3 research outputs found

    Zawartość wybranych pierwiastków we włosach łonowych mężczyzn ze schorzeniami tętnic obwodowych

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    INTRODUCTION The present study analyzed the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, lead, cadmium and nickel in the pubic hair of males suff ering from peripheral artery disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS The tests were carried out on pubic hair collected from 88 males (42 – experimental, and 46 – control group) at the age of 37–87 yrs living near Bytom (Silesia, southern Poland). The pubic hair was prepared under a procedure established by the International Atomic Energy Agency, followed by wet digestion in a microwave oven. The concentration of the metals in the pubic hair was assayed with the fl ame (Mg, Ca) and fl ameless (Pb, Cd, Ni) AAS. RESULTS The mean concentration of the metals in the pubic hair was similar to that assayed in head hair by other authors. The pubic hair of males suff ering from peripheral artery disease revealed slightly higher median concentrations of lead and nickel than the control group. Calcium concentration was lower for the pubic hair of males with peripheral artery disease than in the control group. Magnesium and cadmium concentrations were at a similar level in experimental and control groups. Much higher concen- trations of toxic elements (Pb, Ni) were found in the hair of smokers suffering from peripheral artery disease compared to non-smokers. CONCLUSIONS The research did not reveal a signifi cant diff erence in the concentrations of selected elements in the pubic hair of males suff ering from peripheral artery disease compared to the control group, which could be due to small numbers of the group. However, the much higher concentration of the toxic elements (Pb, Ni) in the hair of smoking people from the experimental group compared to the non-smokers was a very interesting observation. Such a signifi cant diff erence between smokers and non-smokers was not found in the control group.WSTĘP W pracy analizowano zawartość wapnia, magnezu, ołowiu, kadmu i niklu we włosach łonowych mężczyzn ze schorzeniami tętnic obwodowych. MATERIAŁ I METODY Materiał do badań stanowiły włosy łonowe pobrane od 88 mężczyzn w wieku od 37 do 87 lat, mieszkających w okolicy Bytomia (GOP, południowa Polska). Grupa badana liczyła 42 mężczyzn, kontrolna – 46 mężczyzn. Włosy łonowe zostały przygotowane do badań zgodnie z procedurą polecaną przez Międzynarodową Agencję Energii Atomowej (IAEA) i poddane mineralizacji mikrofalowej. Zawartość metali w próbkach włosów łonowych oznaczono metodą płomieniową (Mg, Ca) oraz bezpłomieniową (Pb, Cd, Ni) AAS. WYNIKI Średnia zawartość metali we włosach łonowych badanych mężczyzn mieściła się w zakresie zawartości oznaczanych przez innych autorów we włosach z głowy. We włosach łonowych mężczyzn ze schorzeniami tętnic obwodowych stwierdzono nieznacząco większą zawartość ołowiu i niklu w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Zawartość wapnia była w grupie mężczyzn ze schorzeniami tętnic obwodowych nieistotnie mniejsza niż w grupie kontrolnej. Zawartość magnezu i kadmu występowała na podobnym poziomie. Stwierdzono większą zawartość ołowiu i niklu we włosach palaczy z grupy mężczyzn ze schorzeniami tętnic obwodowych w porównaniu z osobami niepalącymi. WNIOSKI Przeprowadzone badania wykazały brak istotnej różnicy w zawartości wybranych pierwiastków we włosach łonowych mężczyzn ze schorzeniami tętnic obwodowych w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną, co może wynikać ze zbyt małej liczebności grup. Znacznie większa zawartość pierwiastków toksycznych występowała we włosach palaczy z grupy badanej w porównaniu z osobami niepalącymi. Tak istotnego zróżnicowania między palącymi i niepalącymi nie obserwowano w grupie kontrolnej

    Analysis of exposure to Hg from the perspective of interaction between elements

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    Background. The aim of the study has been to determine mercury content in selected biological samples: pharyngeal tonsils, gallbladder and femoral head tissues. Methods. Hg content in pharyngeal tonsils (n474), deposits of the gallbladder (n180) in femoral head tissues (n319) has been determined by ICP-AES method with the use of the plasma spectrophotometer Optima 5300DV. Biological samples were dissolved by nitric acid (V) in pressure digestion system in a closed system PD 3-6. Results. Co-occurrence of Hg with other elements was assessed based on two way correlation analysis results. The analysis of mercury co-occurrence with other elements in exemplary biological samples was carried out for samples in which Hg content generally ranged: in femur bone tissue from 0,02–0,97 μg/g; in hydroxyapatites of deposits of the gallbladder from 0,02–0,99 μg/g and in pharyngeal tonsils of children from 0,05 to 5,85 μg/g. Because pharyngeal tonsils are located in the main stream of inhaled air where the highest concentration occurred, the highest accumulation of mercury Hg with other trace elements also occurred. The number of significant accumulations is the greatest and the results are very important in the risk evaluation of two way correlation analysis concerning femoral head tissues. In deposits of the gallbladder the changes of mercury content significantly correlated directly proportional (r0,80 p0,005) Ag, Sr, Ba, Se, Cu, Al in women and in men Cu (r0,80 p0,001). Conclusion. Biological availability of some elements such as As, Se, Be, Sb had a big impact on Hg content in single investigated tissues. The choice of a given biological sample, for risk assessment of Hg, ought to take into account pilot studies results on how mercury co-occurs with other metals

    Secondary dust emission on Ni accumulation in pharyngeal tonsils of children from Silesian Voivodeship cities

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    Introduction. Earlier studies indicated big capacity of accumulation of some heavy metals in ground air layer. The extra input in widespread pollution is attributable to secondary dusting. The aim of studies: The aim of the studies was determination of the role of secondary dusting on the basis of determination of many coefficients described in references. Materials and methods: The work target were pharyngeal tonsils in children residing in different regions of Upper Silesia. The samples were mineralized with nitric acid and were analyzed by plasmic spectrometry for Ni content. The input of secondary dust emission was defined by the following coefficients: secondary emission , enrichment, contamination supplementary mass of a given metal in widespread air pollution. Results: Contamination of pharyngeal tonsils was larger in children residing in towns in which increase of secondary emission coefficients was recorded