34 research outputs found

    Dizaj i statistička optimizacija liposfera s glipizidom pomoću metodologije odgovora površine

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    A 32 factorial design was employed to produce glipizide lipospheres by the emulsification phase separation technique using paraffin wax and stearic acid as retardants. The effect of critical formulation variables, namely levels of paraffin wax (X1) and proportion of stearic acid in the wax (X2) on geometric mean diameter (dg), percent encapsulation efficiency (% EE), release at the end of 12 h (rel12) and time taken for 50% of drug release (t50), were evaluated using the F-test. Mathematical models containing only the significant terms were generated for each response parameter using the multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Both formulation variables studied exerted a significant influence (p < 0.05) on the response parameters. Numerical optimization using the desirability approach was employed to develop an optimized formulation by setting constraints on the dependent and independent variables. The experimental values of dg, % EE, rel12 and t50 values for the optimized formulation were found to be 57.54 ± 1.38 µm, 86.28 ± 1.32 %, 77.23 ± 2.78 % and 5.60 ± 0.32 h, respectively, which were in close agreement with those predicted by the mathematical models. The drug release from lipospheres followed first-order kinetics and was characterized by the Higuchi diffusion model. The optimized liposphere formulation developed was found to produce sustained anti-diabetic activity following oral administration in rats.32 faktorijalni dizajn primijenjen je za pripravu liposfera s glipizidom metodom separacije pomoću emulzija koristeći parafinski vosak i starinsku kiselinu kao tvari za usporavanje. Pomoću F-testa praćen je učinak kritičnih varijabli tijekom formuliranja, tj. količina parafinskog voska (X1) i udio stearinske kiseline (X2) na srednji promjer liposfera (dg), postotak inkapsulirane ljekovite tvari (% EE), oslobađanje ljekovite tvari nakon 12 h (rel12) te vrijeme potrebno za oslobađanje 50% ljekovite tvari (t50). Pomoću multiple linearne regresijske analize (MLRA) i analize varijabli (ANOVA) za svaki su parametar načinjeni matematički modeli koji sadrže samo značajne varijable. Proučavanje varijabli na oba načina ukazalo je na njihov značajan utjecaj (p < 0,05) na parametre liposfera. Postavljanjem ograničenja na zavisne i nezavisne varijable provedena je numerička optimizacija na principu poželjnosti. Eksperimentalne vrijednosti dg, % EE, rel12 i t50 optimiziranih formulacija bile su 57,54 ± 1,38 µm, 86,28 ± 1,32%, 77,23 ± 2,78% i 5,60 ± 0,32 h. Dobivene eksperimentalne vrijednosti iznosile su vrlo slične vrijednostima predviđenim matematičkim modelima. Oslobađanje glipizida iz liposfera slijedio je kinetiku prvog reda i okarakterizirano je Higuchijevim difuzijskim modelom. Optimizirane liposfere su nakon peroralne primjene na štakorima pokazale produljeni antidijabetički učinak

    Lipospheres as Carriers for Topical Delivery of Aceclofenac: Preparation, Characterization and In Vivo Evaluation

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    The purpose of this study was to prepare lipospheres containing aceclofenac intended for topical skin delivery with the aim of exploiting the favorable properties of this carrier system and developing a sustained release formula to overcome the side effects resulting from aceclofenac oral administration. Lipospheres were prepared using different lipid cores and phospholipid coats adopting melt and solvent techniques. Characterization was carried out through photomicroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, particle size analysis, DSC, In vitro drug release and storage study. The anti-inflammatory effect of liposphere systems was assessed by the rat paw edema technique and compared to the marketed product. Results revealed that liposphere systems were able to entrap aceclofenac at very high levels (93.1%). The particle size of liposphere systems was well suited for topical drug delivery. DSC revealed the molecular dispersion of aceclofenac when incorporated in lipospheres. Both entrapment efficiency and release were affected by the technique of preparation, core and coat types, core to coat ratio and drug loading. Lipospheres were very stable after 3 months storage at 2–8°C manifested by low leakage rate (less than 7%) and no major changes in particle size. Finally, liposphere systems were found to possess superior anti-inflammatory activity compared to the marketed product in both lotion and paste consistencies. Liposphere systems proved to be a promising topical system for the delivery of aceclofenac as they possessed the ability to entrap the drug at very high levels and high stability, and to sustain the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug