2 research outputs found

    Znaczenie fazy przedanalitycznej w badaniach immunohematologicznych

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    The preanalytical phase plays a very important role in immunohematology testing. Failure to identify and eliminate inaccuracies at that stage may lead to errors resulting in the adverse events and reactions. One common error is neglecting to verify the patient鈥檚 identity or misidentification of the patient鈥檚 identity. Such Practice will potentially generate errors in immunohematology testing proces and, what follows, also in writing orders for blood and its components; this, in turn, may lead to their administration to the wrong patient. Another consequence may be a need to postpone the transfusion due to incorrectly filled documents, containing inaccurate patient鈥檚 data. Another problem is missing or incomplete information regarding serological and medical treatment history, which can complicate and significantly prolong the testing proces conducted in a transfusion immunology laboratory or even result in erroneous requests for blood and blood components. A request containing inaccurate or incomplete information may consequently contribute to the transfusion being postponed. It is of note that a requisition form for blood and blood components may only be filled basing on a confirmed blood group report, i.e. the result yielded by two blood typing tests, the record in a military service book or in a blood group card. It is considered unacceptable to write blood requests relying on an incorrect, illegible or incomplete blood group record or the information from maternity record, a key ring, bracelet or a tattoo stating the blood type. Owing to a range of clinical situations, the security of selecting blood and blood components for transfusion requires, apart from strict adherence to the procedures, an individual approach to particular blood recipients and close cooperation with laboratory diagnosticians.Faza przedanalityczna pe艂ni bardzo wa偶n膮 rol臋, je艣li chodzi o badania immunohematologiczne. Nieprawid艂owo艣ci nie wychwycone na tym etapie mog膮 prowadzi膰 do szeregu b艂臋d贸w a te z kolei do wyst膮pienia niepo偶膮danych zdarze艅 i reakcji. Jednym z najcz臋艣ciej pojawiaj膮cych si臋 problem贸w prowadz膮cych do pojawienia si臋 niepo偶膮danych zdarze艅 jest zaniechanie identyfikacji pacjenta lub przeprowadzenie jej w nieprawid艂owy spos贸b. Post臋powanie to mo偶e spowodowa膰 b艂臋dy w oznaczeniach immunohematologicznych oraz nieprawid艂owe wypisanie zam贸wie艅 na krew i jej sk艂adniki, a nawet mo偶e prowadzi膰 do podania krwi i jej sk艂adnik贸w niew艂a艣ciwemu pacjentowi lub odwo艂anie przetoczenia ze wzgl臋du na nieprawid艂owo uzupe艂nion膮 dokumentacj臋 niezgodn膮 z danymi pacjenta. Brak informacji o przesz艂o艣ci serologicznej pacjenta i stosowanym leczeniu mo偶e utrudni膰 i znacznie wyd艂u偶y膰 czas oznacze艅 prowadzonych w pracowni immunologii transfuzjologicznej oraz czasem prowadzi膰 do wypisania niew艂a艣ciwych zam贸wie艅 na krew i jej sk艂adniki. B艂臋dnie lub niekompletnie wype艂nione zam贸wienie mo偶e skutkowa膰 op贸藕nieniem transfuzji. Zam贸wienie na krew i jej sk艂adniki mo偶e zosta膰 wype艂nione tylko na podstawie potwierdzonego wyniku grupy krwi czyli wyniku opartego na dw贸ch oznaczeniach grupy krwi, kt贸ry mo偶e by膰 w formie papierowej, lub karty grupy krwi albo wpisu zawartego w ksi膮偶eczce 偶o艂nierza zawodowego. Niedopuszczalne jest wpisywanie zam贸wie艅 w oparciu o nieprawid艂owy, nieczytelny, niekompletny wynik grupy krwi lub wynik zawarty w informacji z karty ci膮偶y, breloczku, bransoletce lub tatua偶u z grup膮 krwi. Ze wzgl臋du na r贸偶ne sytuacje kliniczne, bezpieczny dob贸r krwi i jej sk艂adnik贸w do przetoczenia, opr贸cz 艣cis艂ego stosowania procedur, wymaga te偶 indywidualnego podej艣cia do poszczeg贸lnych biorc贸w krwi i bardzo 艣cis艂ej wsp贸艂pracy lekarzy z diagnostami laboratoryjnymi

    Activity of Total Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase in the Serum of Patients with Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Background and objectives: The aim of the current study was to assess the use of determinations of total alcohol dehydrogenase and the activity of its isoenzymes as well as aldehyde dehydrogenase in the serum of patients with alcohol liver disease. Materials and Methods: The testing was performed on the serum of 38 patients with alcoholic fatty liver (26 males and 12 females aged 31–75). The total activity of ADH was determined by the colorimetric method. The activity of ADH I and ADH II, as well as ALDH, was determined by the spectrofluorometric method using fluorogenic specific substrates. The activity of isoenzymes of other classes was determined by spectrophotometric methods using substrates. Results: A statistically significantly higher ADH I activity was noted in the serum of patients with alcoholic fatty liver (4.45 mIU/L) compared to the control group (2.04 mIU/L). A statistically significant increase in the activity was also noted for the class II alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzyme (29.21 mIU/L, control group: 15.56 mIU/L) and the total ADH (1.41 IU/L, control group: 0.63 IU/L). Conclusions: The obtained results imply the diagnostic usefulness of the determination of AHD total, ADH I, and ADH II activity in the serum of patients with alcoholic fatty liver