15 research outputs found
Cottage in Kralický Sněžník
Tématem diplomové práce je projekt nízkoenergetické chaty, která je umístěna na vrchol Kralického Sněžníku, který leží v blízkosti města Jeseník. Objekt je navržen jako samostatně stojící podsklepený se dvěma nadzemními podlažími a šikmou střechou. Je navržen pro 40 ubytovaných osob. Podzemní část je tvořena ze ztraceného bednění z tepelné izolace, které je vyplněno betonovou směsí. Nadzemní část je navržena jako dřevostavba z trámu vyplněné tepelnou izolací. Vnitřní opláštění je ze sádrokartonových desek. Venkovní opláštění je dále zatepleno kontaktním zateplovacím systémem. Hlavní vstup do objektu je z jižní strany, ze kterého se dále dostaneme do vstupní haly s recepcí. V prvním patře je navržena restaurace a dále zde najdeme pokoj pro lidi s omezenou schopností pohybu a WC pro veřejnost v severovýchodním rohu. Druhé patro je propojeno s přízemím přes schodiště, které vychází ze vstupní haly. V druhém nadzemním podlaží se nachází sedm pokojů a čtyři koupelny se záchody. Dva pokoje mají vlastní koupelnu a WC. Všechny pokoje jsou přístupné z chodby. Pět pokojů je orientováno na jižní stranu a dva jsou orientovány na severní stranu. Ve sklepě se nachází technická místnost, kotelna, prádelna, dílna a sklady.The master’s thesis topic is a project of a low-energy cottage. The cottage is situated in Kralický Sněžník near Jeseník and it is designed for forty customers. The house is designed as a detached house with two floors and with one basement and with a gable roof. A substructure is from a system blockpanel of a concrete and a heat insulations. The structural system of a superstructure is designed from a timber frame and a heat insulations. The indoor shell is formed from a plasterboard. The house shell is covered by heat insulations. The main entrance is located to the south. It leads to a hall with a reception. On the ground floor we can find a restaurant which is situated in the left part of the cottage. On the ground floor we can also find a room for disabled people and in the north-eastern corner are situated WC for people. The first floor is reachable via stairs from the entry hall. Upstairs there are seven rooms and four bathrooms with toilets. Two rooms of them have a ensuite bathroom. All of the rooms are enterable from the hall. Five of them have a window to the south side and other two rooms have a window to the north side. In the basement there is an utility room a boiler room a laundry a workshop and stocks.
Detached house
Tématem bakalářské práce je projekt nízkoenergetického rodinného domu. Dům je navržený jako dvoupodlažní, nepodsklepená dřevostavba se sedlovou střechou, dispoziční uspořádání 4+KK odpovídá návrhu pro 3-5 člennou rodinu. Součástí objektu je vedle stojící sklad na zahradní nábytek a ostatní provozní materiál, který je volně připojený přes garážové stání pro jedno auto k rodinnému domu, sklad je také řešený jako dřevostavba. Architektonický výraz je řešen jako prolínání hmot mezi klasickou omítkou a kamenným obkladem, tyto hmoty jsou do sebe zaklíněny ve tvaru „L“. Do domu se vstupuje ze západní strany, vstup je zastřešený pomocí parkovacího stání. Přes zádveří vcházíme do obývacího pokoje, který je volně propojený s kuchyňským koutem, dále se ze zádveří dostaneme do technické místnosti a WC. Z obývacího pokoje, který je situovaný na jihozápadní stranu, máme přímý kontakt se zahradou a můžeme přes francouzské okna přejít na terasu. Po zalomeném schodišti se dostaneme z obývacího pokoje do druhého nadzemního podlaží. Dispozice druhého nadzemního podlaží je řešena jednoduše, byl zde kladený důraz na funkčnost a orientaci ke světovým stranám. Součástí dispozice jsou dva dětské pokoje, které budou do budoucna rozděleny lehkou příčkou. Pro rodiče je zde vybudovaná ložnice, která má svojí soukromou koupelnu a šatnu. Dále je zde vybudovaná koupelna, samostatné WC a šatna pro děti. Všechny obytné místnosti jsou přístupné z chodby a jsou orientovány na jihozápadní stranu. Jedná se o řešení nízkoenergetického domu z dřevěných nosných panelů, které jsou vyplněny protihlukově a tepelně izolačním materiálem a následným venkovním tepelně izolačním opláštěním. Stropní konstrukce je řešena jako trámový strop. Objekt je zastřešený sedlovou střechou ze sbíjených dřevěných příhradových vazníků a je doplněna nadkrokevním systéme zateplení střechy. Sklad a garážové stání je zastřešeno plochou nepochůzí střechou.The Bachelor thesis topic is a project of a low-energy detached house. The house is designed as two storey basementless wooden building with a pitched roof. The 4 bedrooms layout fulfills the design for 3-5 family members. The object includes a wooden warehouse for garden furniture and other tools. The warehouse which is connected by an one-car garage to the detached house. The architectural expression is to be a two matters interpenetration of a standard plaster and a stone facing. The two materials create an L-shape. The entrance which is shaded by the garage shelter is situated in the western