25 research outputs found

    The Relation between Visceral and Subcutaneous Fat to Bone Mass among Egyptian Children and Adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: The relation between fat distribution and bone mass is still being debated in children and adolescents.AIM: To verify the influence of both visceral and subcutaneous fat on bone mass among Egyptian children and adolescents.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study involved 78 (38 boys and 40 girls) individuals from children (42) and adolescents (36), aged 8-17 years. They were divided into 2 age groups: children group (20 boys and 22 girls) aged 8-12 years and adolescent group (18 boys and 18 girls) aged 13-17 years. Anthropometric measurements, visceral and subcutaneous fat (measured by ultrasound), body composition, BMD and BMC (Measured by DXA), were attempted.RESULTS: Among children, significant positive correlations between visceral fat; in males; and subcutaneous fat; in females; with total BMC, BMD and its Z-score were revealed. After exclusion of age effect, the association between visceral fat in females with total BMD and its Z-score and lumbar BMD-Z-score became significant.  For adolescents, no correlation was observed between either visceral or subcutaneous fat with any parameter of bone mass.CONCLUSIONS: Visceral and subcutaneous fat had significant positive association with bone mass in children; males and females respectively. On the contrary such association disappeared during adolescence

    Different Tools for the Assessment of Bone Mass among Egyptian Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Several tools such as, dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), quantitative computed tomography (QCT) and self-assessment tool (OST), are being used for diagnosis of osteoporosis.OBJECTIVE: to compare the sensitivity and specify detection rate of bone mineral density (BMD) changes for DXA versus QCT and OST among a sample of Egyptian adults of both sexes.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This study is a cross sectional one, which included 62 Egyptians, aged 20-65 years.  Each individual was assessed for BMD using DXA at femur and spine sites; QCT and OST which take into account body weight and age. Accordingly they were diagnosed as either osteoporotic/osteopenic or normal.RESULTS: The highest prevalence of osteopenia or osteoporosis was diagnosed among menopause women. DXA at femur has diagnosed more cases of osteoporosis (both osteopenic and osteoporotic) as compared to spine DXA or QCT, but OST is out of rang; as it failed to diagnose any case.CONCLUSION: DXA has been found to be more efficacious than QCT scan in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. DXA in femur is better than DXA-spine and QCT. Generally, DXA is the "gold standard" when assessing osteoporosis. Further studies are needed to modify the equation of OST and confirm its efficiency in Egyptians population

    Influence of Parental and Some Demographic Characteristics on Overweight/Obesity Status among a Sample of Egyptian Children

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    BACKGROUND: Overweight/obesity is a multi-factorial problem, which results from rapidly changing social, economic, and physical environments that have led to an energy imbalance.AIM: To identify the association between childhood overweight/obesity and some socio-demographic risk factors, as parental age, body mass index (BMI), education and occupation, family size and residence (urban/rural).SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study included 154 children of both sexes; aged 5-18 years; with their parents; one of them was working at the National Research Centre and from their relatives and neighbours. Data was collected about the child birth weight, family size, parental ages, education, occupation and place of residence. Anthropometric measurements including weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) of children and their parents were conducted.RESULTS: Obesity was detected among 19.5% of children (BMI > 95th percentile), 75.3% of their mothers and 49.6% of their fathers (BMI > 30 Kg/m^2). While overweight was present in 11.0% of the children (BMI > 85th- <95 percentile), 16.9% of their mothers and 36.5% of their fathers (BMI > 25-29.9 Kg/m^2). Child obesity was more prominent in urban than rural areas (21.3% versus 12.5%) and among housewives (22.8%) than among working mothers (16%, p < 0.016). Child overweight was more common in rural than urban areas (12.5% versus 10.7%) and among children with high father education (20%). Child BMI had significant positive correlations only with the child age, parental ages and BMIs, and family size. In spite of that, parental BMIs had significant positive correlations with each other and with family size, and significant negative correlations with maternal education and occupation and paternal education.CONCLUSION: Childhood obesity and overweight were more prominent in urban than rural areas, among children with non-working housewives mothers and highly educated fathers (college or above). Parental education and occupation had an indirect significant effect on child BMI through their significant effect on parental BMIs

    Reliability of Contrast CT and Positron Emission Tomography in Post-Surgical Colorectal Cancer and Its Association with Obesity

