8 research outputs found
Oko - zapostavljeni organ u medicini rada: literaturni pregled poznatih efekata okolišnih i radnih onečišćenja na oko
The objective of this study was to give an overview of the known literature data on the infl uence of environmental and occupational factors on the eye. Sixty-six articles were selected by searching Medline and PubMed databases using the following key words in different combinations: occupational and environmental factors, dry eye syndrome, cataract, retinal vascular changes. Most of the studies dealt with conditions on the eye surface and used eye discomfort syndrome and dry eye syndrome to outline the effects of air pollutants. Some reported increased frequency of lens opacities due to indoor fuel exposure, in particular biofuel, and negative effects of styrene exposure on colour vision. Investigations of retinal vascular changes and retinopathy after chronic exposure to carbon disulfide (CS2) and of retinal and choroidal haemodynamics after exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) found that CS2 caused an increase in retinal venous diameters and CO caused an increase in arterial and venous diameters, retinal blood fl ow velocity, and fundus pulsation amplitude. This article also discusses the infl uence of light exposure on retinal damage. It shows that very little information is available about the infl uence of environmental and occupational factors on the eye, and retina and retinal vessels in particular.Cilj ovog pregleda bio je dobivanje uvida u opseg informacija na području utjecaja okolišnih i radnih faktora na oči. Izabrali smo šezdeset šest radova pretražujući Medline i PubMed baze podataka na ključne riječi u više kombinacija: oko, radna okolina, okoliš, sindrom suhog oka, katarakta, krvožilne promjene mrežnice, oštećenje oka svjetlošću. Većina radova bavi se stanjima površine oka, i upotrebljava “sindrom neudobnoga oka” (engl. eye discomfort syndrome) i sindrom suhog oka (engl. dry eye syndrome) kao pokazatelje utjecaja polutanata. Primijećeno je učestalo zamućenje očne leće kao posljedica izloženosti gorivima u zatvorenim prostorijama, osobito biogorivima te štetan utjecaj ekspozicije stirenu na raspoznavanje boja. Istraživan je utjecaj kronične ekspozicije ugljičnom disulfidu (CS2) na promjene krvnih žila retine te promjena prokrvljenosti mrežnice i koroideje kao posljedica ekspozicije ugljičnom monoksidu (CO). Uočeno je da CS2 uzrokuje povećanja promjera retinalnih vena, a CO uzrokuje povećan promjer i arterija i vena mrežnice. Posljedično se uočava ubrzanje protoka krvi kroz žile mrežnice i pojačanje amplitude pulzacija žila fundusa. Diskutiran je i štetni utjecaj svjetla na mrežnicu. Pregled literature pokazuje da je opseg informacija na području utjecaja okolišnih i radom uvjetovanih čimbenika na oči oskudan, osobito s obzirom na utjecaj ovih faktora na mrežnicu i njezine krvne žile
Meta-Analysis of Genetic Factors for Potato Starch Phosphorylation
Starch is one of the most demanded renewable feedstock in the world. The degree of phosphorylation of native potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) starch is a practically important quantitative trait, significantly influencing its physical and chemical properties. In this study, we evaluated the genetic diversity of the population of potato varieties and quantified phosphorus content in potato tuber starch harvested in 2017, 2018, and 2019. With the statistical methods, the most promising varieties for the next generation of breeding were identified for the first time. Genotyping and chemotyping data were utilized for genome-wide associations study (GWAS) in order to reveal genetic factors underlying the trait. GWAS based on a general linear model (GLM) with principal component analysis (PCA) was performed. The approach allowed us to identify two new, and confirm two previously found, significant SNPs on chromosome 5 associated with phosphorus content in starch. A search for the protein products coded in the genome regions carrying the significant SNPs revealed a cluster of genes that code glycoside and protein kinases, thus forming an operon-like structure. The genetic markers can be used for marker-assisted selection or to be considered as potential targets for genome editing to improve the industrially important properties of potato native starch via “intravital modification”
Starch phosphorylation associated SNPs found by genome-wide association studies in the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Abstract Background The natural variation of starch phosphate content in potatoes has been previously reported. It is known that, in contrast to raw starch, commercially phosphorylated starch is more stable at high temperatures and shear rates and has higher water capacity. The genetic improvement of phosphate content in potato starch by selection or engineering would allow the production of phosphorylated starch in a natural, environmentally friendly way without chemicals. The aim of the current research is to identify genomic SNPs associated with starch phosphorylation by carrying out a genome-wide association study in potatoes. Results A total of 90 S. tuberosum L. varieties were used for phenotyping and genotyping. The phosphorus content of starch in 90 potato cultivars was measured and then statistically analysed. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the third and eighth principal components appeared to be sensitive to variation in phosphorus content (p = 0.0005 and p = 0.002, respectively). PC3 showed the correlation of starch phosphorus content with allelic variations responsible for higher phosphorylation levels, found in four varieties. Similarly, PC8 indicated that hybrid 785/8–5 carried an allele associated with high phosphorus content, while the Impala and Red Scarlet varieties carried alleles for low phosphorus content. Genotyping was carried out using an Illumina 22 K SNP potato array. A total of 15,214 scorable SNPs (71.7% success rate) was revealed. GWAS mapping plots were obtained using TASSEL based on several statistical models, including general linear models (GLMs), with and without accounting for population structure, as well as MLM. A total of 17 significant SNPs was identified for phosphorus content in potato starch, 14 of which are assigned to 8 genomic regions on chromosomes 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 11. Most of the SNPs identified belong to protein coding regions; however, their allelic variation was not associated with changes in protein structure or function. Conclusions A total of 8 novel genomic regions possibly associated with starch phosphorylation on potato chromosomes 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 11 was revealed. Further validation of the SNPs identified and the analysis of the surrounding genomic regions for candidate genes will allow better understanding of starch phosphorylation biochemistry. The most indicative SNPs may be useful for developing diagnostic markers to accelerate the breeding of potatoes with predetermined levels of starch phosphorylation
The In-Silico Development of DNA Markers for Breeding of Spring Barley Varieties That Are Resistant to Spot Blotch in Russia
The fungal pathogen Cochliobolus sativus Drechs. Ex Dastur, anamorph Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoemaker is one of the most common barley pathogens worldwide and causes spot blotch and root rot in barley. Spot blotch is considered to be the major biotic stress hampering the commercial production of barley. During high disease severity, which occurs in the northwestern region of Russia once every three to four years, yield losses for barley may reach 40%. An increase in common root rot severity results in yield losses that can reach 80%. The goal of the current study was to identify significant markers that can be employed as diagnostic DNA markers to breed C. sativus pathogen-resistant varieties of barley. In 94 spring barley cultivars and lines, the resistance of seedlings and adult plants to the impact of C. sativus on their leaves and roots was investigated. Five genomic regions associated with resistance to Spot blotch were identified (on chromosome 1H (50–61.2 cM), 2H (68.7–69.68 cM), 3H (18.72–26.18 cM), 7H (7.52–15.44 cM)). No significant loci were determined to be associated with root rot. According to obtained data, 11 significant SNPs were converted into KASP markers and 6 markers located on chromosome 3H were determined to possess good accuracy and the potential to be employed in marker-assisted selection
The Russian Arctic by 2050: Developing Integrated Scenarios
Scenarios of future development pathways in the Arctic created by groups of experts and stakeholders are an effective way to identify and illustrate possible alternatives and options for this region based on anticipated environmental and socioeconomic changes. Although scenarios that assess development trajectories for the Arctic are becoming increasingly popular, there is a relative lack of regional perspective in foresight exercises devoted to the Russian Arctic. This article presents and discusses development scenarios for the Russian Arctic until 2050 that were built by a diverse group of academics, local officials, Indigenous leaders, and business representatives at a scenario workshop in Naryan-Mar, Russia. The scenarios focus on Russia’s Arctic zone and incorporate future visioning of economic development, international cooperation with the West and China, shipping, human and social capital, and Indigenous peoples’ livelihoods in the context of climate change. We apply a novel circular-axial technique to synthesize and combine the 12 initially created thematic scenarios into four final cross-cutting integrated scenarios that describe alternative futures for the Russian Arctic by 2050: Harmonious Arctic, Self-Reliant Arctic, Resource-Dependent Arctic, and Forgotten Arctic. Les scénarios de trajectoires de développement futur dans l’Arctique créés par des groupes d’experts et de parties prenantes constituent une manière efficace de déterminer et d’illustrer des solutions de rechange et des options possibles pour cette région, en fonction des changements environnementaux et socioéconomiques attendus. Même si les scénarios évaluant les trajectoires de développement dans l’Arctique gagnent en popularité, les exercices de prévision sont caractérisés par le manque relatif de perspective régionale axée sur l’Arctique russe. Cet article présente et aborde des scénarios de développement pour l’Arctique russe. Ces scénarios s’étendent jusqu’en 2050 et sont le fruit du travail de divers groupes d’universitaires, d’autorités locales, de chefs autochtones et de représentants du monde des affaires ayant participé à un atelier de scénarios qui s’est déroulé à Naryan-Mar, en Russie. Les scénarios se concentrent sur la zone arctique russe et intègrent la vision future du développement économique, de la coopération internationale avec l’Ouest et la Chine, du transport, du capital humain et social et de la subsistance des peuples autochtones dans le contexte du changement climatique. Nous appliquons une technique circulaire-axiale nouvelle pour synthétiser et combiner les 12 scénarios thématiques initialement créés afin d’aboutir à quatre scénarios intersectoriels intégrés décrivant les solutions de rechange futures pour l’Arctique russe d’ici 2050, soit un Arctique harmonieux, un Arctique autonome, un Arctique dépendant des ressources, et un Arctique oublié.