part of the house. After the vestibule there is a living room connected with a kitchen. If turned right there is a technical room and WC. From the South-East oriented living room there is a contact with a garden which may be entered by a terrace via a french window. The second storey is reachable via a cranked flight of stairs. The second story layout is simply designed with a focus on an utility while respecting the cardinal directions. There are two children rooms which will be split by a soft wall in the future. The parent bedroom includes its own dressing room and bathroom. There is a bedroom, single WC and dressing room for the children. All of the bedrooms ar enterable form the hall and have southern-west view. The structure is to be from timber bearing boards that are also noise and heat insulants. The house shell is also covered by heat insulations. The structure is designed as a timber beam structure. The roof is supported by nailed timber trusses while respecting an over-rafter heat insulation. The warehouse and the garage shelter have their own not-to-be-walked flat roof.
Comparison of Proximal and Remote Sensing for the Diagnosis of Crop Status in Site-Specific Crop Management
The presented paper deals with the issue of selecting a suitable system for monitoring the winter wheat crop in order to determine its condition as a basis for variable applications of nitrogen fertilizers. In a four-year (2017-2020) field experiment, 1400 ha of winter wheat crop were monitored using the ISARIA on-the-go system and remote sensing using Sentinel-2 multispectral satellite images. The results of spectral measurements of ISARIA vegetation indices (IRMI, IBI) were statistically compared with the values of selected vegetation indices obtained from Sentinel-2 (EVI, GNDVI, NDMI, NDRE, NDVI and NRERI) in order to determine potential hips. Positive correlations were found between the vegetation indices determined by the ISARIA system and indices obtained by multispectral images from Sentinel-2 satellites. The correlations were medium to strong (r = 0.51-0.89). Therefore, it can be stated that both technologies were able to capture a similar trend in the development of vegetation. Furthermore, the influence of climatic conditions on the vegetation indices was analyzed in individual years of the experiment. The values of vegetation indices show significant differences between the individual years. The results of vegetation indices obtained by the analysis of spectral images from Sentinel-2 satellites varied the most. The values of winter wheat yield varied between the individual years. Yield was the highest in 2017 (7.83 t/ha), while the lowest was recorded in 2020 (6.96 t/ha). There was no statistically significant difference between 2018 (7.27 t/ha) and 2019 (7.44 t/ha).O
Assessment of the effect of optimised field plot size on the crop yield
The presented research deals with the effect of plot size changes on the crop yield. Three plots were chosen in a company engaged in conventional agriculture, on which yields were monitored from 2019 using yield maps. In 2020, the plots (initial size > 30 ha) were divided into different parts sized < 30 ha. In 2021, these newly arisen parts of the plots were harvested. Changes in the yield of grown crops were analysed using yield maps acquired by the harvesting machines. Relative yields (%) and absolute yields (t/ha) were determined on all experimental land parts arising from the initial plots' division. The values were then compared with yields recorded before the division of individual plots using zonal statistics. Measured relative yield values clearly show (P < 0.05) that the division of plots resulted in the increased heterogeneity of crop yields. On the initial plots as well as on the newly arisen plots, the relative yield was divided into the following categories: < 70, 70-85, 85-95, 95-105, 105-115, 115-130 and > 130%, with the value of 100% representing average yield. The analysis of measured yield data showed that the division of plots into smaller parts resulted in an uneven yield distribution because if a divided plot was heterogeneous in terms of yield levels, a cumulation of "higher yield levels (> 100%)" could have occurred in one specific newly arisen plot at the expense of another one. Moreover, new marginal parts of lands came into being during the division of larger soil complexes, and hence zones with potentially reduced yields.O
Using UAV to Identify the Optimal Vegetation Index for Yield Prediction of Oil Seed Rape (Brassica napus L.) at the Flowering Stage
