9 research outputs found
Pembelajaran Rangkaian Listrik Berbasis Proyek Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Tl Smk N2 Samarinda
This research aims to find the differenceof activities and study achievement of the students who uses the project based learning and thosewho use direct learning process in the electrical circuit subject at SMK Negeri 2 Samarinda.
This reaserch is an experimental research. The sample of the research is tenth grade of L1 as the experimental group and tenth grade of L2 as the control goup.The data is collectied through observation to find the students' learning activities, either classroom activity or practical learning activity in the garage and giving the test related to the materials comprehension of electrical circuits which consists of nuclear structures and electrical basic law to find the students' study achievement. The data analysis is perquisite test to find the homogeneity of the sample and hypothesis test to by using t test to find the difference.
Based on the research, it can be concluded that (1) there is different activities of the students who uses project based learning and those who use direct learning model. The response activity in the project based is 42.86% never give response, 34.29% sometimes give response, and 22.86% often give response. For the direct learning model, there is 68.75% never give response, 22.86% sometimes give response and 8.57% often give response. The average memorizing activities in the project based is 73.571 and it is 64.143 in the direct model with t= -3.552 and the significance of 0.001. The average activity of solving the problem in the project based is 75.214 and it is 49.429 and the score of it is -5.756 and the significant of 0.000. (2) There is different study result of the students who use project based learning and those who use direct learning model. The average study achievement of the students who use project based is 76.7191 and those who use direct learning model is 72.41, the value of t is -3.112 and the significance off 0.003.
Keywords: Project based learning, learning activities, and student study achievement
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Memprogram Mesin CNC Dasar Menggunakan CutViewer untuk Siswa Teknik Pemesinan SMK
Memprogram mesin CNC dasar merupakan salah satu standar kompetensi yang harus dimiliki siswa teknik pemesinan SMK.Pembelajaran dilaksanakan dengan berpedoman pada perangkat pembelajaran yang layak dan baik.Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran, kelayakan penggunaan program CutViewer sebagai media, keterlaksanaan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, aktivitas siswa, respon siswa, dan ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa.Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D model, yaitu define, design,develop, dan disseminate. Perangkat yang dikem-bangkan divalidasi para pakar pendidikan dan diujicoba pada subjek ujicoba siswa teknik pemesinan SMKN 2 Tarakan. Desainuji coba pada penelitian ini menggunakan one grouppretest and posstest design.Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif.Hasil analisis penelitian pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dapat deskripsikan bahwa: 1)perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berupa silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran,lembar kegiatan siswa,dan lembar penilaian dinyatakan valid dan hasil uji coba ada pada kategori baik; 2) program CutViewer sebagai media pembelajaran dinyatakan valid; 3) rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran terlaksana dengan rata-rata baik; 4) aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran sangat aktif; 5) respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran kategori positif dan; 6) ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa tercapai baik individu maupun klasikal. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria dan dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan pada pembelajaranmemprogram mesin CNC dasar di teknik pemesinan SMK.Kata
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Berprestasi terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Ms Excel
This research was aimed to know the influence of learning outcome of students using direct learning model and the learning outcome of students using cooperative learning model – Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) type - on IF logic function. The method used in this research was quasi experiment with Non-equivalent control group design model. The research was held at XI-IA1 class ( using direct learning model) and XI-IA6 (using cooperative learning model type STAD). Choosing the two researched classes was based on random sampling technique. The research design used two way – anova. The instrument used was an objective test ( 7 items) which its validity and reliability had been tested. According to the data analysis, we knew that: (1) There was a different of the learning outcome between the students taught using direct learning model and the ones taught using cooperative learning model – type STAD. This conclusion was based on the result of the hypothesis testing to the two classes - post test score namely; thit 3.983 > ttabel 1.69 or (Fhit) 76.190 > 0.073 (sig.), at significant 0.05. (2) There was no different of the learning outcome between the students who had high achieving motivation and the ones had low one. This conclusion was shown by the result of the hypothesis testing, thit 0.259 < ttable 1.69 or (Fhit) 0.026 < 0.899 (sig.), at significant 0.05. (3) There was a correlation between a learning model and students\u27 achieving motivation. This conclusion was proved by the result of the probability testing Fhit 0.129 < Ftable 0.169, or Fhit 0.129 < 0.720(sig.) at significant 0.05
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Instalasi Sistem Operasi dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
This research is a developmental research by developing the project based learning set of operating system installation. This research aims to find the feasibility of the learning sets which is developed and the study result after applying this learning set. The result which is expected in this research is the feasible project based learning set. The feasibility of this learning set meets the criteria of being valid, practical, and effective. Validity consists of content validity and constructs validity. Practical consists of easiness in applying the learning set. Effective is getting the students\u27 response and achieving the learning goals. The model of developing this learning set is 4-D from Thiagarajan. Three are 1) define; 2) design; 3) develop, and 4) disseminate. The data is collected through observation, validation and test. Descriptive analysis is used to analyze the data.
The result of the first research is the validity of the learning sets get the average score of 3.802. It meets the criteria of very valid. This scoring uses the instrument by using average of 3.3 and the criteria of valid. Second, the average of practical level is 3.80. It meets the criteria of very practical. The third result is the effectiveness of learning set which consists of students\u27 response in the average percentage of 94% and the average of students\u27 study result of 68.66. It meets the criteria of effective. The conclusion of this research is the learning set which is developed is feasible because it meets the criteria of valid, practical and efficient.
