38 research outputs found

    Improvement of selected morphological, physiological, and biochemical parameters of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) grown under different salinity levels using potassium silicate and Aloe saponaria extract

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    Two successive field trials were carried out at the experimental farm of the Agriculture Department of Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt, to investigate the sole or dual interaction effect of applying a foliar spray of Aloe saponaria extract (Ae) or potassium silicate (KSi) on reducing the stressful salinity impacts on the development, yield, and features of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants. Both Ae or KSi were used at three rates: 0% (0 cm3 L−1), 0.5% (5 cm3 L−1), and 1% (10 cm3 L−1) and 0, 30, and 60 g L−1, respectively. Three rates of salinity, measured by the electrical conductivity of a saturated soil extract (ECe), were also used: normal soil (ECe < 4 dS/m) (S1); moderately-saline soil (ECe: 4–8 dS/m) (S2); and highly-saline soil (ECe: 8–16 dS/m) (S3). The lowest level of salinity yielded the highest levels of all traits except for pH, chloride, and sodium. Ae at 0.5% increased the values of total soluble sugars, total free amino acids, potassium, anthocyanin, a single-photon avalanche diode, stem diameter, fruit number, and fresh weight, whereas 1% of Ae resulted in the highest plant height, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), performance index, relative water content, membrane stability index, proline, total soluble sugars, and acidity. KSi either at 30 or 60 g L−1 greatly increased these abovementioned attributes. Fruit number and fruit fresh weight per plant also increased significantly with the combination of Ae at 1% and KSi at 30 g L−1 under normal soil conditions

    Inactivated pentavalent vaccine against mycoplasmosis and salmonellosis for chickens

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    Mycoplasma and Salmonella are serious pathogens threaten the poultry industry. This study aimed to prepare and evaluate an inactivated pentavalent vaccine targeting bacteria, including Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (ST), Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE), Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky (SK), Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS), from locally isolated strains. The prepared vaccine was adjuvanted with Montanide ISA70 oil and then tested for safety, sterility, and potency. The vaccine efficacy was evaluated in 110 specific pathogen-free, 1-day-old chicks, which were divided into three groups as follows: 1) vaccinated group (50 birds), which was subdivided into five subgroups of ten birds each; 2) control positive (challenged) group (50 birds), which was subdivided into five subgroups of ten birds each; and 3) control negative (blank) group, which included ten birds. Chicks in group 1 were administered the first dose of vaccine at 7 d of age followed by a booster dose after 3 wk. At 3 wk after booster vaccination, the chicks who were administered the booster dose were challenged and kept under observation until the end of the experiment when the chicks were approximately 10 wk. Details of clinical symptoms, daily mortality, weights, and postmortem lesions; serum samples; cloacal swabs; and nasal swabs were collected during the experiment. The humoral immune response to the prepared pentavalent vaccine was assessed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Our findings revealed that the prepared vaccine showed high protective antibody titers against Salmonella and Mycoplasma with 100% efficacy and no mortalities (100% survival rate) were recorded in vaccinated and challenged birds. The vaccine reduced both clinical signs and bacterial shedding post challenge in vaccinated birds in comparison with control positive group. The prepared vaccine did not affect the body weight gain of the vaccinated birds in comparison with control negative birds. The current study concluded that locally manufactured inactivated pentavalent vaccine offers protection to birds and could be employed as an effective tool along with biosecurity measures to overcome mycoplasmosis and salmonellosis in layer and breeder chicken farms in Egypt

    Impact of folic acid in modulating antioxidant activity, osmoprotectants, anatomical responses, and photosynthetic efficiency of Plectranthus amboinicus under salinity conditions