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    BACKGROUND: Post-surgical recurrence of cancer colon occurs in one-third of patients within the first two years, so early detection is important. The assessment of the therapeutic response is important to change protocol strategy. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography PET/CT, a valuable tool gives both metabolic and anatomic information for whole-body regions. Obesity is an important risk factor for colorectal cancer. AIM: To evaluate post-surgical and therapeutic colorectal cancer by PET/CT and study obesity association to its prognosis. METHODS: This was a prospective study involved 93 patients with, post-surgical colorectal cancer examined by PET/CT, then follow up after 4-6 months. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference between PET/CT and contrast CT. The sensitivity& the specificity were (96.4%-100% & 92.3%-98.2%) for PET/CT and (84.2%-90.2% & 76.5%-85.4%) for contrast CT respectively. Post-therapeutic follow up showed; progressive course (24.5%), stationary course (26.4%), partial regression (28.3%) and complete regression course (20.8%). Obesity is a risk factor for progression with highly statistically significant to treatment response. Obese patients had a progressive or stationary course of the disease. Also, there was a highly statistically significant association between total abdominal fat & visceral abdominal fat areas with good response of treatment. CONCLUSION: PET/CT is the most appropriate imaging technique to detect any recurrence or metastases in post-surgical colorectal cancer with high sensitivity and specificity comparing to CT. Obesity is a predictor risk factor for prognosis of the disease, as generally and abdominally (total & visceral fat) had an association with therapeutic response

    Inter - Relationship of Awareness, Knowledge, Attitude, Some Socio-Economic Variables and Osteoporosis in Sample of Egyptian Women

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is a global health problem, and its prevalence is rapidly increasing worldwide. AIM: The aim was to assess the awareness concerning some nutritional and socio-economic variables causes the disease in a sample of Egyptian women. METHODS: This study was done among 116 female volunteers. They were divided into two groups, pre and post-menopausal, with a mean age of 42.05 ± 8.25 & 51.13 ± 5.82 years and mean body mass index (BMI) of 30.83 ± 8.18 & 34.24 ± 8.80 kg/m2. A standardised questionnaire, socioeconomic and food frequency chart were used to assess osteoporosis and food intake awareness. Bone mineral density was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Statistical analyses were done using simple percentage and Chi-square test. RESULTS: Data revealed that a low percentage of pre and post-menopausal women were aware of osteoporosis and fracture (16.67% & 12.96% and 30.65% & 19.35%). They had incomplete knowledge about the sources and the beneficial effects of consumption of calcium and vitamin D rich diet. Non-osteoporotic women showed more awareness. Odds ratio predict occupations and educations levels as risk factors for osteoporosis. CONCLUSION: Awareness about osteoporosis and consumption healthy diet were low among Egyptian women, so it is important to implement special osteoporosis prevention program

    25-Hydroxy Vitamin D, Adiponectin Levels and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in a Sample of Obese Children

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    BACKGROUND: Association between vitamin D, adiponectin and obesity is a matter of debate, as they play important role in linking obesity with different cardio metabolic risk factors.AIM: Evaluation of association between metabolic risk factors with both adiponectin and 25-Hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH) D] levels and that between adiponectin and [25(OH) D] among obese Egyptian children.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This case-control cross sectional study consisted of 65 obese and 30 healthy children, aged 8-11 years. 25(OH) D, serum adiponectin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol were measured.RESULTS: The mean 25(OH)D and adiponectin levels in the obese were lower than that in control group (ð‘ƒ<0.000). 25(OH)D were inversely correlated with body mass index, triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. While adiponectin level were inversely correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and positively correlated with high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. However, there is no relation between 25(OH) D and adiponectin levels among obese children and total sample.CONCLUSION: Inspite of strong association between vitamin D and adiponectin levels with metabolic risk factors and obesity, there is no relation between 25(OH)D and adiponectin levels. In obese children, There are significant negative correlations between 25(OH)D with lipid profile, and between adiponectin levels with blood pressure

    Is Neck Circumference an Indicator for Metabolic Complication of Childhood Obesity?