Suitability of the vegetation indices of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), blue normalized difference vegetation index (BNDVI), and normalized difference yellowness index (NDYI) obtained by means of UAV at the flowering stage of oil seed rape for the prediction of seed yield and usability of these vegetation indices in the identification of anomalies in the condition of the flowering growth were verified based on the regression analysis. Correlation analysis was performed to find the degree of yield dependence on the values of NDVI, BNDVI, and NDYI indices, which revealed a strong, significant linear positive dependence of seed yield on BNDVI (R = 0.98) and NDYI (R = 0.95). The level of correlation between the NDVI index and the seed yield was weaker (R = 0.70) than the others. Regression analysis was performed for a closer determination of the functional dependence of NDVI, BNDVI, and NDYI indices and the yield of seeds. Coefficients of determination in the linear regression model of NDVI, BNDVI, and NDYI indices reached the following values: R2 = 0.48 (NDVI), R2 = 0.95 (BNDVI), and R2 = 0.90 (NDYI). Thus, it was shown that increased density of yellow flowers decreased the relationship between NDVI and crop yield. The NDVI index is not appropriate for assessing growth conditions and prediction of yields at the flowering stage of oil seed rape. High accuracy of yield prediction was achieved with the use of BNDVI and NDYI. The performed analysis of NDVI, BNDVI, and NDYI demonstrated that particularly the BNDVI and NDYI indices can be used to identify problems in the development of oil seed rape growth at the stage of flowering, for their precise localization, and hence to targeted and effective remedial measures in line with the principles of precision agriculture.O
Effect of Mycotoxins in Silage on Biogas Production
Mycotoxins can pose a threat to biogas production as they can contaminate the feedstock used in biogas production, such as agricultural crops and other organic materials. This research study evaluated the contents of deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEA), fumonisin (FUM), and aflatoxin (AFL) mycotoxins in maize silage prior to it being processed in a biogas plant and in digestate produced at the end of the anaerobic digestion (AD) process. In the experiment, three samples of silage were collected from one silage warehouse: Variant 1 = low contamination, Variant 2 = medium contamination, and Variant 3 = heavy contamination, which were subjected to investigation. A significantly reduced biogas production was recorded that was proportional to the increasing contamination with molds, which was primarily due to the AD of silage caused by technologically erroneous silage treatment. The AD was connected with changes in silage composition expressed by the values of VS content, sugar content, lactic acid content, acetic acid content, and the ratio of lactic acid content to acetic acid content. The production of biogas and methane decreased with the increasing contents of NDF, ADF, CF, and lignin. The only exception was Variant 2, in which the content of ADF, CF, and lignin was lower (by 8-11%) than that in Variant 1, and only the content of NDF was higher (by 9%) than that in Variant 1. A secondary factor that also correlated with changes in the composition of the substrate was the development of undesirable organisms, which further contributed to its degradation and to the production of mycotoxins. It was also demonstrated in this study that during the AD process, the tested mycotoxins were degraded, and their content was reduced by 27-100%. Only the variant with low mold contamination showed a DON concentration increase of 27.8%.O
Anaerobic Fermentation of Silage from the Above-Ground Biomass of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) and Maize (Zea mayse L.) as a New and Promising Input Raw Material for Biogas Production
Research of new input raw materials for biogas plants is a very actual topic. There are only a very few studies dealing with the possibility of using silage prepared from the above-ground parts of the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) and maize (Zea mayse L.) for methane production. This study deals with the determination of methane production and methane content in biogas during the fermentation of maize silage with dissimilar additions of the biomass of the Jerusalem artichoke (JA). Except for the effect of the JA's addition on the yield of methane, we also studied its potential influence on the inhibition of the process of anaerobic digestion and the bacterial and methanogenic archaeal composition of anaerobic digestate. There were five model silages prepared; two of them contained only maize or JAs, and the remaining three were mixtures of maize and JA silages (30%wt; 50%wt and 70%wt). The fermentation tests showed that the JA addition (from 30 to 70%wt) resulted in the production of biogas decreasing, on average, by 15%. Based on the performed metagenomic analysis, we cannot confirm an essential influence of JA biomass addition on the composition of the community of microorganisms during fermentation.O
Project physical wardships centers social services in Kyjov
Import 02/11/2016ELBL, Jiří. Projekt fyzické ochrany Centra sociálních služeb v Kyjově. Ostrava, 2016. 76 s. Diplomová práce na Fakultě bezpečnostního inženýrství VŠB-TUO na Katedře bezpečnostního managementu. Vedoucí diplomové práce Ing. Věra Holubová, Ph.D.
