7 research outputs found

    Regime-Switching Behavior of the Term Structure of Forward Markets

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    This paper presents techniques for modelling and estimating the behavior of financial market price or return differentials that follow non-linear regime-switching behaviour. The methodology to be used here is estimation of variants of threshold autoregression (TAR) models. In the basic model the differentials are random within a band defined by transactions costs and contract risk; they occasionally jump outside the band, and then follow an autoregressive path back towards the band. The principal reference is Tchernykh (1998). The application here is to deviations from covered interest parity (CIP) between forward foreign exchange (FX) markets in Hong Kong and the Philippines. We have observed that these deviations from the band follow irregular steps, rather than single jumps. Therefore a Modified TAR model (MTAR) that allows for this behaviour is also estimated. The estimation methodology is a regime-switching maximum likelihood procedure. The estimates can provide indicators for policy-makers of the market's expectation of crisis, and could also provide indicators for the private sector of convergence of deviations to their usual bands. The TAR model has the potential to be applied to differentials between linked pairs of financial market prices more generally.

    Application of a Modified TAR Model to CIP Deviations in Asian Data

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    The methodology to be used in this paper is estimation of a threshold autoregressive (TAR) model. In this model deviations are random within a band defined by transactions costs and contract risk, and autoregressive towards the band outside it. The principal reference is Tchernykh (1998). These estimates can provide indicators for policy-makers of the market¡¦s expectation of crisis. They could also provide indicators for the private sector of convergence of deviations to their usual bands. The estimation methodology is a non-linear three-regime maximum likelihood procedure. The TAR model has the potential to be applied to differentials between linked pairs of financial market prices more generally. This paper modifies the classical TAR model to allow for progressive deviations from a stochastic regime, rather than simple jumps.

    Asymmetric arbitrage and default premiums between the US and Russian financial markets

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    Deviations from covered interest rate parity (CIP) and from a generalized form of CIP involving forward forward arbitrage between the Russian Treasury bill (GKO) market and the U.S. Treasury bill market are modeled nonlinearly. We find a noarbitrage band within which deviations are random, outside of which deviations revert to the edge of the band. The band is asymmetric, implying that small profit margins trigger arbitrage into the dollar, but large profit margins are needed to trigger arbitrage into the ruble. The bandwidth rises and the speed of mean reversion falls as the maturity increases. The findings are consistent with the existence of Russian default premiums

    Василий Алексеевич Бильбасов и его труд «Кирилл и Мефодий»

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    For the first time there is presented the significant value of the research work of the outstanding Russian historian V.A. Bilbasov, contributed to the revelation of the lesser-known pages of life and activities of Slavonic Apostles Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius. The article demonstrates the role of V.A. Bilbasov in publication of historical monuments connected to Cyril - Methodius problematics and his role in the development of slavistics not only in Russia, but also abroad. There is given the analysis of critical historical miscellanea collection of Latin monuments “Cyril and Methodius in historical documents”, which was compiled by V.A. Bilbasov in 1868.В статье впервые показано значение научного творчества выдающегося русского ученого В.А. Бильбасова, способствовавшего раскрытию малоизвестных страниц жизни и деятельности славянских просветителей Константина (Кирилла) Философа и Мефодия. Освещена роль В.А. Бильбасова в публикации источников по кирилло-мефодиевской проблематике. Дан анализ критико-исторического сборника латиноязычных памятников «Кирилл и Мефодий по документальным источникам»

    A Comparative Study of Secure Outsourced Matrix Multiplication Based on Homomorphic Encryption

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a promising solution for handling sensitive data in semi-trusted third-party computing environments, as it enables processing of encrypted data. However, applying sophisticated techniques such as machine learning, statistics, and image processing to encrypted data remains a challenge. The computational complexity of some encrypted operations can significantly increase processing time. In this paper, we focus on the analysis of two state-of-the-art HE matrix multiplication algorithms with the best time and space complexities. We show how their performance depends on the libraries and the execution context, considering the standard Cheon–Kim–Kim–Song (CKKS) HE scheme with fixed-point numbers based on the Microsoft SEAL and PALISADE libraries. We show that Windows OS for the SEAL library and Linux OS for the PALISADE library are the best options. In general, PALISADE-Linux outperforms PALISADE-Windows, SEAL-Linux, and SEAL-Windows by 1.28, 1.59, and 1.67 times on average for different matrix sizes, respectively. We derive high-precision extrapolation formulas to estimate the processing time of HE multiplication of larger matrices