523 research outputs found

    Replication in Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    Replication helps ensure that a genotype-phenotype association observed in a genome-wide association (GWA) study represents a credible association and is not a chance finding or an artifact due to uncontrolled biases. We discuss prerequisites for exact replication, issues of heterogeneity, advantages and disadvantages of different methods of data synthesis across multiple studies, frequentist vs. Bayesian inferences for replication, and challenges that arise from multi-team collaborations. While consistent replication can greatly improve the credibility of a genotype-phenotype association, it may not eliminate spurious associations due to biases shared by many studies. Conversely, lack of replication in well-powered follow-up studies usually invalidates the initially proposed association, although occasionally it may point to differences in linkage disequilibrium or effect modifiers across studies.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-STS290 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    An Evaluation of Statistical Approaches to Rare Variant Analysis in Genetic Association Studies

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    Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have proved to be extremely successful in identifying novel common polymorphisms contributing effects to the genetic component underlying complex traits. Nevertheless, one source of, as yet, undiscovered genetic determinants of complex traits are those mediated through the effects of rare variants. With the increasing availability of large-scale re-sequencing data for rare variant discovery, we have developed a novel statistical method for the detection of complex trait associations with these loci, based on searching for accumulations of minor alleles within the same functional unit. We have undertaken simulations to evaluate strategies for the identification of rare variant associations in population-based genetic studies when data are available from re-sequencing discovery efforts or from commercially available GWA chips. Our results demonstrate that methods based on accumulations of rare variants discovered through re-sequencing offer substantially greater power than conventional analysis of GWA data, and thus provide an exciting opportunity for future discovery of genetic determinants of complex traits. Genet. Epidemiol. 34: 188–193, 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Synthetic associations in the context of genome-wide association scan signals

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfully identified a large number of genetic variants associated with complex traits, but these only explain a small proportion of the total heritability. It has been recently proposed that rare variants can create ‘synthetic association' signals in GWAS, by occurring more often in association with one of the alleles of a common tag single nucleotide polymorphism. While the ultimate evaluation of this hypothesis will require the completion of large-scale sequencing studies, it is informative to place it in the broader context of what is known about the genetic architecture of complex disease. In this review, we draw from empirical and theoretical data to summarize evidence showing that synthetic associations do not underlie many reported GWAS associations

    Characterisation of the genomic architecture of human chromosome 17q and evaluation of different methods for haplotype block definition

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    BACKGROUND: The selection of markers in association studies can be informed through the use of haplotype blocks. Recent reports have determined the genomic architecture of chromosomal segments through different haplotype block definitions based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) measures or haplotype diversity criteria. The relative applicability of distinct block definitions to association studies, however, remains unclear. We compared different block definitions in 6.1 Mb of chromosome 17q in 189 unrelated healthy individuals. Using 137 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), at a median spacing of 15.5 kb, we constructed haplotype block maps using published methods and additional methods we have developed. Haplotype tagging SNPs (htSNPs) were identified for each map. RESULTS: Blocks were found to be shorter and coverage of the region limited with methods based on LD measures, compared to the method based on haplotype diversity. Although the distribution of blocks was highly variable, the number of SNPs that needed to be typed in order to capture the maximum number of haplotypes was consistent. CONCLUSION: For the marker spacing used in this study, choice of block definition is not important when used as an initial screen of the region to identify htSNPs. However, choice of block definition has consequences for the downstream interpretation of association study results

    Identification of novel putative rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes via analysis of rare variants

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    Established loci for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), including HLA-DRB1 and PTPN22, do not fully account for the genetic component of susceptibility to the disease. One possible source of as yet undiscovered susceptibility genes are those mediated through effects of rare variants. We present a novel method for gene-based genome-wide scans of whole-genome association (WGA) data to identify accumulations of rare variants associated with disease. We apply our method to WGA SNP genotype data obtained from 868 RA cases and 1194 controls. Our results highlight novel putative RA susceptibility genes that have not previously been identified in large-scale WGA studies

    Will the real disease gene please stand up?

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    A common dilemma arising in linkage studies of complex genetic diseases is the selection of positive signals, their follow-up with association studies and discrimination between true and false positive results. Several strategies for overcoming these issues have been devised. Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated dataset, we aimed to apply different analytical approaches and evaluate their performance in discerning real associations. We considered a) haplotype analyses, b) different methods adjusting for multiple testing, c) replication in a second dataset, and d) exhaustive genotyping of all markers in a sufficiently powered, large sample group. We found that haplotype-based analyses did not substantially improve over single-point analysis, although this may reflect the low levels of linkage disequilibrium simulated in the datasets provided. Multiple testing correction methods were in general found to be over-conservative. Replication of nominally positive results in a second dataset appears to be less stringent, resulting in the follow-up of false positives. Performing a comprehensive assay of all markers in a large, well-powered dataset appears to be the most effective strategy for complex disease gene identification

    CCRaVAT and QuTie - enabling analysis of rare variants in large-scale case control and quantitative trait association studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-wide association studies have been successful in finding common variants influencing common traits. However, these associations only account for a fraction of trait heritability. There has been a shift in the field towards studying low frequency and rare variants, which are now widely recognised as putative complex trait determinants. Despite this increasing focus on examining the role of low frequency and rare variants in complex disease susceptibility, there is a lack of user-friendly analytical packages implementing powerful association tests for the analysis of rare variants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed two software tools, CCRaVAT (Case-Control Rare Variant Analysis Tool) and QuTie (Quantitative Trait), which enable efficient large-scale analysis of low frequency and rare variants. Both programs implement a collapsing method examining the accumulation of low frequency and rare variants across a locus of interest that has more power than single variant analysis. CCRaVAT carries out case-control analyses whereas QuTie has been developed for continuous trait analysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CCRaVAT and QuTie are easy to use software tools that allow users to perform genome-wide association analysis on low frequency and rare variants for both binary and quantitative traits. The software is freely available and provides the genetics community with a resource to perform association analysis on rarer genetic variants.</p

    GLIDERS - A web-based search engine for genome-wide linkage disequilibrium between HapMap SNPs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A number of tools for the examination of linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns between nearby alleles exist, but none are available for quickly and easily investigating LD at longer ranges (>500 kb). We have developed a web-based query tool (GLIDERS: Genome-wide LInkage DisEquilibrium Repository and Search engine) that enables the retrieval of pairwise associations with r<sup>2 </sup>≥ 0.3 across the human genome for any SNP genotyped within HapMap phase 2 and 3, regardless of distance between the markers.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>GLIDERS is an easy to use web tool that only requires the user to enter rs numbers of SNPs they want to retrieve genome-wide LD for (both nearby and long-range). The intuitive web interface handles both manual entry of SNP IDs as well as allowing users to upload files of SNP IDs. The user can limit the resulting inter SNP associations with easy to use menu options. These include MAF limit (5-45%), distance limits between SNPs (minimum and maximum), r<sup>2 </sup>(0.3 to 1), HapMap population sample (CEU, YRI and JPT+CHB combined) and HapMap build/release. All resulting genome-wide inter-SNP associations are displayed on a single output page, which has a link to a downloadable tab delimited text file.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>GLIDERS is a quick and easy way to retrieve genome-wide inter-SNP associations and to explore LD patterns for any number of SNPs of interest. GLIDERS can be useful in identifying SNPs with long-range LD. This can highlight mis-mapping or other potential association signal localisation problems.</p