from the lateral and medial side were investigated in order to identify the indigenous strains of lactic acid microorganisms capable of producing bacteriocins. Only 14 strains, from 36 strains of microorganisms isolated from washings taken from carcasses, were used for further research and identified as lactabacilus. In the study of their bacteriocinogenicity by the method of two-layer agars of modified composition, high inhibitory efficiency was proved with respect to the growth of the pathogen Salmonella typhimurium, only 6 isolated strains of lactabacilus. The use of this method of evaluation will not only reveal the presence of the ability of the lactabacilus to produce bacteriocins, but also to study their antagonistic activity against many of the studied microorganisms, which are indicators of compliance with various modes of technological processes. The presence of such microorganisms in the meat will increase the shelf life of meat, due to the suppression of the growth of closely related lactabacilus, some of which are spoilage microorganisms, as well as the growth of opportunistic and pathogenic microflora. In addition, the use of lactabacilus with bacteriocinogenicity in the production technology of raw sausages will reduce the risk of production of unsafe products. Thus, the presence of indigenous lactabacilus in meat is an additional factor that ensures the flow of desired biochemical processes and the safety of raw smoked sausages.ContributionAll authors bear responsibility for the work and presented data. All authors made an equal contribution to the work. Dagmara S. Bataeva developed scientific and methodological approaches to work, determined the scope of research, analyzed the data obtained, performed the narrative and corrected it after submitting to the editorial office. Olga V. Sokolova conducted a review and analysis of the literature, carried out the descriptive part Elena V. Zaiko selected research objects, carried out microbiological analysis. Victoria V. Pashkova carried out preparatory work and microbiological analysis. The authors were equally involved in writing the manuscript and bear the equal responsibility for plagiarism.Conflict of interestThe authors declare no conflict of interest