23 research outputs found

    Artinian Gorenstein algebras with linear resolutions

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    Fix a pair of positive integers d and n. We create a ring R and a complex G of R-modules with the following universal property. Let P be a polynomial ring in d variables over a field and let I be a grade d Gorenstein ideal in P which is generated by homogeneous forms of degree n. If the resolution of P/I by free P-modules is linear, then there exists a ring homomorphism from R to P such that P tensor G is a minimal homogeneous resolution of P/I by free P-modules. Our construction is coordinate free

    Bounds for the Multiplicity of Gorenstein algebras

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    We prove upper bounds for the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity of standard graded Gorenstein algebras. The main tool that we use is Boij-S\"oderberg theory to obtain a decomposition of the Betti table of a Gorenstein algebra as the sum of rational multiples of symmetrized pure tables. Our bound agrees with the one in the quasi-pure case obtained by Srinivasan [J. Algebra, vol.~208, no.~2, (1998)]

    Gorenstein Hilbert Coefficients

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    We prove upper and lower bounds for all the coefficients in the Hilbert Polynomial of a graded Gorenstein algebra S=R/IS=R/I with a quasi-pure resolution over RR. The bounds are in terms of the minimal and the maximal shifts in the resolution of RR . These bounds are analogous to the bounds for the multiplicity found in \cite{S} and are stronger than the bounds for the Cohen Macaulay algebras found in \cite{HZ}.Comment: 20 page

    The Scarf complex and betti numbers of powers of extremal ideals

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    This paper is concerned with finding bounds on betti numbers and describing combinatorially and topologically (minimal) free resolutions of powers of ideals generated by a fixed number qq of square-free monomials. Among such ideals, we focus on a specific ideal Eq\mathcal{E}_q, which we call {\it extremal}, and which has the property that for each rβ‰₯1r\ge 1 the betti numbers of Eqr{\mathcal{E}_q}^r are an upper bound for the betti numbers of IrI^r for any ideal II generated by qq square-free monomials (in any number of variables). We study the Scarf complex of the ideals Eqr{\mathcal{E}_q}^r and use this simplicial complex to extract information on minimal free resolutions. In particular, we show that Eqr{\mathcal{E}_q}^r has a minimal free resolution supported on its Scarf complex when q≀4q\leq 4 or when r≀2r\leq 2, and we describe explicitly this complex. For any qq and rr, we also show that Ξ²1(Eqr)\beta_1({\mathcal{E}_q}^r) is the smallest possible, or in other words equal to the number of edges in the Scarf complex. These results lead to effective bounds on the betti numbers of IrI^r, with II as above. For example, we obtain that pd(Ir)≀5(I^r)\leq 5 for all ideals II generated by 44 square-free monomials and any rβ‰₯1r\geq 1