4 research outputs found

    دراسة قياسية لسوق العمل فى مصر بإستخدام نموذج التوازن العام

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    Human labor input is considered the essential core in arising and increasing gross national product, so the equilibrium between supply and demand for labor, is one of the pivots of Egyptian strategy, the overcoming unemployment is the challenging for economic reform in Egypt, by creation productive true employment in all fields. There are many problems hinder motivation the economic development, so the main research problem of the study, can be summarized in the effectiveness of economic reform policies, in the shade of fiscal and monetary policies tools that affect the equilibrium of the structure of labor market. The objective of the study is to explore the effect and role of the economic variables on the behavior and equilibrium of the economic sectors relations through the general equilibrium model. To achieve the objective of the study, the dynamic Liverpool model, that is considered one of the general equilibrium models was estimated, by simultaneous equations system, according to Jerry Hausman method of non linear full information maximum likelihood (NL-FIML). The Liverpool model consists of 28 behavioral equations, and 9 identitiy equations, and included 34 endogenous variables, 28 lagged endogenous variables, and 16 exogenous variables. The study detected and remedied the econometric problems, i.e., autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity, non normality of the random error term, and multicollinearity among independents variables, by using Beach-Mackinnon, White’s generalized method of moments, Box-Tidwell, and Marquardt ridge algorithms, for the previous problems respectively. The study used time series data for analysis Liverpool model, that collected from different sources to cover the period (1980-2002), with respect to agriculture, commodities, and services sectors in Egypt. The results of Liverpool model were consistent with the economic theory, it is noticed that the agricultural sector came in the first order according to the effect of the demand for labor in increasing the agricultural domestic product, also the agricultural national product affects increasing the demand for labor, but the agricultural investment didn’t affect, also, there was substitution between technology and the demand for labor. On the other hand, the results showed the effectiveness of the fiscal policy and ineffectiveness of the monetary policy as a result of the inelastic investment with respect to interest rate in all sectors, also increasing taxes led to decreasing the consumption, as an indicator of the effectiveness of fiscal policy. The demand for money with respect to interest rate was inelastic, as an indicator of the effectiveness of monetary policy. Finally, the study recommended applying expanded monetary policy by encouragement investment, especially in the intensive labor projects, also applying expanded fiscal policy by reducing taxation and increasing government expenditure for increasing production, consumption, and employment rates, moreover, the joint among economic plans, education, and training for achieving the equilibrium labor market, and decreasing the quantitative and qualitative unemployment rates in the Egyptian sectors

    Enhancing KLM (Keystroke-Level Model) to fit touch screen mobile devices

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    This short paper introduces an enhancement to the Keystroke-Level Model (KLM) by extending it with three new operators to describe interactions on mobile touchscreen devices. Based on Fitts’s Law we modelled a performance measure estimate equation for each common touch screen interaction. Three prototypes were developed to serve as a test environment in which to validate Fitts’s equations and estimate the parameters for these interactions. A total of 3090 observations were made with a total of 51 users. While the studies confirmed each interaction fitted well to Fitts’s Law for most interactions, it was noticed that Fitts’s Law does not fit well for interactions with an Index of Difficulty exceeding 4 bits, highlighting a possible maximum comfortable stretch. Based on results, the following approximate movement times for KLM are suggested: 70ms for a short untargeted swipe, 200ms for a half-screen sized zoom, and 80ms for an icon pointing from a home position. These results could be used by developers of mobile phone and tablet applications to describe tasks as a sequence of the operators used and to predict user interaction times prior to creating prototypes

