384 research outputs found

    The dietary administration of miswak leaf powder promotes performance, antioxidant, immune activity, and resistance against infectious diseases on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    The feeding experiment's main purpose was to estimate the influence of fortification of tilapia diets with miswak leaf powder (MLP) on performance, digestive enzyme activity, chemical body composition, antioxidant status, immune response, and resistance against bacterial and fungal infections. O. niloticus fingerlings (15.22 ± 0.06 g) were fed four formulated diets fortified with MLP at 0, 2.5, 5, and 10 g kg−1 diet for 56 days. The fish were injected with Aeromonas hydrophila for 14 days at the end of the feeding trial, and then the mortality percentage was recorded daily in all treated groups. The obtained results showed that dietary administration of MLP at 2.5 g kg−1 recorded significantly higher values in all growth, feed utilization, and feed efficiency parameters. The digestive enzyme activity was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in fish fed a low level of MLP (2.5 or 5 g kg−1) when compared with the control group. Furthermore, the higher concentration of MLP (10 g kg−1) significantly reduced the mortality rate induced by Aeromonas hydrophila infection, increased crude protein percentage in fish body and represented highly in vitro antibacterial and antifungal efficiency. Based on the findings of the challenge tests against A. hydrophilia, higher survival was found in infected fish, explaining that MLP at high level of 10 g kg can be used to resist the outbreak of the A. hydophilia disease in tilapia. In conclusion, our obtained data showed that applied MLP in tilapia diets could promote performance, feed efficiency, antioxidant status, immune activity, and enhanced resistance of O. niloticus against infections

    The multifarious endophytic actinobacterial isolate, streptomyces tubercidicus UAE1, combined with the seaweed biostimulant further promotes growth of Avicennia marina

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    Mangrove (Avicennia marina) is a “green lung” tree growing along the Arabian Gulf coastline in the United Arab Emirates. Here, we aimed to determine the impact of the application of a commercial seaweed extract (SWE) biostimulant and endophytic actinobacterial isolates on growth performance and endogenous hormonal levels of mangroves. Therefore, we isolated endophytic plant growth-promoting (PGP) actinobacteria (PGPA) from mangrove roots and evaluated their potential as biological inoculants on mangrove seedlings under greenhouse and open-field nursery conditions. Seven salt-tolerant isolates had the ability to produce different levels of in vitro plant growth regulators (PGRs) and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase (ACCD) and to solubilize phosphorus. Accordingly, only one isolate, Streptomyces tubercidicus UAE1 (St), was selected based on its relative superiority in displaying multiple modes of action and in successfully colonizing mangrove tissues for 15 weeks. In the greenhouse experiments, plants treated with St and SWE significantly (p < 0.05) improved dry biomass by 40.2% and 55.1% in roots and 42.2% and 55.4% in shoots, respectively, compared to seawater-irrigated non-treated mangrove plants (control). However, St+SWE caused a greater significant (p < 0.05) increase in dry weight of roots (67.6%) and shoots (65.7%) than did control plants. Following the combined treatment of St+SWE, in planta PGR levels were found to be greatly enhanced over the non-treated control plants grown in non-SWE supplemented sediments, or plants inoculated with only St without the supplementation with SWE, or with non-inoculated plants grown in sediments supplied with SWE only. This was evident from the significant (p < 0.05) increases in the photosynthetic pigments and production of PGRs, as well as the reduction in the endogenous ACC levels of plant tissues compared to those in other treatments. Tissue nutrient contents of seedlings also increased by at least two-fold in St+SWE treatment as compared to control. Similar effects were observed on all growth parameters under natural open-field nursery conditions. Combining St with SWE not only stimulates plant growth but also potentially has additive effects on mangrove ecosystem productivity in nutrient-impoverished soils in the Arabian coastal areas. This report is the first in the field of marine agriculture that uses SWE as a nutrient base for actinobacteria capable of producing PGRs and ACCD

    Genome-Wide identification and expression analysis of metal tolerance protein gene family in Medicago truncatula under a broad range of heavy metal stress

