14 research outputs found

    Intelligent monitoring of the condition of hydrocarbon pipeline transport facilities using neural network technologies

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    The national strategic goal of the Russian Federation is to ensure the safety of critical technologies and sectors, which are important for the development of the country's oil and gas industry. The article deals with development of national technology for intelligent monitoring of the condition of industrial facilities for transport and storage of oil and gas. The concept of modern monitoring and safety control system is developed focusing on a comprehensive engineering control using integrated automated control systems to ensure the intelligent methodological support for import-substituting technologies. A set of approved algorithms for monitoring and control of the processes and condition of engineering systems is proposed using modular control robotic complexes. Original intelligent models were developed for safety monitoring and classification of technogenic events and conditions. As an example, algorithms for monitoring the intelligent safety criterion for the facilities and processes of pipeline transport of hydrocarbons are presented. The research considers the requirements of federal laws and the needs of the industry

    Directions To Improve The Effectiveness Of Russia's Energy Export Policy

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    The importance of a fuel and energy complex (FEC) of the Russian Federation (RF) for the economy together with volatility of the global energy market conjuncture updates the need to develop scientific approaches to improving the effectiveness of energy export policy. Key factors destructive to an energy balance in the context of the current state and development of the fuel and energy complex in Russia have been identified. Using the regression method, the article rationalizes the nature of dependence of Russia's gross domestic product (GDP) on energy balance indicators taking into account the factors of the current economic and geopolitical situation. Based on simulation modeling, values of a favorable ratio of exports to production and consumption of oil and gas that would contribute to an increase in the growth rates of Russia's GDP have been calculated. A quantitative estimation of the GDP growth and the level of energy intensity reduction in the national economy have been presented, while observing favorable ratios of the exports to the production and consumption of oil and gas. A set of focus areas to increase the effectiveness of Russia's energy export policy has been proposed. Keywords: Energy Export Policy, Energy Resources, Energy Exports, Energy Balance, Energy Intensity of the Economy, Export Potential, Oil, Gas JEL Classifications: L520; O110; O470 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.705

    Nickel stress-tolerance in plant-bacterial associations

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    Nickel (Ni) is an essential element for plant growth and is a constituent of several metalloenzymes, such as urease, Ni-Fe hydrogenase, Ni-superoxide dismutase. However, in high concentrations, Ni is toxic and hazardous to plants, humans and animals. High levels of Ni inhibit plant germination, reduce chlorophyll content, and cause osmotic imbalance and oxidative stress. Sustainable plant-bacterial native associations are formed under Ni-stress, such as Ni hyperaccumulator plants and rhizobacteria showed tolerance to high levels of Ni. Both partners (plants and bacteria) are capable to reduce the Ni toxicity and developed different mechanisms and strategies which they manifest in plant-bacterial associations. In addition to physical barriers, such as plants cell walls, thick cuticles and trichomes, which reduce the elevated levels of Ni entrance, plants are mitigating the Ni toxicity using their own antioxidant defense mechanisms including enzymes and other antioxidants. Bacteria in its turn effectively protect plants from Ni stress and can be used in phytoremediation. PGPR (plant growth promotion rhizobacteria) possess various mechanisms of biological protection of plants at both whole population and single cell levels. In this review, we highlighted the current understanding of the bacterial induced protective mechanisms in plant-bacterial associations under Ni stress

    The Quality and Productivity of Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) Improved by the Inoculation of PGPR Bacillus velezensis BS89 in Field Experiments

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    Efficient plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) used as biofertilizers and biological control agents are promising substitutes for minimizing the application of synthetic agrochemicals in crop production. We studied the effect of PGPR strain Bacillus velezensis BS89 alone and in combination with three forms of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, carbamide, and ammonium sulfate) on the productivity of two strawberry varieties in three-year field experiments. We first showed that the application of PGPR Bacillus velezensis BS89 on strawberries demonstrated the same effect as the application of nitrogen fertilizers. Use of the strain BS89 increased the chlorophyll content in plant leaves by 2.7–6.8%, and also increased the yield of berries by 6.7–36.4% for cv. Rusich and 7.5–19.3% for cv. Troitskaya depending on the form of nitrogen fertilizer. The best results in the yield of strawberry plants of the cv. Rusich were achieved in the variant BS89 + ammonium nitrate (41.9–57.4%), and the cv. Troitskaya—in the BS89 + carbamide variant (8.1–38.8%). Three-year use of strain BS89 for cv. Rusich resulted in an increase of runner’s weight by 212.1%, and also the weight of the roots by 120%, thereby significantly improving the mineral nutrition of plants. This is mainly associated with the plant growth-promoting activity of Bacillus velezensis BS89, which was able to produce a high amount of IAA—494.1 µg/mL. We believe that the PGPR strain BS89 can be successfully used for growing strawberries. However, each variety requires careful selection of the composition of nitrogen fertilizers and analysis of the compatibility of fertilizers and the PGPR strain

    Plant Development of Early-Maturing Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Inoculation with Bacillus sp. V2026

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    The effect of a plant growth-promoting bacterium (PGPB) Bacillus sp. V2026, a producer of indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA), on the ontogenesis and productivity of four genotypes of early-maturing spring wheat was studied under controlled conditions. The inoculation of wheat plants with Bacillus sp. V2026 increased the levels of endogenous IAA and GA in wheat of all genotypes and the level of trans-Zeatin in Sonora 64 and Leningradskaya rannyaya cvs but decreased it in AFI177 and AFI91 ultra-early lines. Interactions between the factors “genotype” and “inoculation” were significant for IAA, GA, and trans-Zeatin concentrations in wheat shoots and roots. The inoculation increased the levels of chlorophylls and carotenoids and reduced lipid peroxidation in leaves of all genotypes. The inoculation resulted in a significant increase in grain yield (by 33–62%), a reduction in the time for passing the stages of ontogenesis (by 2–3 days), and an increase in the content of macro- and microelements and protein in the grain. Early-maturing wheat genotypes showed a different response to inoculation with the bacterium Bacillus sp. V2026. Cv. Leningradskaya rannyaya was most responsive to inoculation with Bacillus sp. V2026