2 research outputs found

    Implementation of an individual educational route in inclusive practice

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    There is currently a trend towards an increase in the number of children with special educational needs enrolled in inclusive schools. Thus, the number of children with special educational needs enrolled in inclusive schools is growing. This is caused both by significant changes in the legal regulatory framework, including the 2012 Federal Law on Education, the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education for Children with Special Needs, etc. and by the fact that in some regions the number of specialized schools is decreasing, inclusive education becomes a more affordable option for children with special education needs. School specialists, parents, and the public engage in an active dialogue about choosing the most efficient path for an educational route for special needs children, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of inclusive and special education. The design and implementation of an individual educational route, an individual curriculum is essential for children with special needs in terms of improving the quality of education and efficiently entering social life. The relevance of the study is determined by identifying the components that facilitate and complicate, hinder the development and implementation of an individual educational route for these children in an educational organization; the determination of the content of an individual educational route based on the current situation in a practical institution considering the requirements of inclusive education. The purpose of the study is to explore the problems of developing and implementing individual educational routes for children with special needs in the context of inclusion and to determine ways to solve these problems. The key methods of the study are a questionnaire and a structured interview. The empirical data confirms the assumption that the development and implementation of an individual educational route for children with special needs in an educational organization are problematic and inefficient for several reasons. The data obtained is new since similar research results have not been found in the open sources over the past five years

    Training of special teachers to use the resources of Moscow E-School

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    This article discusses the issues of training special teachers for using modern digital educational technologies, in particular innovation resources of Moscow E-School (MES). The aim of this work is in development of technology of specialists’ training, capable to work with the resources of MES, in the frames of higher education. The following research methods were applied: surveying students, expert appraisal of students by teachers, aiming at formed skills and habits to work in MES environment. The obtained experimental results evidence that in the frames of higher education, the proposed technology of specialists’ training, capable to work with the resources of MES in the frames of optional courses, demonstrated sufficiently high results. The study revealed high satisfaction of teachers with the level of students’ qualification, namely: creative potential was enhanced, during the practice the students demonstrated higher involvement. Thus, in 2020, the teachers supervising the practice marked high level of skills of operation with MES resources demonstrated by 57% of students, which was nearly by two times higher than in 2018 (31%). In 2020, the average level was recorded for 28% of students, the low level – for 15% of students, which was nearly by two times lower than in 2018 (27%). Introduction of such optional course is exclusive, since it is oriented at training students specializing in special (defectology) education and solves the following tasks: firstly, to arm with the skills and habits of operation in digital environment, namely, MES, and secondly, to arm with specific knowledge and skills of development of electronic content for disabled children