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    Metal tolerance proteins (MTPs) encompass plant membrane divalent cation transporters to specifically participate in heavy metal stress resistance and mineral acquisition. However, the molecular behaviors and biological functions of this family in Medicago truncatula are scarcely known. A total of 12 potential MTP candidate genes in the M. truncatula genome were successfully identified and analyzed for a phylogenetic relationship, chromosomal distributions, gene structures, docking analysis, gene ontology, and previous gene expression. M. truncatula MTPs (MtMTPs) were further classified into three major cation diffusion facilitator (CDFs) groups: Mn-CDFs, Zn-CDFs, and Fe/Zn-CDFs. The structural analysis of MtMTPs displayed high gene similarity within the same group where all of them have cation_efflux domain or ZT_dimer. Cis-acting element analysis suggested that various abiotic stresses and phytohormones could induce the most MtMTP gene transcripts. Among all MTPs, PF16916 is the specific domain, whereas GLY, ILE, LEU, MET, ALA, SER, THR, VAL, ASN, and PHE amino acids were predicted to be the binding residues in the ligand-binding site of all these proteins. RNA-seq and gene ontology analysis revealed the significant role of MTP genes in the growth and development of M. truncatula. MtMTP genes displayed differential responses in plant leaves, stems, and roots under five divalent heavy metals (Cd2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Fe2+). Ten, seven, and nine MtMTPs responded to at least one metal ion treatment in the leaves, stems, and roots, respectively. Additionally, MtMTP1.1, MtMTP1.2, and MtMTP4 exhibited the highest expression responses in most heavy metal treatments. Our results presented a standpoint on the evolution of MTPs in M. truncatula. Overall, our study provides a novel insight into the evolution of the MTP gene family in M. truncatula and paves the way for additional functional characterization of this gene family

    Improvement of selected morphological, physiological, and biochemical parameters of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) grown under different salinity levels using potassium silicate and Aloe saponaria extract

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    Two successive field trials were carried out at the experimental farm of the Agriculture Department of Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt, to investigate the sole or dual interaction effect of applying a foliar spray of Aloe saponaria extract (Ae) or potassium silicate (KSi) on reducing the stressful salinity impacts on the development, yield, and features of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants. Both Ae or KSi were used at three rates: 0% (0 cm3 L−1), 0.5% (5 cm3 L−1), and 1% (10 cm3 L−1) and 0, 30, and 60 g L−1, respectively. Three rates of salinity, measured by the electrical conductivity of a saturated soil extract (ECe), were also used: normal soil (ECe < 4 dS/m) (S1); moderately-saline soil (ECe: 4–8 dS/m) (S2); and highly-saline soil (ECe: 8–16 dS/m) (S3). The lowest level of salinity yielded the highest levels of all traits except for pH, chloride, and sodium. Ae at 0.5% increased the values of total soluble sugars, total free amino acids, potassium, anthocyanin, a single-photon avalanche diode, stem diameter, fruit number, and fresh weight, whereas 1% of Ae resulted in the highest plant height, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), performance index, relative water content, membrane stability index, proline, total soluble sugars, and acidity. KSi either at 30 or 60 g L−1 greatly increased these abovementioned attributes. Fruit number and fruit fresh weight per plant also increased significantly with the combination of Ae at 1% and KSi at 30 g L−1 under normal soil conditions

    Inactivated pentavalent vaccine against mycoplasmosis and salmonellosis for chickens

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    Mycoplasma and Salmonella are serious pathogens threaten the poultry industry. This study aimed to prepare and evaluate an inactivated pentavalent vaccine targeting bacteria, including Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (ST), Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE), Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky (SK), Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS), from locally isolated strains. The prepared vaccine was adjuvanted with Montanide ISA70 oil and then tested for safety, sterility, and potency. The vaccine efficacy was evaluated in 110 specific pathogen-free, 1-day-old chicks, which were divided into three groups as follows: 1) vaccinated group (50 birds), which was subdivided into five subgroups of ten birds each; 2) control positive (challenged) group (50 birds), which was subdivided into five subgroups of ten birds each; and 3) control negative (blank) group, which included ten birds. Chicks in group 1 were administered the first dose of vaccine at 7 d of age followed by a booster dose after 3 wk. At 3 wk after booster vaccination, the chicks who were administered the booster dose were challenged and kept under observation until the end of the experiment when the chicks were approximately 10 wk. Details of clinical symptoms, daily mortality, weights, and postmortem lesions; serum samples; cloacal swabs; and nasal swabs were collected during the experiment. The humoral immune response to the prepared pentavalent vaccine was assessed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Our findings revealed that the prepared vaccine showed high protective antibody titers against Salmonella and Mycoplasma with 100% efficacy and no mortalities (100% survival rate) were recorded in vaccinated and challenged birds. The vaccine reduced both clinical signs and bacterial shedding post challenge in vaccinated birds in comparison with control positive group. The prepared vaccine did not affect the body weight gain of the vaccinated birds in comparison with control negative birds. The current study concluded that locally manufactured inactivated pentavalent vaccine offers protection to birds and could be employed as an effective tool along with biosecurity measures to overcome mycoplasmosis and salmonellosis in layer and breeder chicken farms in Egypt