Keywords: Developing Learning Set, Project Based Learning, Operating System Installation
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah pada Perawatan Kulit Wajah Berkasus
Pendidikan diselenggarakan untuk menyiapkan peserta didik menjadi pribadi-pribadi anggota masyarakat yang mandiri. Pribadi yang mandiri adalah pribadi yang secara mandiri mampu berpikir, menemukan dan menciptakan sesuatu yang baru, melihat permasalahan serta menemukan cara pemecahan baru yang bernalar dan lebih dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Guru dianggap menjadi orang yang berperan penting dalam mewujudkan manusia yang mandiri. Oleh karena itu guru banyak mendapat sorotan bahkan kritikan tentang bagaimana caranya mengajar yang mungkin hanya terlalu menekankan pada penguasaan sejumlah informasi atau konsep saja. Informasi atau konsep yang diterima oleh siswa dapat saja kurang bermanfaat bahkan tidak bermanfaat sama sekali jika hal tersebut hanya dikomunikasikan oleh guru melalui satu arah. Informasi atau konsep merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting, namun bukan terletak pada konsep itu sendiri, tetapi terletak pada bagaimana konsep itu dipahami oleh siswa. Pentingnya pemahaman konsep dalam proses belajar mengajar sangat mempengaruhi sikap, keputusan, dan cara-cara memecahkan masalah sehingga terjadi belajar yang bermakna
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Simulasi Komputer terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Gresik
This research aims to study the effect of the use of computer simulation as a teaching media toward student's learning achievement in vocational school. The focuses of the study are on the cognitive and psychomotor domains of the students in industrial electronics program and their responses toward the use of computer simulation as a teaching aid.The research was conducted under quasi experimental design with non equivalent control group pretest-postest model. The data on students' responses were analyzed using descriptive qualitative technique while the students' learning achievement scores were analyzed using quantitative techniques.The hypothesis of this research was tested using SPSS version 20 to get t-test score. The result of this research is in form of t-test score and its significance after being compared to the t table.The final score of student achievement from this calculation of the t-score is 11.673 with the sig value of 0.000. As the sig value is below 0.05 or 5%, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the score of learning achievement of the students who used computer simulation and those who use textbook. The analysis of students' responses toward the use of computer simulation as a teaching media indicates that computer simulation is a new media for the students and that this media is interesting for the students with the number of responses of 100 %
This study tries to achieve two major purposes, the development and experiment. The development within this study aims at developing learning instrument. In addition, this study also aims at discovering the influence of learning instrument developed on the students’ communication skill, discovering the collaboration skill of students, revealing the effect of learning instrument on the metacognition ability of students, revealing the effect of learning instrument on the Fabrication conceptual understanding of students. This study employed Four D Model and the experiment design was used quasi-experiment with non-equivalent control group design. The data analysis data of this study employed descriptive analysis and covariant analysis or Anakova. The findings of this study reveal that the learning instrument developed based on scientific approach is effective to enhance the communication skill, collaboration skill, metacognition ability, and fabrication conceptual understanding of the Mechanical Engineering Vocational Program Students of UNESA Surabaya. Considering that communication skill, collaboration skill, metacognition ability are imperative in recent days, therefore it is suggested to utilize this learning instrument during Fabrication Practice Learning as well as evaluating the instrument to generate an improved instrument.  Article visualizations
Analysis of the Effect of Knowledge on Entrepreneurship Readiness Using Random Forest Classification Machine Learning
Entrepreneurship is a phenomenon that has an important influence on the progress and welfare of the world, so that entrepreneurship is used as the base of economic development. Psychologically, entrepreneurs are people who have a strong internal drive as an effort to achieve certain goals so that they have a tendency to experiment in showing a character that is free from the control of others. Entrepreneurship can be seen from various points of view. The angle and context in question are views from several fields, namely according to economists, management, business people, psychologists and investors. The main requirement that an entrepreneur must have is entrepreneurial knowledge. entrepreneurial readiness is determined by the knowledge possessed and experience in conducting a business (Kurniawati, 2019). In the midst of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology today. Not many people know that artificial intelligence consists of several branches, one of which is machine learning. This machine learning (ML) technology is one of the branches of AI that is very interesting. The sample population in this study was obtained from the air transportation school consisting of 7 populations. Data analysis is done by using . The research location is an air transportation school with Machine Learning Random Forest Classification with a population of cadets, lecturers and the general publi
Implementation of Trainer Kits in Project-Based Learning to Improve Critical Thinking, Motivation, and Competency of Electrical Engineering Students
Inovasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek di abad 21 terus dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. Penggunaan Trainer kit menghadirkan beberapa tantangan dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, baik dari segi desain, perencanaan, maupun implementasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan trainer kit Otomasi Instalasi Listrik dalam pembelajaran berbasis proyek untuk meningkatkan motivasi, berpikir kritis, dan kompetensi siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan research and development (R and D) dengan 4 model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes teori dan tes kinerja (ukuran tipe kinerja maksimum, MMP) dan kuesioner (ukuran tipe kinerja tipikal, MTP). Uji coba penelitian ini menggunakan 120 responden mahasiswa teknik elektro tingkat akhir dari tiga universitas di Surabaya, Indonesia. Hasil uji analisis statistik Wilcoxon menggunakan SPSS-23 diperoleh Asymp. Tanda tangan (2-tailed) bernilai 0,000, artinya terdapat peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran keterampilan berpikir kritis, motivasi, dan kompetensi mahasiswa Teknik Elektro dengan menerapkan trainer kit dalam pembelajaran berbasis proyek