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    Salinity is a major threat to the sustainability of agricultural production systems. Salt stress has unfavorable implications on various plant physio-morphological and biochemical reactions, causing osmotic and ionic stress. Exogenously applied folic acid (FA) may at least provide one mechanism to evade the injurious stress effects of saline irrigation water on Plectranthus amboinicus. In this regard, two pot trials were performed during the 2018–2019 and 2019–2020 seasons in an open greenhouse of an experimental farm (29°17'N; 30°53'E) in Fayoum, Egypt. We tested four levels of saline irrigation water (SW): 34, 68, and 102 mM NaCl, plus tap water as the control = 0), combined with FA at three concentrations (25 and 50 μM, plus spray with distilled water as the control = 0). The growth parameters, biochemistry, physiology, elemental leaf status, essential oil content, and anatomical responses were assessed. Salt markedly reduced photosynthetic productivity [Fv/Fm and performance index (PI)], total chlorophyll [soil plant analysis development (SPAD)], and leaf osmoprotectant compounds, i.e., total soluble sugars (TSS), free amino acids, proline, and total phenolics, thus hampering P. amboinicus growth and essential oil yield. However, the addition of FA as a foliar spray to P. amboinicus irrigated with saline water induced increases in Fv/Fm, SPAD, and PI. These were linked with enriched stem anatomical structures, leaf osmoprotectant compounds, and enhanced leaf enzymatic activity, e.g., superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione, ascorbic acid, and antioxidant content. Under salt stress, supplementation of 25 and 50 μM FA increased the growth and production of essential oil by 27.8 and 55.6%, respectively, compared with no applied FA. The highest growth characteristics and elemental leaf contents were obtained when P. amboinicus was irrigated with 0 mM saline water and treated foliarly with 50 μM of FA compared with non-treated plants. Overall, these data showed that foliar spraying with FA reduces the impact of salt stress on P. amboinicus irrigated with saline water

    Exogenously applied salicylic acid boosts Morpho-Physiological traits, yield, and water productivity of lowland rice under normal and deficit irrigation

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    The main constraint on rice cultivation in the Mediterranean area is the limited irrigation and its large water consumption. In addition, rice is very sensitive to drought conditions because of drought stress on morpho-physiological traits and yield reduction. The application of salicylic acid (SA) has been noticed to be very effective in alleviating the adverse effects of drought stress on rice. The current investigation was conducted as a split-split arrangement under a randomized complete block design with two lowland rice cultivars (Giza177 and Giza179) and SA as a foliar application at four concentrations (0, 400, 700, and 1000 µM) under normal and drought conditions. The results showed that plant growth, leaf photosynthetic pigments, yields, and the most studied traits were significantly affected by irrigation (I), cultivar (C), and SA concentration (p ≤ 0.05 or 0.01). The interaction effect of I × C × SA was only significant on the carotenoids content (p ≤ 0.05). The reduction in grain yield and most studied traits was more pronounced under drought conditions. The Giza179 proved to be a drought-tolerant cultivar under all SA concentrations under drought conditions, while Giza177 was a drought-sensitive cultivar. The application of 700 µM SA gave the best grain yield in both rice cultivars under drought conditions compared to other SA concentrations. Grain yield for normal irrigation (Yp) and drought stress (Ys) conditions were highly positively correlated with indices of the mean productivity (MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP), stress tolerance index (STI), yield index (YI), yield stability index (YSI), drought resistance index (DI), harmonic mean (HM), and golden mean (GOL). While they are highly negatively correlated with the indices of the stress susceptibility index (SSI), tolerance index (TOL), yield reduction ratio (YR), stress susceptibility percentage index (SSPI), and abiotic tolerance index (ATI). It could be concluded that SA, as a growth regulator, could be used to alleviate the harmful effect of inadequate water availability in soil on rice cultivars as well as to improve the growth, water productivity, and grain yield

    Coapplication of effective microorganisms and nanomagnesium boosts the agronomic, physio-biochemical, osmolytes, and antioxidants defenses against salt stress in Ipomoea batatas

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    The application of bio- and nanofertilizers are undoubtedly opening new sustainable approaches toward enhancing abiotic stress tolerance in crops. In this study, we evaluated the application of effective microorganisms (EMs) of five groups belonging to photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeast, actinobacteria, and fermenting fungi combined with magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles (MgO-NP) on the growth and productivity of sweet potato plants grown in salt-affected soils. In two field experiments carried out in 2020 and 2021, we tested the impacts of EMs using two treatments (with vs. without EMs as soil drench) coupled with three foliar applications of MgO-NP (0, 50, and 100 μg ml–1 of MgO, representing MgO-NP0, MgO-NP50, and MgO-NP100, respectively). In our efforts to investigate the EMs:MgO-NP effects, the performance (growth and yield), nutrient acquisition, and physio-biochemical attributes of sweet potatoes grown in salt-affected soil (7.56 dS m–1) were assessed. Our results revealed that salinity stress significantly reduced the growth parameters, yield traits, photosynthetic pigment content (chlorophylls a and b, and carotenoids), cell membrane stability, relative water content, and nutrient acquisition of sweet potatoes. However, the EMs+ and/or MgO-NP-treated plants showed high tolerance to salt stress, specifically with a relatively superior increase when any of the biostimulants were combined. The application of EMs and/or MgO-NP improved osmotic stress tolerance by increasing the relative water content and membrane integrity. These positive responses owed to increase the osmolytes level (proline, free amino acids, and soluble sugars) and antioxidative compounds (non-enzymatic concentration, enzymatic activities, phenolic acid, and carotenoids). We also noticed that soil salinity significantly increased the Na+ content, whereas EMS+ and/or MgO-NP-treated plants exhibited lower Na+ concentration and increased K+ concentration and K+/Na+ ratio. These improvements contributed to increasing the photosynthetic pigments, growth, and yield under salinity stress. The integrative application of EMs and MgO-NP showed higher efficacy bypassing all single treatments. Our findings indicated the potential of coapplying EMs and MgO-NP for future use in attenuating salt-induced damage beneficially promoting crop performance

