1 research outputs found

    HLA-DRB1 alleles in children with post-streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis

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    To investigate the association between HLA-DRB1 alleles and post-streptococcal acuteglomerulonephritis (PSAGN), 32 children withPSAGN and 380 healthy subjects from the samelocality were typed for DRB1alleles usingpolymerase chain-reverse hybridization technique.Patients with PSAGN have significantly increasedfrequency of both DRB1* 03011 (46.9 vs. 19.2% incontrols, P = 0.00025) and DRB1* 1105 (31.1 vs.15.6% in controls, P = 0.0097). However, aftercorrection of P values, only the difference for DRB1*03011 remains significant (P = 0.025). Their relativerisks are significantly high [3.71, confidence interval(Cl) = 1.8-7.8, and 3.57, Cl = 1.4-8.9 respectively].No significant differences in the frequency of bothalleles arc observed among patients with differentgrades of hypertension, proteinuria or hematuria.Conclusions: DRB1* 03011, and presumably 1105,alleles confer susceptibility to PSAGN. However theseverity of the disease is not determined by these twoalleles