Předmětem diplomové práce je navržení Projektu fyzické ochrany Centra sociálních služeb v Kyjově. V úvodní části diplomové práce je uvedeno bezpečnostní projektování. Následující kapitola obsahuje popis Centra sociálních služeb v Kyjově a v pasáži po ní je uveden popis současného stavu zabezpečení. Další část tvoří kapitola, ve které je určena požadovaná úroveň zabezpečení budov. V poslední části diplomové práce byla provedena analýza rizik a na základě zjištěných výsledků jsou navrženy tři varianty zabezpečení Centra sociálních služeb v Kyjově, z nichž je vybrána ta nejvhodnější.ELBL, Jiří. Project physical wardships centers social services in Kyjov. Ostrava, 2016. 76 p. Bachelor thesis on the Faculty of Safety Engineering of VŠB - TUO at Department of security service. Supervisor of the bachelor thesis Ing. Věra Holubová, Ph.D.
The aim of bachelor thesis is come up with physical protection project of the Social Services Centre in Kyjov. At the beginning of the work is defined project of safety. The following part consists of description of Social Services Centre in Kyjov and afterward the section is focused on description of current state of security. The next part of thesis deals with the required level of security buildings. In the final chapter of bachelor thesis was performed risk analysis and based on the identified results are suggested three alternatives of protection of the Social Services Centre in Kyjov which the most suitable option is selected.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvýborn
Security sports complex in Kyjov means of technical protection of objects
Import 05/08/2014Předmětem této bakalářské práce je zabezpečení sportovního areálu v Kyjově prostředky technické ochrany objektů. V úvodní části jsem popsal jednotlivé zákony a technické normy týkající se dané problematiky. V další části jsem definoval a rozebral pojem Fyzická ochrana. Dále jsem popsal sportovní areál a jeho okolí. V předposlední části jsem provedl analýzu rizik a identifikoval možné nedostatky nacházející se ve sportovním areálu. V poslední části jsem popsal jednotlivé nedostatky zvlášť a doporučil možná opatření.The aim of bachelor thesis is the Security sports complex in Kyjov means of technical protection of object. In the opening part I described single laws and technical norms concerning this issue. In the next part I defined and analyzed the concept of Physical protection. Next I described the sports complex and it’s surroudings. In the last but one part I analyzed risks and identified possible deficits in the sport complex. In the last part I described single deficits and recommended possible measures.Prezenční060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvelmi dobř
The efficiency of nutrient utilization by permanent grassland in the Kameničky locality
This work presents the analysis of the effect of grassland management on leaching of mineral nitrogen from rhizosphere and plant biomass production in area of our interest. The determined values show the influence of fertilization and species composition of permanent grassland on leaching of mineral nitrogen and biomass production. The values were determined during field and laboratory experiments. The highest availability of Nmin in the field experiment was detected in the variant N90+PK; the lowest availability of Nmin was recorded in the PK variant. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). In the pot experiment, the highest loss of Nmin was recorded in the variant with N180+PK (16.88 mg.dm−3) with the difference being statistically significant as compared with the other variants (P < 0.05). Measured values of the availability of mineral nitrogen and plant biomass production indicate the importance of species composition at the establishment of new grassland. For example, species composition of permanent grassland has a great importance at the establishment of new grassland on erosion-affected soils in protection areas of drinking water. Because selected species of grasses can immobilize nitrogen in their bodies, thus preventing it’s leaching from the soil