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    BACKGROUND: The possible role of neck circumference (NC) for screening childhood obesity and its complication is not well characterized.AIM: To assess NC and to explore its increase as risk factor with metabolic syndrome (MS) variables. METHODS: Cross sectional case-control study included 50 obese children (BMI ≥95th percentile) and 50 healthy (BMI 15th-‹85th percentile). All were subjected to clinical examination, measuring blood pressure (BP), body weight, height, NC, waist (WC) and hip (HC)., fasting blood glucose, insulin and lipid profile.  RESULTS: MS was detected among 52% of obese participants, but not among controls (0%). Clinical parameters and most of the laboratory values were higher in subjects with MS than in non-metabolic subjects, with statistical significance only in blood pressure and triglycerides. Among obese without MS, NC showed significantly positive correlations with age, weight, height, WC, HC and negative with LDL. While among Obese with MS, NC showed significantly positive correlations with age, weight, height, BMI-SDS, WC, HC and DBP.CONCLUSION: NC can be considered as a good indicator and predictor for obesity, especially central obesity. However, NC has no relation with lipid profile or fasting blood sugar

    Dietary Behaviour Pattern and Physical Activity in Overweight and Obese Egyptian Mothers: Relationships with Their Children's Body Mass Index

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity and related morbidity increase in Egyptian women and their children. A better understanding of dietary and activity patterns is needed to reduce obesity prevalence.AIM: The present study aimed to assess dietary patterns and physical activity in Egyptian overweight and obese mothers and to explore its relationships with their children's body mass index (BMI).SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This descriptive case-control study was conducted at the National Research Center. The study included a sample of 64 overweight and obese mothers and 75 children, compared with apparently healthy non-obese mothers and their children of matched age and social class. Tested questionnaires were used to collect information of the studied subjects.RESULTS: A statistically significantly higher incidence of unemployment, large family size was observed in overweight & obese women compared to controls (P < 0.05). Those women who consumed vegetables more than 3 times a week were less likely to be overweight or obese (P < 0.05). No significant association were detected between mothers' physical activity, dietary behaviour variables and children’s BMI except for consuming beverages with added sugar (95%CI = 0.074-0.985, P<0.05).CONCLUSION: Improper dietary patterns, nonworking mothers and big family size are associated with obesity among Egyptian women. Emphasis should be given to increasing physical activity and encourage healthier diets among Egyptian mothers and their children

    Eating Habits and Lifestyles among a Sample of Obese Working Egyptian Women

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    BACKGROUND: The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended.AIM: To figure out food habits and different lifestyle pattern among a sample of Egyptian females working at the National Research Centre.METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive study, including 138 overweight and obese Egyptian females (BMI ≥ 25 Kg/m2); working at the National Research Centre; was done. A specific questionnaire was used to gather information regarding lifestyle including dietary habits, physical activity and sedentary behaviour. RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight among the studied subjects was 27%, while that of obesity was 38%. Missing and or infrequent intake of breakfast at home, frequent consumption of snacks, low serving per day of fruits and vegetables with frequent consumption of sweets, fried food, eating while watching TV and sedentary behaviour were all predictors of obesity and overweight among the current sample.CONCLUSION: The present study identified several lifestyle factors and improper dietary habits associated with overweight and obesity among Egyptian females. There is a great need to change these habits to avoid the increasing risk of obesity. A national plan of action to overcome obesity is urgently needed to reduce its economic and health burden

    Comparison of Three Protocols: Dietary Therapy and Physical Activity, Acupuncture, or Laser Acupuncture in Management of Obese Females

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to compare efficiency of three types of obesity management protocols: dietary measures and physical activity; acupuncture or laser acupuncture with   healthy diet among obese females.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Randomized longitudinal prospective study, carried out on 76 adult females. Blood pressure, anthropometric, ultrasonographic and biochemical assessments were done.RESULTS: Females undergo nutritional intervention showed highly significant improvement in the anthropometric measurements, visceral fat at umbilicus by US and diastolic blood pressure (decreased), and insignificant differences in fasting blood sugar and lipid profile. Female undergo acupuncture intervention showed highly significant improvement in visceral fat by US, lipid profile (decreased triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL, and increased HDL), and decreased fasting blood sugar, and insignificant differences in the anthropometric measurements. Those undergo laser intervention showed highly significant improvement in all anthropometric measurements under study, visceral fat at umbilicus by US, blood pressure and some parameters of lipid profile (decreased total cholesterol and LDL). CONCLUSIONS: Nutritional intervention alone could be used to reduce weight if the lipid profile within normal range, but if it is impaired, acupuncture should be used beside. To strength the reduction in body anthropometry, laser intervention was recommended beside the nutritional intervention