3 research outputs found

    El patrimonio geol贸gico de Marruecos: una potencialidad para el desarrollo de un turismo de salud, como factor de lucha contra la pobreza

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    The whole Moroccan territory conceals a rich essentially thermal and mineral geological heritage. The exploitation of this national heritage to therapeutic ends can play an important economic and social role by the generation of jobs, especially in the arid and of the Sahara zones that endure the drought, the desertification and the emigration of the farming youngsters. It is in the setting of the call of the Chief of Staff of the united Nations inviting, in the declaration of the Millennium, the nations to contribute important way to the struggle against poverty and the extreme poverty, that we proposed, for these resource less surroundings, the tourism of health like an alternative of development associating the struggle against poverty and the lasting tourism. Our article also appears in the setting of the National Initiative for the Human Development (NIHD), placing the Moroccan citizen as finality of the develop-ment strategies and first factor and strength of this developmen

    El patrimonio geol贸gico de Marruecos: una potencialidad para el desarrollo de un turismo de salud, como factor de lucha contra la pobreza

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    El conjunto del territorio marroqu铆 encierra un rico patrimonio geol贸gico esencialmente t茅rmico y mineral. La explotaci贸n de este patrimonio nacional con fines terap茅uticos puede desempe帽ar un papel econ贸mico y social importante para la creaci贸n de empleo, sobre todo en las zonas 谩ridas y saharianas que sufren la sequ铆a, la desertificaci贸n y la emigraci贸n de los j贸venes que habitan en zonas rurales. En el marco la Declaraci贸n del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas invitando a las naciones del mundo a contribuir de manera prioritaria en la lucha contra la pobreza y la extrema pobreza, se inserta nuestra propuesta, para los sectores m谩s desprovistos, de un turismo de salud como la clave para asociar la lucha contra la pobreza y el turismo sostenible, sin desvirtuar el patrimonio natural ni condenarlo a la desaparici贸n. Nuestro art铆culo se inscribe asimismo en el marco de la Iniciativa Nacional para el Desarrollo Humano (INDH) que sit煤a el ciudadano como objetivo de las estrategias de desarrollo y factor prioritario del mismo

    Le remplissage synrift au permien et au trias du bassin de Tahanaout (Haut Atlas de Marrakech, Maroc) géodynamique et organisation sédimentaire

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    The perno-triasic basin of Tahanaout reflects a tectono-sedimentary organization typical of synrift basins. The genetic modes of its replenishment, reviewed in light of the sedimentary heterogeneity and the position of the sediments reveal an evolution in 3 episodes: individualization, differentiation and homogenization. The tectonics expresses itself every time, by a reorganization of the deposit areas, a dissymmetry of the syntectonic gutters and structures in the tilled blocks, within a NS extensional regime (episode 1) and NW-SE even (episode 11 and 111). The intermediate sequences follow each other in sequences of deposit that reflect and evolve in fluvio-deltaic environments, since the cone toward the alluvial or deltaic plain according to a topographic gradient. The sedimentary model suggests the existance basins in vertical relays in severa1 lateral progradation phases interrupted by phases of silt-clay sedimentary aggradations. The generalized semi-arid climate and the closed country environment plays an important role in the configuration of this type of basins, whose borders are essentially clastics, of an extended alluvial plain.<br><br>Le bassin permo-triasique de Tahanaout refl&egrave;te une &eacute;volution typique des bassins synrifts. Les modalit&eacute;s g&eacute;n&eacute;tiques de son remplissage, r&eacute;v&egrave;lent une organisation en 3 &eacute;pisodes tectonos&eacute;dimentaires: l&rsquo;individualisation, la diff&eacute;renciation et l&rsquo;homog&eacute;n&eacute;isation du bassin. La tectonique s&rsquo;exprime par la cr&eacute;ation de goutti&egrave;res syntectoniques et de structures en blocs bascul&eacute;s et s&rsquo;inscrit dans un r&eacute;gime extensif N-S (&eacute;pisode I) puis NW-SE (&eacute;pisodes II et III). La s&eacute;dimentation continentale s&rsquo;organise en plusieurs cycles de progradation &ndash; r&eacute;trogradation; dans laquelle, les s&eacute;quences du milieu retracent toute la dynamique des environnements fluvio-delta&iuml;ques, depuis le cone vers la plaine alluviale ou delta&iuml;que selon un gradient topographique d&eacute;croissant. Le mod&egrave;le s&eacute;dimentaire propose un remplissage en plusieurs phases de progradation lat&eacute;rales interrompues par des phases d&rsquo;aggradations s&eacute;dimentaires silto-argileuses. Le climat semiaride g&eacute;n&eacute;ralis&eacute; joue un r&ocirc;le important dans la nature et l&rsquo;hydrodynamisme des apports ainsi que l&rsquo;&eacute;laboration des cycles s&eacute;dimentaires