    Pharmacological, nutritional and antimicrobial uses of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves in poultry nutrition: An updated knowledge

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    Recently, developing countries have focused on using innovative feed in poultry nutrition. The plant Moringa oleifera is native to India but grows worldwide in tropical and subtropical climates. Moringa is planted on a large scale as it can tolerate severe dry and cold conditions. All parts of this plant can be used for commercial or nutritional purposes, and it has a favorable nutritional profile. Beneficial phytochemicals, minerals, and vitamins are abundant in the leaves. The leaf extracts can be used to treat malnutrition; they also possess anticancer, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Further, moringa contains antinutritional substances, such as trypsin inhibitors, phytates, tannins, oxalates, cyanide, and saponins, which have a harmful effect on mineral and protein metabolism. Previous research suggested that including moringa in chicken diets boosts their growth and productivity. Therefore, this review focuses on the characterization and application of M. oleifera in poultry nutrition and its potential toxicity. Furthermore, we discuss the nutritional content, phytochemicals, and antioxidants of M. oleifera leaf meal and its applicability in poultry rations

    Pathogenicity of three genetically distinct and highly pathogenic Egyptian H5N8 avian influenza viruses in chickens

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    In late 2016, Egypt encountered multiple cases of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus of the H5N8 subtype. In a previous study, three distinct genotypes, including A/common-coot/Egypt/CA285/2016 (H5N8) (CA285), A/duck/Egypt/SS19/2017 (H5N8) (SS19), and A/duck/Egypt/F446/2017 (H5N8) (F446), were isolated from wild birds, a backyard, and a commercial farm, respectively, during the first wave of infection. In this current study, we investigated the differences in the pathogenicity, replication and transmissibility of the three genotypes and A/chicken/Egypt/15S75/2015 (H5N1) (S75) was used as the control. The intravenous pathogenicity index was between 2.68 and 2.9. The chicken lethal dose 50 values of F446, SS19 and CA285 were 103.7, 103.7, an 104 with a natural route of infection, respectively. These strains took longer than S75 to cause death when infection was carried out through the natural route (HPAI H5N1). After inoculation with the original concentration of 105 and 106 egg infective dose 50 (EID50), F446 had a higher mortality rate with short mean death times of 4, and 7 days, respectively compared with the other H5N8 viruses. Chickens inoculated with F446 and contacted exposed chickens infected with F446 showed the highest viral titer with remarkable differences in all H5N8 tested swabs at 2-4 days postinfection (dpi) compared to S75 at 2 dpi. This indicates that F446 had a more efficient transmission and spread from contact exposed birds to other birds. All H5N8 viruses were able to replicate systematically in all organs (trachea, brain, lung, and spleen) of the chicken with high viral titer with significantly different and more pathological changes observed in F446 than in other H5N8 viruses at 2 and 4 dpi. Compared with H5N1, we recorded a significantly high viral titer in the samples obtained from the lung, brain and both cloacal and tracheal swabs at 2 and 4 dpi, respectively and in the samples obtained from the spleen at 2 and 4 dpi among the experimental chicken. The comparative pathogenesis study revealed that in comparison with the other HPAI H5N8 viruses, the genotype F446 was more pathogenic, and showed more efficient viral replication and transmissibility in chickens in Egypt. The genotype F446 also showed a high viral titer than HPAI H5N1 and short mean death time at the third day after inoculation with 106 and 105 EID50, which revealed a conservation of certain H5N8 genotypes and a decrease in the incidence of H5N1

    Hot red pepper powder as a safe alternative to antibiotics in organic poultry feed: An updated review