    Novel text entry and mobile interaction techniques for Arabic language users

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    Inspired by an observational study of Egyptian Agricultural Census counters, this research aims to improve mobile data entry though better form navigation and improved Arabic text entry. Four improvements were taken into consideration in sequence: (1) minimizing large forms to fit small mobile device screens and easing form navigation process, (2) optimizing Arabic keyboard layout to suit Arabic Language users, (3) introducing Gesture-based Arabic Writing Pads (GBAWPs) that fit small mobile device screens and smart watch surfaces, and (4) enhancing a quantitative prediction model to overcome the defect in modeling interactions on mobile devices. This research shows an improvement of form navigation on mobile devices. The approach is based on computerizing forms and using Panning and Zooming as a navigation technique. In order to do so, an observational study was conducted on the Egyptian Agricultural Census (EAC). However, there were considerable challenges in reducing the size of the paper forms to fit mobile devices and introducing fast navigation technique. It was concluded after computerizing the forms that using the Panning and Zooming technique scored less completion task time and workload in comparison to the tabbed navigation technique. Moreover, this research presents a new design of an Arabic keyboard layout for effective text entry on touch screen mobile phones. The approach is based on Pareto front optimization using three metrics: minimizing finger travel distance in order to maximize speed, minimizing neighboring key error ambiguities in order to maximize the quality of spell correction, and maximizing familiarity for Arabic Language users through approximate alphabetic sorting. In user studies, the new layout showed an observed improvement in typing speed in comparison to a common Arabic layout. Currently, there is an opportunity to research new optimized keyboard designs with less usage experience than QWERTY as in mainstream Western European languages. Pareto optimization can produce high quality keyboards for alphabet based languages that could be beneficial when there is less reluctance to change from QWERTY. Furthermore, this research also illustrates Gesture-based text entry as a method used for mobile devices. Its success and acceptance is critically dependent on the reliability of gesture recognition. The gesture recognition of the GBAWP is accomplished through a sequence of touched points or swipes on the screen. In order to maximize the text area field and minimize the number of keys displayed on the screen, a 12-key GBAWP interface was introduced appearing like a 12-key physical keypad phone. Considering the Arabic letters characteristics, structure, and maximizing speed, a 6-key GBAWP layout based on dot recognition was introduced. After conducting usability tests on both the 12-key and 6-key GBAWP, it was found that users could perform text entry on mobile devices using the 12-key GBAWP with an estimate of 2.9 words-per-minute on average. They also executed text entry tasks on a Sony SmartWatch 2 with an average of 3.2 words-per-minute. This could increase to an estimate of 4.5 words-per-minute on average, on the long term. While entry speeds were slow, users found it easy to use and it supports largely eyes free interaction. Gesture-based technique enables users to perform Arabic text entry on small display mobile devices and watches using both the 12-key and 6-key GBAWP. Finally, this research introduces an enhancement to KLM (Keystroke-Level Model), a quantitative prediction model predicting the user's behaviour in low-level tasks. This was acomplished by extending it with three new operators describing interactions on mobile touchscreen devices and tablets. The approach is based on Fitts' Law to identify a performance measure estimate equation for each of the introduced interactions. Three prototypes were developed to serve as a test environment in validating Fitts equations and estimating the parameters for these interactions. Three-thousand and ninty observations took place with a total of 51 users. The studies confirmed that most interactions fitted well with Fitts' Law. On the other hand, it was noticed that Fitts' Law does not fit well on small mobile device screens when the Index of Difficulty exceeds 4 bits. These results enable developers of mobile device and tablet applications to describe tasks as a sequence of operators used and predict user interaction times prior to creating prototypes.Inspired by an observational study of Egyptian Agricultural Census counters, this research aims to improve mobile data entry though better form navigation and improved Arabic text entry. Four improvements were taken into consideration in sequence: (1) minimizing large forms to fit small mobile device screens and easing form navigation process, (2) optimizing Arabic keyboard layout to suit Arabic Language users, (3) introducing Gesture-based Arabic Writing Pads (GBAWPs) that fit small mobile device screens and smart watch surfaces, and (4) enhancing a quantitative prediction model to overcome the defect in modeling interactions on mobile devices. This research shows an improvement of form navigation on mobile devices. The approach is based on computerizing forms and using Panning and Zooming as a navigation technique. In order to do so, an observational study was conducted on the Egyptian Agricultural Census (EAC). However, there were considerable challenges in reducing the size of the paper forms to fit mobile devices and introducing fast navigation technique. It was concluded after computerizing the forms that using the Panning and Zooming technique scored less completion task time and workload in comparison to the tabbed navigation technique. Moreover, this research presents a new design of an Arabic keyboard layout for effective text entry on touch screen mobile phones. The approach is based on Pareto front optimization using three metrics: minimizing finger travel distance in order to maximize speed, minimizing neighboring key error ambiguities in order to maximize the quality of spell correction, and maximizing familiarity for Arabic Language users through approximate alphabetic sorting. In user studies, the new layout showed an observed improvement in typing speed in comparison to a common Arabic layout. Currently, there is an opportunity to research new optimized keyboard designs with less usage experience than QWERTY as in mainstream Western European languages. Pareto optimization can produce high quality keyboards for alphabet based languages that could be beneficial when there is less reluctance to change from QWERTY. Furthermore, this research also illustrates Gesture-based text entry as a method used for mobile devices. Its success and acceptance is critically dependent on the reliability of gesture recognition. The gesture recognition of the GBAWP is accomplished through a sequence of touched points or swipes on the screen. In order to maximize the text area field and minimize the number of keys displayed on the screen, a 12-key GBAWP interface was introduced appearing like a 12-key physical keypad phone. Considering the Arabic letters characteristics, structure, and maximizing speed, a 6-key GBAWP layout based on dot recognition was introduced. After conducting usability tests on both the 12-key and 6-key GBAWP, it was found that users could perform text entry on mobile devices using the 12-key GBAWP with an estimate of 2.9 words-per-minute on average. They also executed text entry tasks on a Sony SmartWatch 2 with an average of 3.2 words-per-minute. This could increase to an estimate of 4.5 words-per-minute on average, on the long term. While entry speeds were slow, users found it easy to use and it supports largely eyes free interaction. Gesture-based technique enables users to perform Arabic text entry on small display mobile devices and watches using both the 12-key and 6-key GBAWP. Finally, this research introduces an enhancement to KLM (Keystroke-Level Model), a quantitative prediction model predicting the user's behaviour in low-level tasks. This was acomplished by extending it with three new operators describing interactions on mobile touchscreen devices and tablets. The approach is based on Fitts' Law to identify a performance measure estimate equation for each of the introduced interactions. Three prototypes were developed to serve as a test environment in validating Fitts equations and estimating the parameters for these interactions. Three-thousand and ninty observations took place with a total of 51 users. The studies confirmed that most interactions fitted well with Fitts' Law. On the other hand, it was noticed that Fitts' Law does not fit well on small mobile device screens when the Index of Difficulty exceeds 4 bits. These results enable developers of mobile device and tablet applications to describe tasks as a sequence of operators used and predict user interaction times prior to creating prototypes

    Pareto optimized arabic mobile keyboard layout

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    This paper explains a pareto optimized arabic mobile keyboard layou