    Impact on plant productivity under low-fertility sandy soil in arid environment by revitalization of lentil roots

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    Lentil is one of the essential legume crops, which provides protein for humans and animals. This legume can improve soil fertility through nitrogen fixation, which is imperative in low-fertility soils. The growth and productivity of lentil could be enhanced through improving nutrition and root revitalization. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the impact of root activator (RA) and phosphorus (P) application on morphological, physiological, agronomic, and quality traits of lentil under newly reclaimed low-fertility sandy soil in an arid environment. The RA was applied at four levels of 0 (RA0-untreated control), 1.25 (RA1), 2.5 (RA2), and 3.75 (RA3) l ha–1. RA contained 9% potassium humate, 1,600 ppm indole butyric acid, 200 ppm gibberellic acid, and 200 ppm naphthalene acetic acid. The recommended rate of phosphorus (P) fertilization in the newly reclaimed low-fertility sandy soil (75 kg P2O5 ha–1) was applied, and its amount was increased and decreased by 25 kg P2O5 ha–1 vs. non-added control. Thus, P rates were applied at four rates 0 (P0; control), 50 (P1), 75 (P2), and 100 (P3) kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) ha–1. Our results revealed that treated lentil plants with the high levels of both treatments (RA3 and P3) exhibited superiority in root measurements (root length, total number of nodules plant−1, number of active nodules plant−1, dry weights of active nodules, and total root), nitrogenase activity, chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids, yield traits, and seed proteins and carbohydrates. However, the recommended P level (75 kg P2O5 ha–1, P2) under the high level of RA (3.75 l ha–1, RA3) displayed non-significant differences in yield traits (plant height, 1,000-seed weight, seed yield ha–1) and quality traits (protein and carbohydrate) with the high P level (100 kg P2O5 ha–1, P3). Accordingly, its recommended economically and environmentally to use this coapplication of RA3 and P3 in low-fertility soil for better lentil growth, and seed yield and quality

    Fusarium spp. suppress germination and parasitic establishment of bean and hemp broomrapes

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    Thirty-nine Fusarium isolates were obtained from newly emerged infected bean broomrape (Orobanche crenata) and hemp broomrape (O. ramosa) collected from infested fields of faba bean (Vicia faba) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) respectively, in two governorates located south of Giza, Egypt. All Fusarium isolates were identified to species level and the effect of their culture filtrates on the germination of seeds from the two Orobanche species was tested in vitro. The inhibition of seed germination differed between the tested Fusarium isolates, depending on the plant part from which they were isolated, with isolates from the shoots of Orobanche inhibiting seed germination more than isolates from the inflorescences. The culture filtrates of Fusarium species from O. crenata were more toxic to the seeds of both Orobanche species than the Fusarium filtrates from O. ramosa. Seeds of O. crenata were more resistant to Fusarium culture filtrates than seeds of O. ramosa. The highest inhibition of Orobanche seed germination was achieved by six Fusarium isolates, one of which was identified as F. oxysporum, one as F. equiseti, whilst the other four were all F. compactum. Aqueous mixtures of mycelia and conidia of all the Fusarium isolates were directly sprayed on O. ramosa tubercles attached to the roots of tomato plants grown in transparent plastic bags, and were also used to infest soil in pots seeded with both faba bean and O. crenata. Two of the four F. compactum isolates (22 and 29) were significantly more pathogenic against O. crenata and O. ramosa, respectively, than the other Fusarium isolates tested in the pots and plastic bags. The study clearly shows the potential of biocontrol agents originating in one Orobanche sp. (e.g. O. crenata) to control another Orobanche sp. (e.g. O. ramosa), as many Fusarium isolates deriving from O. crenata were found to be more pathogenic to O. ramosa seeds than the isolates from O. ramosa themselves. This may widen the host range of these fungal pathogens, with the use of isolates from one Orobanche species effective against other species as well

    Effect of Trichoderma reesei degraded date pits on antioxidant enzyme activities and biochemical responses of broiler chickens