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    Globally, several studies have investigated the utilization and efficacy of promising medicinal herbal plants to enhance livestock and poultry production. The most commonly investigated phytobiotics in broiler ration were oregano, garlic, thyme, rosemary, black pepper, hot red pepper (HRP), and sage. Phytobiotics are classified on the basis of the medicinal properties of plants, their essential oil extracts, and their bioactive compounds. The majority of bioactive compounds in plants are secondary metabolites, such as terpenoids, phenolic, glycosides, and alkaloids. The composition and concentrations of these bioactive constitutes vary according to their biological factors and manufacturing and storage conditions. Furthermore, HRP is one of the most important and widely used spices in the human diet. Capsicum annum, that is, HRP, is a species of the plant genus Capsicum (pepper), which is a species native to southern North America and northern South America and is widely grown and utilized for its fresh or cooked fruits. Moreover, these fruits may be used as dried powders or processed forms of oleoresins. Researches have proven that C. annuum is the only plant that produces the alkaloid capsaicinoids. Approximately 48% of its active substances are capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonemide), the main active compound responsible for the intense effects of HRP varieties and the main component inducing the hot flavor. This review aimed to highlight the effects of HRP as a phytobiotic in broiler nutrition and its mode of action as a possible alternative to antibiotics and clarify its impact on broiler and layer productivity

    Integrated application of bacterial carbonate precipitation and silicon nanoparticles enhances productivity, physiological attributes, and antioxidant defenses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under semi-arid conditions

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    The use of calcium carbonate-precipitating bacteria (CCPB) has become a well-established ground-improvement technique. However, the effect of the interaction of CCPB with nanoparticles (NPs) on plant performance is still meager. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the role of CCPB and/or silicon NPs (Si-NPs) on the growth, physio-biochemical traits, and antioxidative defense of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under semi-arid environmental conditions. A 2-year pot experiment was carried out to determine the improvement of the sandy soil inoculated with CCPB and the foliar application of Si-NPs on wheat plants. We tested the following treatments: spraying plants with 1.0 or 1.5 mM Si-NPs (control = 0 mM Si-NPs), soil inoculated with Bacillus lichenforms (MA16), Bacillus megaterium (MA27), or Bacillus subtilis (MA34), and the interaction of individual Bacillus species with Si-NPs. Our results showed that soil inoculation with any of the three isolated CCPB and/or foliar application of Si-NPs at the rates of 1.0 or 1.5 mM significantly improved (p ≤ 0.05) the physiological and biochemical attributes as well as the enzymatic antioxidant activities of wheat plants. Therefore, the combined treatments of CCPB + Si-NPs were more effective in enhancing physio-biochemical characteristics and enzymatic antioxidant activities than the individual treatments of CCPB or Si-NPs, thus achieving the best performance in the treatment of MA34 + 1.5 mM Si-NPs. Our results demonstrated that the co-application of CCPB and Si-NPs, particularly MA34 + 1.5 mM Si-NPs, considerably activated the antioxidant defense system to mitigate the adverse effects of oxidative stress, thus increasing tolerance and enhancing the production of wheat plants in sandy soils under semi-arid environmental conditions

    The combining ability for grain yield and some related characteristics in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under normal and water stress conditions

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    Drought is considered a major threat to rice production. This study aimed to determine the effects of drought stress on the estimates of heterosis and the combining ability of rice genotypes for the number of days to 50% heading, plant height, number of panicles per plant, panicle length, number of filled grains per panicle, and grain yield per plant. Field experiments were conducted at the Rice Research and Training Center, Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt, during the rice-growing season in 2018 and 2019. Eight rice genotypes (Giza178, Giza179, Sakha106, Sakha107, Sakha108, WAB1573, NERICA4, and IET1444) were crossed in a half-diallel cross in the rice-growing season in 2018, which yielded a wide range of variability in numerous agronomic traits and drought tolerance measurements. In 2019, these parents and their 28 F1 crosses were produced by employing a three-replication randomized complete block design under normal and water stress conditions. The results showed remarkable differences across the studied genotypes under normal and water stress conditions. Under both conditions, Sakha107 was the best general combiner for earliness and short stature. Giza179 and Sakha108 were the best general combiners for grain yield per plant and one or more of its characteristics. Furthermore, in both normal and water stress conditions, Giza179 exhibited the highest general combining ability effects for all attributes that were evaluated. Under normal and water stress conditions, the Giza179 × Sakha107 cross demonstrated substantial and desirable specific combining ability effects on all the examined traits, which suggested that it could be considered for use in rice hybrid breeding programs. Therefore, we recommend that these vital indirect selection criteria to be considered for improving rice grain yield under drought conditions