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    The long-term use of antimicrobials as growth promoters in poultry feed leads to antimicrobial resistance in pathogens. Thus, alternatives to antibiotics are essential for reasons associated with both safety and cost-effectiveness. Underutilized plant sources need to be developed to replace antibiotics in broiler feed. Several feed resources have been introduced so far, but they have yet to be applied widely. Date pits are a major by-product of the date industry (6–8%) and have the potential antioxidant to replace antibiotics. In this study, fresh date pits were degraded using the mold Trichoderma reesei under solid-state degradation (SSD), resulting in degraded date pits (DDP). A total of 180 Brazilian “Cobb 500” broiler chicks were divided into six feed treatments in triplicate groups. The treatments were corn-soy basal diet (positive control; C+), corn-soy + 20% oxytetracycline at 0.05% (negative control; C–), corn-soy + 10% DDP, corn-soy + 0.2% mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), corn-soy + 0.1% mannose, and corn-soy + 0.2% mannose. The antioxidant and biochemical effects of DDP, MOS, and mannose were determined in the blood serum, liver, and intestine of broilers at age 21 and 42 days. The results indicated that the contents of antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolics, as well as the MOS content in DDP, were increased by the degradation process. Additionally, mannose, glucose, arabinose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid were significantly increased in DDP after degradation. The activity of antioxidant enzymes (GPx—glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and SOD—superoxide dismutase) in the serum, liver, and intestine of broilers fed with diets containing 10% DDP and 0.2% MOS was increased significantly compared to the control group. Malondialdehyde activity was decreased, whereas the mean corpuscular hemoglobin level and the iron content were significantly upregulated in the broilers fed with 10% DDP, 0.1% mannose, and 0.2% MOS diets compared with the control. Thus, DDP can be used to improve the antioxidant status and has a prebiotic-like effect in broiler chicken performance

    Intestinal development and histomorphometry of broiler chickens fed Trichoderma reesei degraded date seed diets

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    A study was conducted to investigate the impact of degraded date pits (DDP) on the development and morphology of the intestine in broilers. Trichoderma reesei was used to produce the DDP using a solid-state degradation method. One hundred and eighty broilers were divided into six treatments in triplicate groups of 10 chicks each. The dietary treatments were: positive control with corn-soy basal diet, negative control with corn-soy basal diet + 20% oxytetracycline at 0.05%, corn-soy basal diet + 10% DDP, corn-soy basal diet + 0.2% mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), corn-soy basal diet + 0.2% mannose and corn-soy basal diet + 0.1% mannose for 6 weeks. The results indicate that a 10% DDP diet increased the activities of the pancreatic enzymes, the villus length, and the villus/crypt ratio, and decreased the crypt depth of the intestine. In conclusion, when compared to oxytetracycline and MOS, DDP can be used as a replacement for antibiotic growth promoters for broilers while improving gut development and intestinal health

    A consortium of Rhizosphere-Competent actinobacteria exhibiting multiple plant Growth-Promoting traits improves the growth of Avicennia marina in the United Arab Emirates

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    Gray mangrove (Avicennia marina) is the dominant vegetation distributed along the coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Despite its performance as natural coastal guardians, very little is known about the reforestation projects to increase mangrove cover over the years in the UAE and in the Arabian Gulf. Plant growth-promoting actinobacteria (PGPA) were isolated from the mangrove rhizosphere sediments found in the UAE and were evaluated for their potential to produce plant growth regulators (PGRs) and to enhance mangrove growth under seawater irrigation conditions. In vitro screening identified nine rhizosphere-competent actinobacterial isolates, in a naturally competitive environment, of which Streptomyces coelicoflavus (Sc) showed a high phosphorus solubilizing activity. Moreover, Streptomyces polychromogenes (Sp), Streptomyces bacillaris (Sb), and Streptomyces ferrugineus (Sf) produced auxins, polyamines (PAs), and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase, respectively. Although sediment inoculation with single isolates significantly improved the dry biomass of mangrove shoots (43.2–74.0%) and roots (40.8–75.9%), the consortium of isolates (Sc/Sp/Sb/Sf) caused a greater increase in the dry weight of shoots (82.1%) and roots (81.6%) compared with seawater-irrigated plants (control). In our greenhouse experiments, the levels of photosynthetic pigments, in planta auxins, and PAs significantly increased in plant tissues inoculated with Sc/Sp/Sb/Sf; whereas ACC contents were reduced. This was also evident as the maximum velocity of rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax) increased four-fold in plants treated with the mixture of isolates over control. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting culturable halotolerant, rhizosphere-competent PGPA inhabiting salty and arid ecosystems applied individually or in combination to promote mangrove growth under harsh conditions such as those found in the Arabian coastal areas